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- [FEEDBACK] What do you think of "Flow"?
[FEEDBACK] What do you think of "Flow"?
- January 16, 2019
- 347 replies
- Alien SuperStar
- 473 replies
We wish to collect some of your feedback on Flow, that's why we are opening a new dedicated thread for you to share your feelings on this feature.
Do you like it? Why? What do you think we are missing?
Please be as detailed as you can in your comments, cheers!
I was also at first disappointed with the recommendations, but you need to learn Flow. Play play play, everything you love and give hearts to your favorite songs and playlists and albums, add as many of your favorite artists and play play play and ban artists you don't like and Flow will soon catch your note. I am very satisfied. But you have to make friends and devote time to it.
Yes, indeed. Let it learn.
On first day lame, now it is much better than Google’s Feeling lucky which was okay, but always played same favourites over and over and over again. On Deezer I hear new tracks, new favorites, old classics over and over and over again. Today I paid ONE YEAR in advance for this great service.
Pay 10 months and get 12 months is their annual discount. I paid years for Spottily and then GPM receiving no discounts for loyalty. This is my new home for hard dance music since 29.06.20.
They gave me option to keep 2 months I already had trial. They suggested next time I need to cancel with them, go free, and buy annual again with discounted prices unless they give better ways.
I like flow, I like mixes, this service is good bargain at 99,90 a year for this amazing quality.
It works like a charm when something is great.
This is great, worth to pay.
347 replies
- 1 reply
- January 17, 2019
I have not tried Deezer in the car yet so I may have additional feedback after I do that.
Thanks for making a generally awesome service.
- Lover
- 27 replies
- January 17, 2019
Thank you for asking. Hope to see some changes.
- ymns3321
- PedroBrasa
- SkipperSnail
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- The OG
- 2978 replies
- January 17, 2019
use location to suggestion tracks e.g. if I'm in the gym then play upbeat
use gps to suggest e.g. if I'm running then play upbeat
Otherwise it's my go to if I'm not sure what to listen to 🙂
- Author
- Alien SuperStar
- 473 replies
- January 17, 2019
- Author
- Alien SuperStar
- 473 replies
- January 17, 2019
Perhaps you should try the "Discover" playlist within Flow, as it will bring you new music you haven’t heard before that we think you’ll love 😉.
- Author
- Alien SuperStar
- 473 replies
- January 17, 2019
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- January 17, 2019
- Runaway Baby
- 4 replies
- January 17, 2019
i mostly listen to rap and i didn't ever get a suggestion that i liked,for example i never knew i liked Joyner Lucas but after i saw the callab with em on kamikaze i searched him up i fell in love with Joyner but flow never gave joyner to me
i don't know how flow works but if it goes by"ok this guy is into rap,what kind of rap? 90's rap ok wu tang clan it is" if it only goes by the type of music you listen to i think it done wrong,i think it should be done by
1: artists you listen to
2: what other people that listen to the same artists also listen to (beside the ones you share)ex: this guy listens to em and Joyner Lucas, this guy also listens to em and Joyner but also listens to Dr. Dre and snoop dogg, lets but in the 1st guys flow Dr Dre and snoop dogg
3: location(as in country) like seriously i live in Romania listen to some Romanian rap but i only got like 2-3 Romanian rap songs
that's all i have, hope it hopes🙂
- Lover
- 10 replies
- January 18, 2019
- Flow is very limited/boring in selecting tracks. It thinks I might like The White Stripes, but it keeps throwing "Seven Nation Army" at me over and over again, and that's it. It doesn't try to suggest something new if I skip, it doesn't offer more if I continue listening - just the same selection of 1-3 tracks for any given artist. This also leads to next 2 points.
- Flow seems to have no respect for skipping. I don't want to dislike "Seven Nation Army", but I also got a bit tired of hearing it over and over again and skipping it each time. Especially that I'm not listening to The White Stripes (at the moment, at least).
- Flow also seems to have little respect for listening history. I have listened to all (available) Phantogram albums, and have personal favorites which I'm sure Deezer is aware of, but Flow just keeps playing "Black Out Days" and 1-2 other songs, that's all.
- Dislike feature seems to have no respect for artist being disliked. I don't like LP and I know I'm not going to listen to her. But disliking one track only leads to another one popping up, and I have to dislike that one too, and then the next one. And there's no way to dislike a band/artist in whole.
- Flow seems to require "targeted" listening to stay actual. The longer I'm listening to Flow only, without listening to specific artist/album, the more far off the queue becomes, to a point where I have to skip every second track.
- 1 reply
- January 18, 2019
- Lover
- 12 replies
- January 18, 2019
I love the daily and weekly playlists. I think they're the best recommendations I have tried so far (Google Music, Spotify, Tidal).
I wish the general 'Flow' didn't feature as much music that seems to be just popular and instead more of my personal tastes.
- Runaway Baby
- 2 replies
- January 19, 2019
I maint hear songs there that I already have liked or are so popular that everybody knows them.
What would be an great addition is a bunch of rather unknown artists who could truly suprise the listener for ones. You could do so over the related artists and maybe choose some from the same genre but below 100 followers.
