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[FEEDBACK] What do you think of "Flow"?

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  • Lover
  • 61 replies
  • February 15, 2023

Until now I’ve been very dissatisfied with Flow, but today it seems to be working pretty well.  It is playing a decent range of good music.  It still doesn’t quite do what it claims (“and new discoveries”) though - mostly playing songs I already know well.

Whether “new” is supposed to be outside the era of my favourites, actually new or unknown songs from the era, I am not sure …  but on the rare occasion it does actually play something I’m unfamiliar with it is usually pretty bad!  (I do wonder if bands do deals with streaming services but I will say no more about this.)

If it played more “new” material I would be happy with it.


  • Lover
  • 61 replies
  • February 16, 2023

Sigh… having said that, it is now repeating like crazy.  There must be thousands of tracks to choose from and it keeps playing the same ones.



Hey @soakes

Thank you for the feedback! 🙂

I will send it to the right team. 🕵🏼

Take care!✌🏽

  • Lover
  • 61 replies
  • February 25, 2023

I think there is a technical issue with Flow which is causing a lot of the song-repetition angst.  It’s hard to describe under what circumstances it happens, but sometimes it starts repeating the playlist, as though you’ve just started it from scratch.  It will play exactly the same songs as it has already played, and in the same order.  What causes it to restart the playlist I do not know, but it happens.

The problem is exacerbated when you have 2 devices.  You might stop playing Flow on one device, then get in your car and play it on your other device and it will play all the same songs that it has played before.  I get the impression it pre-loads the playlist rather than selecting a new song after each song.  Worse, it doesn’t seem to keep track of which songs have already been played, so it will play them again.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • March 7, 2023

whatever you've been doing to flow as ruined it for me. it no longer plays a variety of music just plays the same crap I've listened to already. liking or unliking favoriting stuff doesn't change this era of music it's stuck in no matter what I do it doesn't play what it's been playing what just feels like last week or so. flow is unlistenable every song is something I've heard or pulled from the same era with no variation undo whatever you have been doing to it.

  • Moderator
  • 3225 replies
  • March 7, 2023

sorry to hear this @gutsman52, can you try following the steps in this link? 


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • March 9, 2023

i’ve done everything already to try to “improve my flow” or whatever it didn’t change ANYTHING. It was fine like a week or two ago it was my favorite part of deezer now it only plays the same crap over and over there is no variation of music genre it just plays the same stuff i’ve heard 1,000 times already. It use to be the thing i got new music from now its the thing i hate to hit play on. I’ve liked songs in different genres, unliked songs in others and just about everything that has been suggested it doesn’t do jack. 

  • Moderator
  • 3225 replies
  • March 13, 2023

Have you tried our track mixes @gutsman52

Try listening to thise for a while and then go back to Flow 

  • Lover
  • 12 replies
  • June 20, 2023

I have had the same experience with Flow. I have been on Deezer about 6 months; the first 3 were fantastic!!!!  I thought Flow was the greatest invention since……  anyway, then it all went to hell. Despite having hundreds of favorite tracks and a few less hundred favorite artists, all I hear now is the same ol’ stuff on Flow, over and over, sometimes literally on the same day.  I was getting very upset, especially since I had just ponied up for a year’s subscription!

Then, I accidentally stumbled across the playlists inspired by specific songs. I know I had used this feature before, but either I had not been paying attention or this feature has become remarkably better in the past few months. I use these playlists all the time and I am now hearing new music (to me anyway) that is as good or better than some of my fave music. Please keep this feature. For me it is one of the best parts of Deezer.

I am again bragging about Deezer to friends. And to think I came close to losing faith.

Alien SuperStar

Hi @Geolog great to hear that you are enjoying the playlist inspired on specific songs.

There isn’t any plans to remove it, as far as we know.

Regarding your feedback on the Flow, have you try to use the Flow Moods?

Also we have already available for iOS the Flow Genres and soon it will arrive to Android as well. We hope this will improve even more the experience.

  • Lover
  • 12 replies
  • June 21, 2023

I tried the moods thing and it operates the same, plus I don't get it, so I ignore it now. The Flow is essentially useless to me until you all get it fixed. I do look forward to a genres feature though. Hopefully it won't become repetitive.

Alien SuperStar

Hi @Geolog Flow Genres for Android will be release during July, so stay tuned and let us know later if you got any improvements.

Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 4711 replies
  • June 27, 2023

Honestly I don't use Flow .

