I start to play my music but after about a minute of me switching to a game, it crashes. It is up to date and I've tried reinstalling.
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- Deezer Xbox App crashing
Deezer Xbox App crashing
- May 29, 2020
- 64 replies
- Tiny Dancer
Best answer by Скаваротти
A new version of the Deezer app for Xbox has been released and I like it. If you fix a few more old bugs, it will get even better:
1) The cover of the playlists created by the user when entering the playlist is not synchronized on Xbox, either the earliest version of the cover or a collage of artists' albums is displayed;
2) There is no sorting inside the playlists created by the user;
3) The music compositions added by the user to Deezer stutter and stumble when playing on Xbox for a while;
4) And most importantly, the music playback in the background stops after a while.
Adding an app update on the Xbox platform is paid for the developer, I understand that. You can already use this version of the application and not feel annoyed, but if you remove the remaining bugs, it will be a holiday I was harsh with you, but there were reasons for that, please don't take offense at me. Thanks to Deezer, but special thanks to those who made it a little better.
- Rafael.
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- 981
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- inSided-sso
- poluz
- abovebeyond
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- seslash
- michal.wiatr
- EEAlexHay
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- mikeltm
- varshik
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- ahmeterenodaci
- ndrs
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- itoledo
- leomou
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- UGatDeezer
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- Lucasp
- sbewers
- hockdudu
- matt0509
- I-NOZex
- defafa
- Lovre
- Alper.SIMSEK
- FriskyProdigy
- Sebastian Geymonat
- Barmad
- elektroinside
- TedGrassman
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- melonella
- brk
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- 4min
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- shamanbo
- nzuzee
- celediw
- Louisbenhammond
- Vicente Gomis Seglers
- sebu0815
- Shadow V.
- Andreas.Ahlqvist
- Wild Penguin
- dreatern
- Buckie
- Olly Green
- cornelis
- TOMillr
- losnad
- mtk
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- cjp1959
- Hafiy.Sufri
- Ron Yona
- Dr. Jefferson
- NautillusSs
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- Gnopps
- Klaus Wohl
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- casaralph
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- wunderhund
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- n1r
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- aaaantoniaaaa
- dzusikar
- Afiq NO Sawan
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- darkdevil1988
- Danial
- jozhaa
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- bema52
- just a tech
- lonm
- Douglas Busacker
- Maksim.Dan'ko
- Henry James Cinco
- Caio Everton
- moerger
- 9s1q2uvji9cf
- Jessica.Deezer
- picharras
- nemterest
- nicoleb_
- yenrios
- Alex2b
- Fernando.GM
- Sebastian.Buitrago.Vergara
- ASoto
- meso
- Wardeneo
- Stun
- cowudders14
- jojosousaafr
- WuWup
- jsour
- Gautier
- Kenny Johnson
- T-bond
- Gaa1009
- Vladimir Georgiev
- rvdplas
- José.Saraiva
- Jesus.Alonso.Pacheco.Cruz
- AdvanTech
- Gabriel.Carvalho
- hazielhage
- LuisM
- Jaroslav Tuma
- Unitra
- Dominik_Egert
- stryba
- Polo48
- GeorgeThomas
- gree
- MadRebel
- raph-stabil
- Thibault Ketterer
- bincho
- Clement13730
- dannilundgren
- Ruud.
- eejay65
- Kolawole.Temitope
- Shiftyllama
- kzg
- vmarci21
- Laurent-B
- GregP
- Julien H.
- Wessel.Verheijen
- HyperX
- factoroften
- sbuzzo
- olixilo
- Daniel.Guernieri
- ZSkiraly
- Liam_Bridge
- tristanewing
- Bert4Breakfast
- Merlin71
- Nike.Tufjo
- Petya Kohts
- skirem
- Deezerjdev
- brbi
- iblindi
- gimmie.5
- Milena Dimitrova
- Roman M
- Grimrian
- Jarek.Z
- soisearach
- Scorsi
- Gints Grinbergs
- serak1
- stepal
- Bakyt
- border
- kdkd
- AidaAbas
- Saleh.Ahmed.Otten
- Stepan Trnka
