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Deezer is reinventing itself and invites everyone to "Live the Music 💜" 

Explore Deezer's reimagined brand identity now! 


The big new part of this transformation is a vibrant purple 💜 heart, reflecting Deezer's commitment to shared experiences and a bold new direction.



To reflect this change, Deezer has unveiled a fresh, offbeat and daring personality. This personality is brought to life through a striking visual profile, as well as an all-new purple heart logo 💜. This logo symbolises Deezer's unwavering passion for music and the experience of its users. It perfectly captures the personality of the brand and stands out from everything we know.

Deezer is committed to intensifying its user experience and app design to inspire and empower music enthusiasts. The goal is to encourage fans to “live the music 💜” by providing them with personalised experiences that match their unique tastes and preferences.

Deezer's new vision is to create an experience services platform that centres itself around all things music where people have opportunities to express themselves and to connect with others. Whether you're an artist, a music lover, or a partner, Deezer is dedicated to ensuring you can truly "Live the Music 💜" with a dynamic and inclusive community.


Update your App now and tell us what you think of Deezer's new look in the comments!



What’s the point of this redesign if the app still doesn’t natively support ARM64 processors and is terribly slow on both Mac and Windows on ARM PC? To lag beautifully? And that’s with taking into account that the app is built with some of these multiplatform fatty web frameworks like Electron or ReactNative or somthing, which all now support ARM64.

Wouldn’t 64-bit ARM support only benefit fanless laptops like the MacBook Air and some Chromebooks? I won’t call it niche, but I think Deezer won’t fundamentally change the app architecture until it is forced to. 

No every macbook user ARM

The choices you made for font and logo were terrible, the logo is a dating app, the font is basically a glorified comic sans, it’s ridiculous.

It's a “no” from me deezer.


After 7 years of paid use I am seriously looking at new music options, this is really, really, really bad.

How did anyone at Deezer think this was a good idea? The font is wonky and way to hard to read for a UI. The icons on the desktop app look terrible. And way to ruin brand recognition with that dating-app logo.

From the marketing text above :


“where people have opportunities to express themselves and to connect with others.”


The new interface and theme certainly is doing this, just not maybe not expressing themselves in the way you had intended!


“by providing them with personalised experiences that match their unique tastes and preferences.”


From the general forum feedback , maybe not much achieving on this taste matching bit



“Deezer's unwavering passion for music and the experience of its users.”


Also from feedback here, maybe not quite hitting the target for this bit


“Deezer is committed to intensifying its user experience”


All this purple & heart theme stuff is indeed pretty intense, just maybe not quite as had been envisaged...

If this update is not undone, I will migrate to Spotify, because if I wanted a copy of Spotify' UI I would stick with Spotify, which has more useful features than deezer (Spotify Connect is much better than deezer connect and works without bugs, it has Discord RPC, it has a better PC UI etc).

Which version are you talking about? Their new pc app is a total mess with whole library in one sidebar.

Cancelled my subscription after five years and over 800€ spent. Brilliant move on your part!

This is like most of the WTF comments here.

This is one of those strange updates where a developer momentarily forgets that in good software, intuitive functionality is everything. This update makes no sense. Why has quick access to one’s artists and album lists been removed? Indefensible.

A few months ago, Opera did an update that removed a core functionality involving the way the whole world closes an open tab on a browser. Why?? Lots of boasting. Lots of justification. Then they put it back. So, um, Deezer, I pay for a HiFi service, I don't want a LoFi approach to software design and implementation. Why did release an open beta for user feedback before rolling updates out? Just sayin’. In the meantime, please restore the basic intuitive functionality you have messed up. 

Every critical, important point has already been mentioned before me.

I can only say this: “guys, come on, really?”

I hope there will be an option to switch back to the old UI.



If you had any passion for music you would fix the absurdly broken casting support, or support gapless playback. This is just a marketing thing which has nothing to do with music.

If you had any passion for music you would fix the absurdly broken casting support, or support gapless playback. This is just a marketing thing which has nothing to do with music.

They really think people that want High Quality music and a user friendly interface on a website for personal use needs to make a (political) statement.