 Now I was read users feedback and I think that will even not try to use Flow .

Yuri Be
  • Lover
  • 38 replies
  • June 28, 2023

I didn’t use FLOW ever once. I don’t need it. What I really need Is to control and operate my music database inside the Deezer. And after years here we are:

  1. There is no way to get notification from the artists I like. Instead, I still get notified about absolutely random music I’ve never asked. This is so ridiculous so i paid 30$ to developer who made a telegram bot that send me notification when a new album from my fav artists released, and it’s much more useful that in-app-spam-like notifications.


  2. It’s still impossible to rate albums/tracks that I like. Instead I have “popularity” that is completely useless. It’s even shows no number of listeners like spotify and have no sense at all.
  3. Unable to tag/comment or organize albums in more flexible way.


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • July 3, 2023

It’s interesting. Because I listen to a variety of very different genres, I think it sometimes struggles to find other things I might like. I get maybe ten hip-hop songs followed by a few metal songs and some random other things; the choices within areas that I like maybe don’t vary as much as I feel they should. The same songs appear too regularly, possibly my favourites appear too much too.

However, it’s useful when I don’t have time to think about what to listen to, but I skip more than I would want to.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 21 replies
  • July 8, 2023

I wasn't aware this feature exists to be honest. I was already wondering why Deezer isn't throwing in any suggestions for me. Where can I find it?

Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 1023 replies
  • July 8, 2023
Beee wrote:

I wasn't aware this feature exists to be honest. I was already wondering why Deezer isn't throwing in any suggestions for me. Where can I find it?

Flow? You are unaware that Flow exists?

It is front and center on your home page, whether mobile or desktop.

Give it a go. Flow is deezer and deezer is Flow.


  • Runaway Baby
  • 21 replies
  • July 10, 2023
GropplerZorn wrote:
Beee wrote:

I wasn't aware this feature exists to be honest. I was already wondering why Deezer isn't throwing in any suggestions for me. Where can I find it?

Flow? You are unaware that Flow exists?

It is front and center on your home page, whether mobile or desktop.

Give it a go. Flow is deezer and deezer is Flow.


I… I literally can't find it on desktop. It's really not there. I'm guessing it's a premium only feature then? The support page mentions it's included in the free plan.

Deezer Legend

Flow is also available for free users, but you are only a member since end of March, so maybe you haven’t listened to enough music yet for the algorithm to recognise your taste, or you haven’t added enough artists, albums, tracks and playlists to your favorites yet which also helps. See also this support article:

Deezer Free – Deezer Support

The new mood or genre based Flow feature is new though and might still be rolling out to all users, so you may only have to wait for it a while.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 21 replies
  • July 12, 2023
bluezzbastardzz wrote:

Flow is also available for free users, but you are only a member since end of March, so maybe you haven’t listened to enough music yet for the algorithm to recognise your taste, or you haven’t added enough artists, albums, tracks and playlists to your favorites yet which also helps. See also this support article:

Deezer Free – Deezer Support

The new mood or genre based Flow feature is new though and might still be rolling out to all users, so you may only have to wait for it a while.


Thank you for the information! I'll try to add more artists and tracks!

I just found out that my phone does have Flow, so perhaps it's not  rolled out for my desktop version yet.


Alien SuperStar

Hi @Beee, thanks for your message!

Just so you know, if you can see Flow on your phone, you should also be able to see it on your desktop.

Make sure you've got the latest version of the Deezer desktop app installed - it's 5.30.570.



  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • August 3, 2023

I find the selections of genres rather limited.  I would like to be able to select the genres that appear for selection.  I’m never going to select rap or edm or pop but I’d certainly click on folk, alt-country, blues, world, indie maybe…?

Deezer Legend

As far as I know, the six shown genres depend on your recent listening history, so you should maybe play some artists and albums from the genres you want to see there.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 6 replies
  • November 6, 2023

For some reason, although I consistently  ‘do not recommend’ ANY Christmas tracks (they grate on my nerves!) Deezer Flow continues to think the Christmas songs are what I want  to hear! Just STOP! 

Flow is pretty good and is at the beginning of learning, but as we don’t seem to be able to get rid of a particular genre - like Christmas music - I would have thought Flow would have learnt from all the times I have got rid of these really annoying tunes! 

Runaway Baby
  • Runaway Baby
  • 4 replies
  • November 8, 2023

Never use it. Not interested in an Ai suggesting stuff. Thanks.
