Can have in a subtile way some popular color bar or number from 1-100 or 1-1000 or a filter with it with popularity index of the songs, albums and songs within albums.
you are full of ideas, love it!
Would you measure the popularity of the song with the number of streams?
Can you elaborate this idea a bit more?
Let’s see how other members of the community feel about this :)
For example with the total number of streams yeah. The app could show directly that or relating this number directly too a bar. Set a ratio between two numbers to determinate how many percentage has on the bar.
Maybe is good just with the total number streams like 4 million - 4M. Just an aprox at least.
I think would be better total of streams since launch of the song not monthly streams which spotify does i think.
Tangentially related: Can you change the colours of the popularity bar? I have a very hard time differentiating from the “white” bars and the “barely more gray” bars. Perhaps it is because I’m colourblind, but I have to look closely to see the difference; this makes it basically useless for me! :)
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