I have a Family account with an Admin profile and 4 individual profiles (one for each family member). When in any of the individual profiles, if I search for a song, then click on the result, it does not play that song. It plays a completely different song. If I click on the result again, it will play a new, different song.
Example: I search for “Yellow Submarine”
Under Tracks, the first result is “Yellow Submarine” by the Beatles. I click on that result and it plays “Eve of Destruction” by Barry McGuire. I click on Yellow Submarine again, and it plays “I Want to Hold Your Hand” by the Beatles.
The incorrect songs are always in a similar genre, so my guess is that my search is creating a Track Mix, and just skipping to another song in that mix. But why is this happening, and how can I fix it?
Some additional details:
- It only happens in the individual profiles of the Family account. If I go into the Admin profile, search behaves as expected. This is a bit of a workaround, but I pay for a Family account for a reason, and it hasn’t worked right for more than a month now.
- It happens on both mobile app (iOS) and desktop browser (Windows 10, Firefox). On mobile it happens on every phone and every individual profile. The app and the iOS are fully up to date on all devices, and I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app, and have restarted the phones.
- This is a constant issue, not an intermittent one. Search has completely stopped working for us on the Individual profiles.
Any suggestions would be very appreciated!