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▶ REPORT HERE: Artist/albums/songs with wrong profile/page

▶ REPORT HERE: Artist/albums/songs with wrong profile/page
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Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 9 replies
  • July 11, 2021

Hi my artist page is fine, but some of the featurings I’ve done are not linked to my page

This is my artist page - Ghostown

And these songs should link me as a featured artist but they don’t (all by the same artist - Degiheugi)

I’ve noticed none of the featured artists are linked (clickable) on this artists page (web player on safari, other artists featured artists work fine)

Hope you can help, thanks!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • July 12, 2021

Hey Deezer, 


I am an artist who is trying to create my artist account but there is already an artist with my name (NAK). 


I had no trouble with spotify, amazon & apple but can’t seem to create a new artist name when trying to create an account. 


Currently all my music is going here :


my songs are :

Media not available




  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • July 13, 2021

Hi there,


My band, MAGIS released a new single “Asalkan Kau Bahagia” last December, but during the promotion, we noticed that the artist profile was combined with another artist under the name Magis.


Link to our song :


Really helpful if we can get our own artist profile, MAGIS.


Hi ,  

I have an existing deezer artist ID :

And my latest release was sent to a new deezer artist id by my distributor  :


I would like to move my latest release : 


to my original Artist ID like all my previous release :


Your help is greatly appreciated.


Best regards,


There are some records associated to my artist profile that are not mine. Can someone please remove them from my profile?


My artist profile:

Songs to be removed:


Ps.: Also you can see the "Herms" in track 1 is not same "Herms" in track 2, 3 and 4. Just warning about because in addition to fixing my problem, you can separate two other different profiles


  • Creator
  • 2 replies
  • July 13, 2021

I recently released my first track with a label but it was added to an already existing artist profile.


The song:

The wrong artist profile:


My artist name is T-MO but I don’t have an artist profile on Deezer yet.


Thanks in advance!

Hi I am in the band Ravenwood and I was checking out our page on here and I noticed there is a wrong album and a single from a band & artist with the same name. 

This is our Ravenwood Artist Page:


Please remove the following album & single from our page:


The album that needs to be removed from our page is titled “Seven”


The single that is indicated as “featured in” that needs to be removed from our page is titled “blacked out in the red light district of tokyo”


Thank you for your help and time

  • Creator
  • 2 replies
  • July 14, 2021
T-MO wrote:

I recently released my first track with a label but it was added to an already existing artist profile.


The song:

The wrong artist profile:


My artist name is T-MO but I don’t have an artist profile on Deezer yet.


Thanks in advance!


I accidently pasted the wrong links.


The song: 

Media not available

Wrong artist:


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • July 16, 2021

Hello, my stage name is Kaylor and I use cd baby to distribute my music. There is an artist with the same name as me on deezer ( and my single "Am I Wrong" have been uploaded in this artist's profile wrongly. I'll be glad if you create a new artist profile for me and carry my release to that page.

Link of my single is here: 

Media not available


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • July 16, 2021

Hello! My Song “Du und Ich” and “Unsichtbar” are both released under the wrong profile. 

Link to Unsichtbar:
Link to Du und Ich:


they are displayed under a different Artist.

Can you please assist me in making my own profile? This would be very helpful, thank you!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • July 16, 2021

Hi my release Romance is in the wrong artist profile.


This is my release:

and this is my artist profile:


Please put my song in my artist profile.



  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • July 17, 2021

Hi my artist name is Rules,


I’ve just had a track released called ‘Carry You’ on Get Together records (Good Company) but it’s credited to a different Rules.


This is the track but its with the wrong Rules


This is my first release so I don’t have an artist page I can claim as its not associated with the record. Please can you sort this. Thank You

I am extremely urgent to resolve this problem. My music is on the wrong user.
my name is the same and i have never done a deezer account so i think they automatically put my songs on this account with the same name. I would therefore like to create a new profile where I can put these two songs and 5 others that I have already sent to deezer.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 17, 2021

Hey @Mari Gikaru @lookitsbea @elrapwell @NAK @Awang Puteh @samshukranis @Hérmeson Maia @Ravenwoodrocks @T-MO @Kaylor @Odeya @jarc1995 @thisisrules 

Thank you all so much for your reports and patience. We're making the Deezer catalogue better, together.