They seem to be forgetting people fork out A LOT of money for this, while there are cheaper alternatives available.

To say I’m dissatisfied with this move is an understatement. and since they dont care to bother giving any response, after my subscription expires in 2 months, I’m outta here.

I have a feeling they will just be stubborn and stick with this to get brownie points from some group that is not even considering using their product.

there is no other reason I can think of that would justify the changes made to their “new identity”

well guess what Deezer, it aint mine and I will not pay to support it.

Horrible!! Le violet, le logo, la police, ce n’est pas possible!! Je songe carrĂ©ment Ă  aller sur Spotify alors que ça fait plus de 10 ans que je suis abonnĂ©e Ă  Deezer (jusque lĂ  je rĂ©sistais alors qu’une petite place dans un abo famille Spotify m’attend depuis un moment).

Non mais franchement, on dirait que les crĂ©as ont Ă©tĂ© faites sur Paint đŸ˜«:

Sans parler de la police qui fait Ă©cole primaire:


Ce changement est trop brutal et inutile! Sans parler du logo qui fait penser Ă  une app de rencontre. Bien gĂȘnant en raccourci du tĂ©lĂ©phone. 

J’imagine qu’aucun retour en arriùre sera possible...

Deezer is reinventing itself and invites everyone to "Live the Music 💜" 

Explore Deezer's reimagined brand identity now! 


The big new part of this transformation is a vibrant purple 💜 heart, reflecting Deezer's commitment to shared experiences and a bold new direction.



To reflect this change, Deezer has unveiled a fresh, offbeat and daring personality. This personality is brought to life through a striking visual profile, as well as an all-new purple heart logo 💜. This logo symbolises Deezer's unwavering passion for music and the experience of its users. It perfectly captures the personality of the brand and stands out from everything we know.

Deezer is committed to intensifying its user experience and app design to inspire and empower music enthusiasts. The goal is to encourage fans to “live the music 💜” by providing them with personalised experiences that match their unique tastes and preferences.

Deezer's new vision is to create an experience services platform that centres itself around all things music where people have opportunities to express themselves and to connect with others. Whether you're an artist, a music lover, or a partner, Deezer is dedicated to ensuring you can truly "Live the Music 💜" with a dynamic and inclusive community.


Update your App now and tell us what you think of Deezer's new look in the comments!



My opinions about the new design:

  1. The new font of the title is horrible, it looks like a children's app or a Halloween edition;


  2. Logo looks like a dating app and the design is an aberration, on PC I can't see the details very well and the animation when starting up looks like a bat;
  3. The user interface is ok on Android, but it has problems, the Favorites tab shows three songs from my Favorites, but I prefer to see my Playlists first to Favorites (if possible, create an option to change the order of this);


  4. The UI and UX on Windows app doesn't work properly;

    Home UI

    Red Section: No longer slides the name of the song or the artists.
    Blue Section: Sometimes it doesn't show the playlists, just to create them and could have an option to change the size of the covers or remove them (like on Spotify).
    Yellow Section: It could be resizable (like in Spotify) and remove the Favorites and Downloads shortcuts (this could only stay in the Playlists section) and add the search shortcut in their place.

    Similar Artists UI

    Has A lot of space on the final of covers.

    Oficial Deezer Playlists

    Now Deezer playlist covers are ugly and very weird.

  5. All the bugs that have already been reported are still present in this new version, including some are UI issues, like these buttons.

    This buttons never worked on Windows App.

I have never posted anything in the community, but I find the new update terrible. From my perspective, the new interface is disturbing and has destroyed Deezer's masterpiece. Although I appreciate that Deezer is continuously developing to improve the service, this update is not an improvement for me. The quoted users describe the problems perfectly. Deezer used to be a safe spot for me during chaotic days. It had a cozy and harmonized interface. However, with the new version, it no longer feels that way. I hope that Deezer reverts to the old interface. If the update stays, I would consider canceling my Deezer subscription and switching to another streaming service. Please bring back the old Deezer.

Deezer is reinventing itself and invites everyone to "Live the Music 💜" 

Explore Deezer's reimagined brand identity now! 


