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When using the mobile app I can resort my playlists through 'edit playlist' and dragging the songs around. After saving my changes, the playlist will not reflect those changes on the mobile app specifically. If I go to 'edit playlist' again then the changes are reflected in that track order. The changes are also reflected on PC. The playlist simply does not update on the mobile app.


Solutions I have tried to no effect:

1. Making small changes then saving a second time.

2. Signing out and signing back in.

3. Force stopping the app the fully restart it.

4. Clearing the cache.

5. Connecting to a different network.

6. Restarting the phone entirely.

7. Refreshing the playlist by swiping down. 

If playlist changes aren't applying, ensure the changes are saved and synced across devices. Refresh or restart the app, clear cache or cookies,monkey-types update the app or device software, and check for connectivity issues. Contact customer support for further assistance if the problem persists, ensuring seamless playlist updates.




Despite trying various solutions like signing out, clearing cache, and refreshing the playlist, the changes don't reflect on the Asphalt Nitro mobile app. Since the changes are reflected on PC, it could be a mobile app-specific issue. Contacting the app support team or checking for any available updates might help resolve this issue.

Hey @nagusame I have tested on my side and all the changes were reflected immediately on my mobile app, web and desktop app.
Could you please share a short video with the problem on your mobile app in order to investigate?
Thanks for your help

Thanks for testing, @Jaime.

Here is a recording of me fiddling around with the playlist. The first 40 seconds is me just trying to sort it and then the rest is me doing various things to try to fix it, such as clearing the cache or reopening the app.

Not recorded but as usual the changes are reflected on my desktop app, just not the mobile app. 

Hi @nagusame, thank you very much for sharing your video.

However, when I tried to access it, it wasn't available.

Could you please share your video again?

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

I'm having the same issue; and it's not new. I have not checked if the new rankings reflect on the desktop version but what's the point? Deezer is generally used on a phone.

To the team: please be serious and not pretend you need a video to show this old issue which is getting a bit annoying to say the least.

Thanks to come up with a real fix to it.

@bcayeux we ask for videos not for us but to provide developers as much info as possible to better understand the problem in case they are not able to reproduce it. On my side for example, I’ve tested on iOS and everything worked fine and could see the changes reflected immediately.
If you could let us know if this happens on Android or iOS, and provide steps or/and a video would be very helpful.
Thanks for your help and apologies for the inconvenience

Hi Jaime,

i get your comment about videos but I still insist on the fact that if “support” is your objective, you could make it easier for your users as I would be very surprised that this issue that has been lasting for years is unknown to you. I was away last week and we lost some days already. Furthermore, if you want your clients to send videos, then please allow attaching them… Amazing!

Because you do not allow uploading videos, please see them via this link and let me know when I can delete them.

Anyway, here are the screenshots, videos and details:

The phone is Android Version 14; the phone is a Samsung Galaxy A73, about 1 year old. The computer details are irrelevant as the issue is on the phone.

Attached is a screenshot and a screencast of each playing the same playlist.

As explained, I need to re-arrange (re-shuffle) the tracks on my playlists. It does sometimes save the new ranking sometimes it doesn’t. When it does, it may or may not play the queue as appearing on the phone screen. i.e. despite having apparently saved the tracks in the order I wanted, (say A,B,C,D) when playing from track A, it would keep playing in the previous / original sequence (say A,D,B,C). Whereas on the desktop it always does and always plays in the order showing on the list. it may happen that the raking gets saved after several hours or days, but it looks like it can also revert to some previous ranking another time I open Deezer.

Furthermore, a turnaround could be to select all and add to a new playlist; it would then save in the actual queue. I tried again before writing but it takes several hours, of not days for a new playlist created on desktop to appear in the list of playlists on the phone.

The videos will show you this.

Thanks to revert soon as I am counting on this for an important event.


Check if the playlist changes are properly saved and if the device is connected to the internet.

Hello @bcayeux thanks for information, screenshots and videos.

So according to your description and I if am no incorrect we are talking about discrepancy between desktop app and mobile app correct.

To understand if I could replicate the same issue, I have tried different exercises and in none I saw an different outcome. I just need always to close and open the mobile app which is not the perfect UX. 

In my test, I have open a playlist on a PC/web browser and confirmed that same playlist on mobile was sort by default order - OK, both presented same content in same order

  • On web, moved first track to second position. It didn’t update immediately on mobile app as the app doesn’t have a resync option. Closed the mobile app, open again, and I could see the change made on PC - played in both the devices in the same order

So in order to re-arrange a playlist on the PC and have the same order on the mobile app, you should first remove any sorting in the web, so the playlist stays in default sorting, arrange the playlist accordingly.

Then, in the mobile app, please kill the app and open it again, open the same playlist and make sure it is sorted by default order. You should see the playlist in the exact same order as you have in the web/PC.

Let me know the outcome, and if I missed something, please reply back.

Hi Leonidia,

Thanks for the detailed reply. Indeed, you understood the issue correctly. And indeed, I had cases in the past, where even if it was taking some time, the syncing took place.

Unfortunately, it is no more the case (may be it’s since I changed phone?)

I have however found a turnaround, which is to select all tracks after having sorted them out and add to a new playlist. After some time, (fairly long by the way) the new playlist finally appears with the right order.

Not the perfect UX as you say.

Worse: I had to make the sorting on a PC because even by sorting on the phone itself, the sorting was not getting saved… I would be grateful if you could escalate it to the techs as I am surely not the only one using a Galaxy A73.

Since you are here and before you go… any updates about cross-fading on Androids?

Have a nice afternoon.

If playlist changes aren't taking effect, try refreshing the page, clearing your browser cache, or restarting the application/device. If the issue persists, check for any errors in the playlist configuration or consult the application's support resources for further assistance.

It’s four months later and I am actually still having this issue. It never resolved on its own or through my attempted solutions. I had set the video to be deleted after 4-7 days before which is why it wasn’t seen.

New video:

Image of the playlist on my PC:


As you can see, it appears as it should under Edit Playlist and on my PC. It, however, does not play in the right order or is viewed in the right order on mobile.

I will not upload a video of demonstrating me testing all the various solutions this time around. My descriptions were fine and, truthfully, it doesn’t seem these issues typically get resolved regardless.

Hi @nagusame, thank you very much for sending the new video.

I've shared your situation and the video with our team, and I'll let you know as soon as I receive their feedback.

Thanks again for your help and cooperation. 

Hi @nagusame, did you manage to solve your problem?

If not, please try clicking on the "Default" option; it should reflect the order you want.

Let me know if you need further help!
