What is the reason that FLOW once again only offers unsuitable songs? How can you make FLOW better?
In the beginning there was… 
FLOW is basically stupid at first and has to learn your own listening habits. In other words, at the beginning, the suggestions that appeal to the general public and maybe you yourself predominate. So everything is still very general, like on the radio.
Attention: FLOW will only appears if there are at least 15 artists in your own favorites!
But I'm not the general public… 

That's great, then tell FLOW what you like and -most importantly- what you don't(!) like.
So let's let FLOW learn a little… 

Start FLOW and listen to a few suggested tracks.
Decide whether you like a track or not:

All right, but I don't just want to hear FLOW so that FLOW gets to know me!
FLOW also learns, of course, if songs contained in ‘normal’ playlists receive a Like or a Dislike. In playlists, which in many cases already contain favorite songs, you can very easily and quickly like a whole batch:

Individual songs can also be easily disliked, e.g. in the current song - click on the three dots:

And then on:

Can I also like/dislike more globally?
Yes and no. So not everything.
Globally, artists and albums can get a Like/Dislike.
Genre cannot be controlled globally.
Tip: Take a list of the genre that you don't like at all, e.g. Christmas.
Then dislike all the tracks one by one. FLOW already knows that Christmas is not yours, you Grinch.
I have a few tracks in the favorite songs playlist, but FLOW still suggests a lot of unsuitable tracks.
FLOW has to constantly learn in order to become more precise and also better. There is currently a limit of 10,000 tracks for favorite songs.
There is a display limit of 2,000 tracks for the excluded songs. Further tracks are not displayed, but still affect the FLOW. Especially the dislikes should be distributed wherever possible. Simply clicking on is not really enough. Only when FLOW knows what you don't like can really good stuff be offered in return.
Where can I see how many and which songs I already have on the dislike list?
Unfortunately, this is not visible in the smartphone apps.
But with the desktop and web version this is very easy: Click on your own profile name in the upper right corner and click on ‘Manage excluded tracks’.
Alternatively via these links:
Excluded tracks: https://www.deezer.com/exclusions/tracks
Excluded artists: https://www.deezer.com/exclusions/artists
My mood has changed...
That's not possible… Joking aside.
No problem at all!
Heart simply previously excluded tracks or grab tracks from the list ‘Favorite songs’ list into the ‘Excluded tracks’ list.
FLOW then adapts very quickly.
It feels like FLOW only plays my favorites and nothing new...
Yes, FLOW sometimes has a bad day and makes it very easy for itself.
In most cases, however, the ratio should be: One or two new tracks on a favorite.
→ These are empirical values of the thread author.
Want to know more about FLOW? Read about its evolution here 👇
#OriginallyMadeInGermany | de.deezercommunity.