I've forwarded your requests.

Don't forget to register for the Deezer for Creators group here in the community, so that you can talk to each other:

We'll be doing lots of cool stuff in the future for the group members, so don't miss out and register!


Deezer Legend

@Rudi There is a Russian artist posting elsewhere in Russian with a similar question about his new release being filed in another artist profile:


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • July 19, 2021

Hi @Rudi,


Thanks for the quick action for the request!


But now I’m having some problem requesting artist profile from for my band, MAGIS. Even with provided information of my band including the UPCs, I’m still getting emails that the access was denied.


Hopefully this can be resolve soon.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • July 19, 2021

Hello there !

I’m a independant artist and released a few EPs via DistroKid but they all have been released under an already existant artist instead of creating a new one for me :slight_frown:

Here are the links to the different musics I uploaded:

Can you please assist me in creating my own artist profile (under the name “Muzak”) ? This would be awsome, thank you !

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 19, 2021

Hey @Awang Puteh 

Thanks for letting me know. At this point, it's now better if you could contact our support team for further help:

Hi @Hutsku I passed it on, it should be all done very soon!

Thanks @bluezzbastardzz got it!

Hey @Alex-ProductionsNCS no problem, we can surely help you. But we need the Deezer links for your releases. You can post them here, I'll take care of the rest.

Hi again @elrapwell you'll need to contact your distributor to redeliver the tracks to Deezer under your artist profile. We're unable to fix things on our side because they control who's the featured artist.

The same applies to you @samshukranis your distributor should be contacted about this.

Hello there!

My band, called “Skore” released 2 LPs, a full album and a single via DistroKid, but the songs have been landed under a brasilian “SKORE” band’s page.

The “wrong” page:


Can you please assist us in creating our own artist profile (under the name “Skore”) ?


Our released music:
Skore- Untitled (2013) - EP
Skore - Empty Space (2015) - EP
Skore - Missing Chapter (2017) - LP
Skore - Immunizer (2021) - single
Upcoming (in case of these infos needed):
Skore - Suture (2021.07.20.) - single
Skore - Distal end (2021.08.14.) - single
Skore - Modernland (2021.09.15.) - LP

Released links:


Thanks for your help!


Hi, there are two artists called ‘Ripe’ conflated under the same profile. 

Please separate into two distinct profile. 


Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 20, 2021

We need the links for their profiles @efsdvarney001 just to be precise :relaxed:

Hi @Zsolt Szénási thank you, I've passed it on, stay tuned (for your brand new artist profile on Deezer) and don't forget to sign up for our Deezer for Creators group (

Rudi wrote:

We need the links for their profiles @efsdvarney001 just to be precise :relaxed:

Hi @Zsolt Szénási thank you, I've passed it on, stay tuned (for your brand new artist profile on Deezer) and don't forget to sign up for our Deezer for Creators group (" src="" width="18" />


Here’s the link to profile



My new release is in a wrong profile. Could you create a separate profile with name “barros” for it? (all lowercased)

  • Runaway Baby
  • 1 reply
  • July 21, 2021

Hey I just released my first song via Distrokid : “Pacem”. My artist name is : Dalí. However, I’ve automatically  been linked to a wrong artist page called DALI (where there are many artist). I don’t understand why there is no artist page called Dalí and why I’ve been merged with another artist page. 

Please could you fixe the problem by creating my own artist page with the right name : “Dalí”. 

The link to MY song : 

Media not available


Here is the link of the wrong artist page :


Please create my own page with this name : Dalí


Thanks you

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 21, 2021

Thank you, @efsdvarney001 we'll let our teams know :relaxed:

Hey @skanderrr28 @Lucas Barros all passed on, should be done super quickly :thumbsup_tone2:  sign up for our Deezer for Creators group for our future initiatives!
