
Song added to wrong artist page

  • 12 December 2020
  • 96 replies

Hello, I'm from Czechia and my distributor is Distrokid.

My artist name is Cesi, and I my first release with deezer (Miss you) has been placed on the wrong artist page with the same name as me. Is there's a way to separate my songs from this another artist?

And there is any way for me to manage my artist page/profile?


96 replies

Hello my song got distributed to deezer today my artist name is Dr.Ben and the song is called sebican i dint have an artist account yet and this is my first song on deezer it ended up on the page of an artist that has the same name as me how do i fix this

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Hello @markinbenjamin6 could you please send us the URL on Deezer for the wrong artist page and also the URL for your song in order to help you?



I need you to remove my song from someone else’s artist page who has the same artist name as me. Here is the song URL: 




here is the artist page URL


I need it removed so I can create an artist profile page and claim the song on my artist page URL.





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Hello @KyTheReunionPodcast i have created a new artist profile with your music. You can find it here:
If you have any further queries please let us know :)

Hello! My publisher is distrokid and my artist name is Inner Voice. My songs were mixed in the profile of another artist. I have published 3 songs so far, Blind Eyes, United we stand and Playing with fire. How can I create my own profile and separate the songs from this artist profile?

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Hey @James2022 could you please send us the URL on Deezer for your songs and also the URL for the wrong artist page in order to help you?

Hello, thanks for replying. 

This are my songs


This is the wrong artist



Hello @Jaime. Let me know if you need anything else, thanks!

Hello @Jaime. , any news about my request? Thanks!

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Hello @James2022, sorry for the late reply. 

Here is your new artist page:



I've got the same problem.

I've released my LP, ‘Open the doors’ 

which is added to the wrong artist profile.


Can someone make my own artist profile (my artist name is ‘Bellamy’) 


Hope you can fix this! 


hi, my artist name is ivyy... I released my first single called “belle” using distrokid and it was released under the wrong artist with the same name… now im trying to claim my deezer artist page and i cannot, please help.

here is the link of the track



Hello, my artist name is Absa, but another artist have the same

Can you remove this sound from my Deezer for Creators / Artist profile? 

My artist profile :

And I want to add one of my “wright” release Anthem on my profile

Hope you can fix this, thank you !

Hello! I’m AME.

I’ve recently noticed that an EP I released last year wasn’t added to my artist page, but to one with a similar name instead. It only took me this long to realize, because I trusted it would’ve been added to my own artist page after something similar happened last time.

My EP ‘A Thousand Skies’: 

Wrong artist page:

Where the EP should be:

If the EP could be added to my actual artist page, that would be amazing, and I’d be extremely grateful! Thank you :)

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Hey @bob jobu

Sorry about the delay! 

Here is your new artist page: 🤙🏽

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Hi @ivyy ! 

Here is your new artist page! 😊

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Hello @Absa Axel Masurel ! 

Now your album is under your artist page! 👌🏽


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Hi @amechii.i ! 

Sorry about it, now it’s under the correct artist page! 🤗 

Hey I’m Silnce and my song “Decipher” has been added to the wrong artist as the same name as me. I have created an account on the Deezer for creators but cannot claim an account since the info is under someone else's artist name. Please help me as soon as possible. Thank You! :)

Different Artist URL:

Decipher :

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Hi @Silnce I have created a new artist page with your song Decipher in it.
You can fin it here:

Hello! My songs got distributed to deezer today. My artist name is Mean Deep and the songs are called - Forever. I didn’t have an artist account yet so they ended up on the page of an artist that has the same name as me! 

The link to the songs -

Link to the wrong artist profile -


Hi! My songs got added to the wrong account. Song name is Olympus. Artist has the same name as me and it has happened before.


Link to songs:


Wrong artist profile

Artist profile it should be

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Hey @meandeep! Your new artist page is ready.😊 

Take care!

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Hi @Kylian D! Your artist page is updated too! 😊

Hi Deezer team

my new song Swan Sea on deezer was added to the wrong artist that has got the same name as our band therefore we cant create a profile for us. 


This is the link of the song

Our band is called Desire Path.


This is the wrong artist: this is definetly not us.


Many thanks and hope this gets sorted ASAP!
