My playlists are in a specific order, and now they are all mixed. However when I go to re-order them, they show up in the correct order. Please help!!
I am still waiting for an answer to my query. If i learn anything, will let you know. Sorry to hear you are having similar issues too. :(
I won't be renewing membership and maybe looking at other music sites if this is not addressed or handled properly.
I uninstalled the app on my phone and then reinstalled it and that seemed to correct the error. Hope it helps!
Hey @Tyson
That's because you've updated the app to our latest version, where this was fixed. Thanks for sharing! 
I also tried deleting the app and re installing and it did not work :(
Because there's a gradual rollout of the new version, you might not have yet. Could you please confirm this @Sabie?
Thank you for your support!
Ahh OK OK!
I have version. Do you know when the latest version will be available to download ? 
Thank you for your help.
It goes bit by bit, for security reasons @Sabie 
Probably this week or beginning of next, at its latest. As soon as you get it, let me know 
Thank you, i will get back to you by the end of next week :)
@Rudi I have managed to download the update and it is working now. Thank you so much for your time /help.
Asaybi x
Thank you @Sabie you make Deezer a better platform, thank you for your feedback!
Keep us posted!
Hi@Rudi How are you? I seem to be having the same issue again? My Deezer favourite playlist is not playing recently added in the correct order. Could you advise on how to fix this? :)
Hi @Sabie. You may have tried this, but as you haven’t mentioned it I’ll throw it in, and apologies if you do already know about this.
At the top of the track list in each playlist (on the right side of the phone screen, opposite the Download button), there’s a little dropdown menu with arrowheads pointing up and down.
If your playlist gets out of order, check here. If it’s set to Default or A-Z, try tapping “Recently Added”. And if it’s already on “Recently Added”, try first tapping A-Z, then tap “Recently Added” again.
I don’t know if this will fix your problem, but it’s fixed mine more than once.
Best wishes.
Hi :)
Thanks for trying to help. Unfortunately, i have tried this and no joy! I wonder if they have a new app update and this is the root of the issue. We will see. Is that the case @Rudi ?
Thanks again
Many thanks for clarifying. You can check your app version via Deezer settings > About.
I think I’m up to date, and have version on Android and on iPhone.
Exactly what @Freezer said, @Sabie we need that app version and Android version too, as not all users are experiencing the same 
Have a great weekend!
I am using version.. Is this the latest version? @Rudi
Not yet, is the latest but our rollouts are gradual - so it might be reaching out at any day now - keep me posted! @Sabie
Hi Rudi,
Thanks for letting me know. I still haven't received the update and I have uninstalled and re installed and no joy
.. Do you have any idea as to when I will receive the update?
Kind regards
Hey, Asaybi @Sabie
It's an automatic process, opening up to more and more users gradually. Basically, it's still rolling out 
I need you to test it when it gets to you. Keep an eye on it and let me know!
I go to re-order them, they show up in the correct order.
They remain in the correct order now? @elena2021
Could you please give us more details over the device and settings you have?
Hi, Ihave same problem with my favorite list, play in default order not in recently added order (( version on android 10. Any info when it will be fixed? Thanks
Stay tuned and keep the app updated @Te_Sadoff thanks for forwarding your details, we'll work on that as soon as we can 
Hi. I had this problem last year where I noticed that the favourites were in the right order in Deezer but when played through Sonos and their app, the latest ones were in the middle of the favourite list. Deezer unable to help (did the usual log out of all platforms, reinstall, log back in - same problem. Deezer said it was Sonos problem so contacted them and they said it was Deezer so got no where with it. Problem is still the same and today I have noticed that new tunes added to favourite in Deezer are correct but now showing at the bottom of the list in Sonos - so Tunes are all over the place now. Any help would be appreciated. Version Thanks