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Deezer For Creators

Deezer For Creators
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  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • May 29, 2020

Hello, i am an artists leetquiet approved by OneRpm. How to create my artist’s account?

Hello, I'm a Musician.

I wanted to put a photo and profile links on my artist card profile:

( )

My profile on Instagram: ( )

My profile on Twitter: ( )

Best Regards,


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • May 31, 2020

Has been more than a month since i request access to deezer backstage and still have no answer.
I completly understand that is a big queue there, i just wanted to know if there’s no problem with my request.

Thank you for support, have a nice day.

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 1, 2020

Hey @cortex digital 

All done - hope you like it :thumbsup_tone2:

I Need help on how to Setup an Artist Page, Please help me

leetquiet wrote:

Hello, i am an artists leetquiet approved by OneRpm. How to create my artist’s account?

Hello @leetquiet, please visit the Backstage platform, as it will be your first time using it, you will have to click on the button 'request access' and follow the steps :slight_smile:

Have a nice week!


Hello @David Chisomeje, visit our Backstage platform heresince it's your first time using it, you’ll have to click on the button 'request access' and follow the steps :slight_smile:

Hello @A_G, you can write to this address: :wink:

Have a nice day

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • June 4, 2020

Hi there, hope you guys are doing well. We are still waiting for our ‘request access’ to be approved. In the meantime, can we put a new profile photo and links to our profiles on the social platforms? 

Thank you!!!

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • June 4, 2020
Zokie wrote:

Hi there, hope you guys are doing well. We are still waiting for our ‘request access’ to be approved. In the meantime, can we put a new profile photo and links to our profiles on the social platforms? 

Thank you!!!

Sorry I forgot to put the artist link :grin:

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 4, 2020

Hey @Zokie 

Thanks for reporting here. I've added the link, but the image is too small. These are the requirements:500x500px minimum | 3MB maximum | jpg, jpeg, png

How long have you been waiting for access? Have you checked if your profile has any other content which wasn't supposed to be there?

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • June 4, 2020
Rudi wrote:

Hey @Zokie 

Thanks for reporting here. I've added the link, but the image is too small. These are the requirements:500x500px minimum | 3MB maximum | jpg, jpeg, png

How long have you been waiting for access? Have you checked if your profile has any other content which wasn't supposed to be there?

Hmm that’s strange @Rudi . When I click on the photo it opens a big one, It should be 3000x3000px. That’s why I put it as an attachment.
We requested the access on the 30th of April. 
I also noticed that there are now Facbook and Twitter icons but we don’t have Twitter. We would like instead to put our instagram profile, and for some reason the Facebook link goes to our Instagram profile :)


I have requested my access to backstage for artists on the 15th of may but I didn’t received anything to get any access for the moment. 

Can there be done something to speed up the process?


Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 6, 2020

Hey @Zokie 

Thanks for coming back, I was able to open the pic correctly after using a different browser. Yes, IG links can only be put in the FB button for now. I could put it in your Bio if you prefer. We don't have an IG button yet :confused:

Hi there @Mathias Daeleman 

Thank you for your patience. Is the profile clean with only your content in it? We're dealing with the backlog as best as we can :v_tone2:

Rudi wrote:

Hey @Zokie 

Thanks for coming back, I was able to open the pic correctly after using a different browser. Yes, IG links can only be put in the FB button for now. I could put it in your Bio if you prefer. We don't have an IG button yet :confused:

Hi there @Mathias Daeleman 

Thank you for your patience. Is the profile clean with only your content in it? We're dealing with the backlog as best as we can :v_tone2:

Hi, yeah, the profile's clean. It only contains my own content. No problem, I just wanted to check if it's normal that it takes a while ;-)

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 9 replies
  • June 9, 2020

This is great news!, I’ve been a fan of Spotify for artists for the last few years and it’s helped me out a lot to see what playlists I’m on and other statistics
I actually have more listens on Deezer so I can’t wait to get access to the stats!
Are you still overloaded with requests? I just requested today, I hope it won’t be too long

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 10, 2020

Thanks for the kind feedback @elrapwell - yes, we're still dealing with varied requests, and at the moment with limited resources. I'll keep pinging the teams on your behalf so they can have your names in mind :v_tone2:

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 9 replies
  • June 10, 2020

Thanks Rudi, my request concerns Ghostown

Hello guys,
i know we have to wait, and, i know im annoying someone with same doubts of others here.
But still, i need to ask.
I requested access to my bands profile some time ago and still nothing.
I usually wait those processes without complain but thing is, we are releasing new album next month and our page is a mess. We have other ppl songs added and our distributor (ONERPM) asked us to get into backstage to clean the mess.
So, yeah… without the backstage access i cant fix other problems..
Any thoughs about when i can get it?
our band profile is:


thank you

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 13, 2020

Hey @elrapwell 

Thanks for coming back to us. I see the profile now, could you please get in touch with our support team here and pass them the email used in the request for Backstage - you shouldn't post it here because the thread is public:thumbsup_tone2:

Hi @Beto.Gebhard 

If the profile is a mess, Backstage request will take even longer to be granted. Please post the links for the content which isn't yours here, and I'll contact our catalogue teams for a cleanup - that should speed up the Backstage request too :wink:

Hey @Rudi 

thank you your help,

this is our artist page
And those albums are CORRECT:

but all those songs listed below are WRONG:

hope we can fix this!

again, thank you for your help.

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 16, 2020

I've now forwarded the details above to the teams who can fix the profile @Beto.Gebhard. After that, it should take some time for the Backstage access to be granted but at least there won't be any obstacles - let's keep in touch :wink:

 Guys over two months and multiple emails to backstage and nothing….


I need @Rudi @Pia.Deezer @Kevin Deezer  or one of the community people here to actually go do something in the background as this is ridiculous, ive sent 3 follow up emails none of which have been responded to.

I totally get it this is new and volumes are high but come on the timeline here is one thing the lack of communication outside an automated access received email on April 14th is terrible. Can you guys actually go do something here ?

I need you guys to tell me you have spoken to somebody in your backstage team and they are going to sort this.

I mean jeez the automated email doesnt even have a ticket number or anything I can share.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • June 18, 2020
Kevin Deezer wrote:

Hello @A_G, you can write to this address: :wink:

Have a nice day 

Hi, it has been 14 days since I sent a message to the mail that you specified and I still do not recieve a response, what can I do? 
Have a nice day.

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 20, 2020

Hi there @A_G 

Requests take a little over 21 days to be granted. It varies according to the resources we currently have available in the Backstage team and obviously the number of requests at once. Please ensure your profile has only your content in it. If there's anything wrong with the profile, for example, music from other artists incorrectly added to it, let us know! :thumbsup_tone2:

Hey @Darren O'Brien 

Apologies for the time taken. Please avoid sending more emails, it adds to the backlog of messages the team gets. Like I mentioned to @A_G above, have you got a 'clean' profile? If yes, please send me a PM with the email you used to request access AND the link for your artist profile. I'll be more than happy to reach out to the team and try speed things up for you :wink:

My name is Max Serpentini, 


I am a Deezer Artist  (and customer) 


Is there a way for Deezer Artists to change / update their own Profile / Picture or logo ? 


Is there a ‘Deezer for Artists’ platform similar to other streaming services ?  


For now, can you update my Deezer Artist photo with a logo for now ? 


What are the sizing dimensions for profile pics ? 


