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Since a while I am unable to listen live to NPO Radio 2 (Netherlands) anymore. Does anyone have an idea what is going wrong? 

I have already installed the app again and logged in again as well a few times. It's giving the notification: try-out again. 

Hi ​@Suus77,

I’ve also tried to listen to NPO 2 and I could do this without any problems. 

Can you please try again?

I’m using Android 13 with Deezer


Hi ​@awesomemac ,

Thanks for your reply. It's still not working. I'm using Android 14, with Deezer 


That’s so weird...I’m going to also try this on my tablet.

What happens when you try to listen to NPO2 on a web browser while using Deezer?

Just tried it with my Android tablet: again without any problems.

I can’t think of an idea why this is happening.

Perhaps you can send in a request:

On the Google Playstore reviews I also read a couple of people that are having the same issues.

Hi ​@vivetool ,

We have to wait for ​@Suus77 to answer, but I think she lives in The Netherlands just like me. So there shouldn't be a problem there. 

And on a phone or tablet using another browser won't solve this. She is using the Deezer app. 

Hi there ​@vivetool and ​@awesomemac , 

Yes indeed. I'm living in the NL and using the Deezer app.

I really hope someone knows this problem and how to solve it. 

@Suus77 , what happens when you try to listen to NPO 2 when using Deezer on a pc or a Mac with a browser?

Hi ​@Suus77 ​@dvhosting ​@vivetool, sorry to hear you're having trouble with NPO Radio 2, and thank you, ​@awesomemac for the help!

 @Suus77 ​@dvhosting ​@vivetool, could you confirm if the problem is still happening, please?

Same problem here 9 out of 10 radiostations on deezer wont play anymore also with Error cant load stream 

Hi ​@markertje65, can you tell us which radiostations you are unable to listen to? Please give us some examples. Thank you.

Radionl npo sterren nl npo radio 1 2 3 4 and 5 

Hi ​@markertje65! Can you confirm if this is the logo of the first radio you shared?

I couldn’t find the others. Would it be possible for you to share the logos of the other radios with me, please?







Hi ​@Suus77 ​@markertje65! The issue could be related to the audio format provided by the radio station.

I recommend switching the audio quality to either Standard or HQ in the app settings. This might resolve the problem.

Let me know if it works!

Thx for the reply still same problem sorry

@Leonídia.Deezer: I don’t think that this is the solution. The audio setting is set on High Fidelity and I can play NPO2 and other radio stations.

I just don’t understand why I can play NPO2 and ​@markertje65 can’t. We are using the same Deezer and live in the same country.

I just tested and was able to listen to all the NPO stations


No nothing works same error message

Have you tried the following troubleshooting?:


Already did that many times still the same problem sorry 

@Suus77 , what happens when you try to listen to NPO 2 when using Deezer on a pc or a Mac with a browser?

@markertje65: I’m wondering if you are able to listen to NPO2 when using the webbrowser instead of the Android app?

Same error sorry 

Sorry i tried on my computer on the webbrowser i can play all without any problems strange

That’s indeed very strange. Able to play on a webbrowser and unable to play in the Deezer app…

What I would like to know is, what if you use another phone or tablet, do you have the same issues? (if there is another device available?)