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- January 19, 2019
- Runaway Baby
- 3 replies
- January 21, 2019
We wish to collect some of your feedback on Flow, that's why we are opening a new dedicated thread for you to share your feelings on this feature.
Do you like it? Why? What do you think we are missing?
Please be as detailed as you can in your comments, cheers!
Its amazing for discovering more and more music. But I do have a suggestion
And Yes I mean location. I live in Asia for example and I don't want all my songs in "Road Trip" songs to be about some cowboy in west america. If you know what mean.
So depending upon the location where someone lives
- Put in a domestic song after every 5th or 6th song, as a surprise
- Make a department focusing on music preferences in different parts of the world and target the audience with that approach
- People like surprises so bring in their favorite tracks when they least expect them
Thanks for making something so amazing and keeping it cheap!!!!
- Lover
- 10 replies
- January 21, 2019
the flow idea is great, but it would be nice if as a user I could have several custom flows, like I used to have custom stations in Apple Music
I have a very wide taste range and would like a flow for EDM, a flow for rock, a flow for reggae and a flow for lounge for example... each independently influenced by my tastes in those genres and my choices in those flows.
Having just one flow that's trying to combine led zep, deadmau5 & bob marley into one mix does not end well.
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- January 21, 2019
I have about 350 songs and dozens of albums and artists in my favorites.
The biggest problem is FLOW keeps playing the same few dozens songs. It should play at least the number of songs in my favorites plus some new songs.
A second issue is the proportion of new songs to already liked songs FLOW plays. I realize this is a matter of personal preference, so the best solution is to make it a selectable variable ("% new songs" - 0-100).
- Lover
- 10 replies
- January 21, 2019
the flow idea is great, but it would be nice if as a user I could have several custom flows, like I used to have custom stations in Apple Music
I have a very wide taste range and would like a flow for EDM, a flow for rock, a flow for reggae and a flow for lounge for example... each independently influenced by my tastes in those genres and my choices in those flows.
Having just one flow that's trying to combine led zep, deadmau5 & bob marley into one mix does not end well.
Further to this, the ability to "seed" a custom flow with a particular song, artist, genre, playlist... and then have it evolve from there (pandora style) would be amazing
- Deezer Legend
- 1359 replies
- January 21, 2019
Concerning Similar Tracks Radio stations, it seems that they already exist in the Android beta version, as one Reddit user reported recently.
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- January 21, 2019
We wish to collect some of your feedback on Flow, that's why we are opening a new dedicated thread for you to share your feelings on this feature.
Do you like it? Why? What do you think we are missing?
Please be as detailed as you can in your comments, cheers!
Thank you for asking for feedback on Flow. I find that the biggest problem with Flow is it seems to factor too much collective data regarding genres and what other people are listening to. The result seems to be a tendency for popular music that my ears are tired of hearing and nothing from the lesser known scenes that are related to the artists I actually listen to.
Suppose there is an artist A0 and A1, A2 and A3 are the artists related to A0. Also suppose that there are other artists B0, C0... Z0. Suppose that these are the artists I have been listening to, I would like to hear music from the intersection of the artists belonging to A, B, C ... Z sets. With the greatest priority given to music that has not been played before and that is not on the charts as I would have already heard it before from other sources. Factors such as listening frequency and how recent the listens would be need to be included as well. I would like the ability to ignore my location or any other general detail. The more I listen to this other music outside of Flow the more the sets are expanded to include the related artists of those related artists. Thus my music appreciation and taste grows. The selections by Flow could begin from what other users listen to most on your platform (not the charts) and specialising to more personalised selections as it learns more of my listening history. The favouriting business is too much effort. I am not going to favourite every release I enjoyed. Most of the time, I would have enjoyed it too much to think about favouriting.
Another issue is the way Flow is marketed. It seems Flow, based on the way it functions, was *designed* as a shuffle feature for mostly a blend of favourites and popular releases in the genres I have been listening to in a manner it all *flows* in a nice way. However, it is advertised as a music discovery feature. What is being advertised creates an expectation of what you find in the domain of music discovery. There is a place for the way Flow works but if I'm being advertised the wrong product, I'm going to be a frustrated user. So a clarification or correction in advertising on the intended use of Flow would be welcome!
Other general issues include being able to ban an act from ever being included in Flow, not just the track. I use the word 'ban' because 'disliking' is not enough.
- Tiny Dancer
- 3 replies
- January 21, 2019
I'm contemplating switching to Spotify because they just get it more accurate - granted they have a lot of years and the database of users to pull from, but there's got to be a way to improve the accuracy of your algorithms.
- Tiny Dancer
- 3 replies
- January 21, 2019
The 24hour / 3 strikes system is absolutely flawed.
If I hate a song, I want to dislike it and have it be blacklisted immediately and not come back after 24 hours. Having to dislike it 3 times on separate days is way to much work.
On top of that, there needs to be a way to see all songs that were disliked, and a way to undo it.
- Deezer Legend
- 1359 replies
- January 21, 2019
- Lover
- 27 replies
- January 21, 2019
It would be also great to have a separate Flow with only the songs which i've never listened.
- Tiny Dancer
- 3 replies
- January 22, 2019
Another one: flow suggest way often the SAME liked tracks, so that I even have to just skip them.
- Deezer Legend
- 1359 replies
- January 22, 2019
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