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for Croatia family account from 10.99 to 19.99€ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you crazy or what????

Croatia si not like Germany or Austria or Ireland or UK or any other wealth country!!!

CROTIA monhtly paycheck is around 700€ !!!!!!!!  Romania 300€ Greece 700€, Bulgaria 300€!!

Not like Germany around 1800€ or Austria 1700€. or Denmark or Norway Sweden and so on and on. Poor countries like Croatia Greece Romania Poland and others, you can’t put in the same basket as OTHER WELTH COUNTIRES !!!!!! Are you blind or ignorant!! 

From 10.99 to 19.99, probably some ignorant manager from desk office made that stupid plan to equalise poor countries with rich countries in Europe, just because it is Europe!!!!!

Yous hould sack him immediately !!!!!!

Spotify is 10.99€ for familiy in Croatia, for single 5.99€

Apple is 9.99€ FOR FAMILY, single was 5.97€ now is 6.97€

Youtube is 14.50€ for FAMILY !!!!!!!!!! Single 8.99€

READ THIS AGAIN and return the old price for poor countries  and FIRE who ever made that stupid plan. 

Now think again and tell me WHO is stupid enough to buy Deezer comparing to Youtube and Spotify !!!!!!!!  Now, I will cancel my account if you do not return same pirce for pure countires and move to Spotify, and move my playlist in one move, and I am sure everyone else in poor countires will do the same.

You should choose managers much better!!

You can justify your price for Austria and Germany but for pooor countires you can’t!!!

No compassion at all. You should me ashamed Deezer!

Waiting price to return to old one and refund because you just charged me 19.99 yesterday and month before was 10.99€.

If you do’t return old price, I promise you me and many others will just completly move to Spotify.

Admit that you made mistake and correct it immediately!! 


If not, as a sales person in mobile shop, I promise you no one will ever buy Deezer plan from me or anyone in my shop and I will make sure everyone knows this over all social networks.

Hoping you will read this, specially the ‘’smart’’ managers or who ever decided to make all Europe same price!!!!! 

Kind regrds

Your almost ex customer.

Best answer by Jaime.Deezer

@DJ GENIE  I understand that nobody likes a price increase and I hope you can understand that these decisions are above the community managers in the Deezer Community, but I am here to inform and pass your feedback to the corresponding team (that doesn’t guarantee that prices will go back to 10.99€.
Deezer has always been committed to better promoting the music created by artists. In line with this commitment, and in order to continue its ongoing investment in innovation intended to fully support artists and improve the fan experience, Deezer has decided to adjust its prices.
Please get in touch with our Deezer Support Team and one of our agents will be able to further discuss it with you and help with any request.
Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your support.

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Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 5163 replies
  • Answer
  • March 17, 2024

@DJ GENIE  I understand that nobody likes a price increase and I hope you can understand that these decisions are above the community managers in the Deezer Community, but I am here to inform and pass your feedback to the corresponding team (that doesn’t guarantee that prices will go back to 10.99€.
Deezer has always been committed to better promoting the music created by artists. In line with this commitment, and in order to continue its ongoing investment in innovation intended to fully support artists and improve the fan experience, Deezer has decided to adjust its prices.
Please get in touch with our Deezer Support Team and one of our agents will be able to further discuss it with you and help with any request.
Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your support.

  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 1 reply
  • June 20, 2024

Deezer has increased prices as you say for the music and artist benefits. Has DONE ZERO NOTHING for the ones PAYING FOR ALL OF THAT. and that is US, now EX CUSTOMERS. As I said before, your bad politic will cost you now million of users because NOTHING YOU OFFER IS better then Spotify and Apple Music and both had CROSSFADER WORKING on ANDROID that your company is not apple to make it work from the start of your company. Poor countries can't be in same price plan as more wealthy countries. Are you not educate yourself that Spotify family an in Romania is 7.50€ !!!!!!! In Croatia 9.99€ and Apple Music is the same. And you made your price plan same everywhere m 19.99 for family plan. Hahahahaha..

Haikiri your company has made to yourself in long term. And I am just about to make video and million will see on YouTube WHY NOT DEEZER and why Spotify and Apple.

At least for Whole Europe. Which is almost 1 MILLION users. Shame on you! And NO!!

YOU DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO JUSTIFY THIS then YOU WANT MORE MONEY FOR YOURSELF .or how you like to say for music and artists, like they don't make millions already. YOU ARE DISGRACE and I'm done with you. Bye bye

  1. am Mr C?

  1. Can’t get. my albums or my favourite tracks any more.  Please can you rectify this please.  Yours Faithfuly Mr C.A.Rust

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
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  • January 19, 2025

Hi ​@Christopher Alan Rust could you please provide more information? Do you get any error message, etc?
It might be the case that you are logged in to the wrong account. Could you please logout and login again?