The big new part of this transformation is a vibrant purple 💜 heart, reflecting Deezer's commitment to shared experiences and a bold new direction.



To reflect this change, Deezer has unveiled a fresh, offbeat and daring personality. This personality is brought to life through a striking visual profile, as well as an all-new purple heart logo 💜. This logo symbolises Deezer's unwavering passion for music and the experience of its users. It perfectly captures the personality of the brand and stands out from everything we know.

Deezer is committed to intensifying its user experience and app design to inspire and empower music enthusiasts. The goal is to encourage fans to “live the music 💜” by providing them with personalised experiences that match their unique tastes and preferences.

Deezer's new vision is to create an experience services platform that centres itself around all things music where people have opportunities to express themselves and to connect with others. Whether you're an artist, a music lover, or a partner, Deezer is dedicated to ensuring you can truly "Live the Music 💜" with a dynamic and inclusive community.


Update your App now and tell us what you think of Deezer's new look in the comments!




What the hell DEEZER, I picked you guys over Spotify because you had a clean logo, clean look and a nice style. But now you feel like you have to cater to some new generation. We are the ones paying the bills, not the 14y olds listening. 

If this doesn't change I am cancelling my subscription. 

Wow, amazing!
Now roll it back to the old design.

Deezer, please stop any corporate/woke/young/inclusive bullsh** right now. This interface is a disaster, I’m trying to remember the last time a company made a disastrous rebranding move like this, maybe Merck with its wobbly logo and weird 60s colors. But it’s more than rebranding, it’s also about removing features that were working!

Deezer, I pay for a HiFi service, I don't want a LoFi approach to software design and implementation. Why did release an open beta for user feedback before rolling updates out? Just sayin’. In the meantime, please restore the basic intuitive functionality you have messed up. 

Exactly, it looks like these guys did not probe part of their user base with a beta version
 No it’s better to ruin everything by putting into production a botched user interface, their process looks as serious as the one that led to choosing this ugly theme!

People make mistakes. So do companies. It’s time to get your Cher on Deezer and turn back time. Take back this UI and logo that has hurt us.

Why is their new physical logo not purple? Are they afraid to induce epilepsy on their employees or irradiate them with ultraviolet? Or maybe the new logo of Twitter, it looks like a bird that exploded on the floor.




I switched from Spotify to Deezer because of the design. But unfortunately I can't make friends with the redesign. Without further ado, I canceled my subscription and now listen to my music on Spotify again. Sorry, Deezer.

You must know what to do with the purple theme from the feedback deezer?



I also don’t like the logo, at all. As someone quoted it looks like a dating app.. The previous one was way cooler. All the other improvements are acceptable. Just update the logo, please. 

“Is this a NewDating App?” the question I get all the time my friends see the logo on my screen - and I hate it!!!!
Why a heart? - is this a health app, or dating app? It makes no sense to make the logo of a music app as a hart. Such a poor design idea.
Fonts look so Halloween and Childish, hard to read and not professional at all

This ugly purple is not the right colour for this kind of app - also not my favourite colour at all. 

I feel like this refresh was done with no research at all. All the changes are kind of useless, nothing improved on the user experience. I’ve been asking a lot in the past for the ability to Customize the Deezer app homepage. How can I make the app works for me if you don’t let me pin the music style categories, the songs, or the artists I want. I always have to go to the Favourites tab or to the Search section to find what I need. Deezer homepage is useless, it feels like it was made for the Deezer CEO, not for the users

Thanks for this update, but this is my paid subscription to Deezer. When it ends, I will move to Spotify or Tidal
 better user interface by far.

Oh, I can’t even Edit or Delete my own post of I wanna make any changes, like fixing a misspell

“..Where people have opportunities to express themselves and to connect with others
 Live the Music with a dynamic and inclusive community.”

Sounds like Deezer is going to add commenting to albums/tracks.  I’m sure they will be just as great as YouTube comments..

Changes can be tough but exciting. 

Purple is my favorite color so I love the new color scheme. 

The new fast access playlists list on web is nice too. 

I would give a second thought to the font.


Cheers Deezer and overall it's a welcoming changeÂ