- Rudi
- neuromask
- hal41
- magweg
- isaac.cabello.97
- Dakyne
- altean
- Mr_morgue
- hben050
- StephenB
- Andrew.Allen
- bounzle
- Fabio Janson Angelini
- daniel-d
- christianlambert
- Arthyxe
- rbt2008
- josenicomaia
- Laurentiu.Stamate
- Andrey.Nikanorov
- mdrzaic
- Glenh
- Kedrigerncz
- Guillaume Comte
- Tom Muster
- mammoth
- Gianluca Cangemi
- benj0c
- Uloga
- Eliezer.Reyes.Cabrera
- PetroLviv
- boria
- dombomb17
- salad
- Jhomkarlo
- nir19
- Dojiyi
- liviu
- DennisN
- Stefan-cz
- Alonso_05
- arthur.keesen
- ListenInAwe
- Milikitaun
- Snir.Turgeman
- carlos.winter
- Pizzaman
- Marcelo.Marcotullio
- Vinicius Oliveira
- Anna-Louis
- Megingelos
- falkboehm
- rattlehead245
- udy
- boutschneck
- Igor Santander Angelini
- BilliAlpha
- windrose48
- Daniele Genito
- shockalit.mousse
- bogdangrosu2000
- Adel.Krashenninnikov
- gwharrington
- cirilobeto
- pepr
- nemanja.zdravkovic5
- Smthng
- pmcerqueira
- liorbi
- theGic
- unclnis
- Reynalda Marsetya
- GardenLegs
- abo_galstyan
- Menny
- Shen.Nguyen
- Michel Baratella
- HelpfulRapha
- Jonas156
- Cnek
- LazySounds
- David.Zaberca
- andrewvroom
- victorxdeath
- Eduardo Peredo
- Redster
- TimTim32
- nobody
- Rodrigo Tavares
- VivienH
- João Eudes Lima
- seballero
- siyib56
- meuvoy
- tehaloy234
- defoz343
- triplexone
- Deezel
- marcus.kueppers
- burnallatonce
- MarcoG
- mateushonorato
- Timoty.Moor
- DeeFoC
- mushsup
- deabo
- ZaYp3r
- Ivers
- joho
- Kaktus0506
- rz942306348932
- Willian Almeida
- adoparsons
- indirrana
- Tim Johnson
- V2ivii3nHiFi
- Arahizzz
- Marcin.Bartnik
- daniloff
- Chubolicious
- Demar2k19
- Cristopher
- lowbig
- Jordan Jones
- dzzd
- pichiel6
- injatimi
- MusicLover750
- RoobyDoobie
- Shawmut
- Petr Hank
- dave_it
- jeremiahlee
- Ludoa12
- thegut
- piotrek.znowu
- vrbanekbranko
- Solaris07
- Reuben Botha
- Ma.St
- xenergie
- markandre2106
- cogscides
- Mohamed_Yonko_Talaat
- claus59
- kacgal
- willyvaldezz
- ppkrf
- Zobie
- chuanito
- Sytze Schalk
- Alexis LAMART
- Isogi Maru
- sebtix
- dlchamp
- ostapski
- Raif Coonjah
- PeSchroe
- Ivan Brajkovic
- Imsure87
- Jader Dalmas
- Mikhail.Sobol
- milo88
- perkoxcar
- Paul Bridgland
- E.Balázs
- KwiinParas
- NoiceLOPO
- nikvst
- osayamen omigie
- Omar Montaser
- eric885522
- RenanBul
- Vent1narc
- aeltab
- Stephan1827
- mathevsouza
- Sonicbliss1208
- Hizium
- Niv Behar
- omri
- alfalco
- Anftsv
- Riza Fahmi
- Samuel Tremonti
- shadowseeker27
- Steven Kelly
- izhidkov
- Timo.Volkenrath.
- Shidairyu X
- Krzysztof.Gruszko
- Ender1988
- FlyingPeeWee
- Doud-bx3
- tounin
- Lyle Vincent
- Weeez
- rmtmckenzie
- Alexey Prusov
- kimjonas
- Rick-Anthony
- Rolanddekok
- elstupid
- Csacs
- Natalio
- toonarmytel
- swinxnl
- tessa.
- Marwan.Tohamy
- szymekjablo
- JesperK
- Sailor.G
- doubouil
- Alchymoto
- franksj_deezer2
- skrnavi
- scastrillo
- stevenomes
- Alchymotome
- htkblazer
- dizzy
- hrnndzian
- JanT
- ta2744_2
- Ido Moshe
- davanaton
- nommy
- Eledzdo
- Inad74
- alex84
- Megan Firth
- Teun.Buter
- ongakufi
- Eihab Abdel-Rahim
- oof_101
- montetrebol
- olaf5235
- sergio-74
- Timur Yarosh
- Octavio Huerta Carrillo
- Rodrigo.Laisequilla.Ramos
- Holly.C
- James_Hackett
- Seeje
- Marc999
- lilado
- yumoose
- kamikadzem22
- Gerd Ceder
- korg250
- Estéfano Vechietti
- Clem25
- ron_damon
- Ivelin
- Moej90
- Coksi
- dennox
- Axouuu
- eknoes
- jeremysprite
- leok
- Dangles91
- karollo
- teqteq
- Tecko
- Felipe Saraiva
- Laurent Meliot
- Johan.Devondel
- Horstorm
- Andrew.Snejovski
- MattNicholas
- deezerama
- magnus4ever
- antoniodtv
- Oskko
- Arnaud Thévenet
- WiMank
- Harlly.Dela.Cruz
- Arla0
- Padlex
- Devrus
- krzyp
- ThoricIntegral6
- FONTAINE Frederic
- Netto
- Rháfaga Barros
- Servos
- user1589
- Ovidiu Moraru
- Rickard Sundberg
- Darkblue87
- Tim Dutton
- Damir89
- Fyutins
- adizo
- Enik
- TimNBG
- Jeremy5150
- siroderap
- Nessan
- Ioana Morarescu
- SS's Deezer
- Daniel DS
- Mark Phillipson
- Ralf van der Enden
- arsen123
- Eonwe
- Xavier Pantin
- Matthew Plotas
- sahar kroglen
- timmken
- Tobiias
- Latz
- homam_gamer
- Anton.Shopin
- Lukas161
- p3p
- Florian.Scherl
- dude101
- rambe
- Emartas
- theclaretfloyd
- Henri2h
- Odrahcyr
- woobilicious
- TravelingLight
- Edward Stevens
- Mycrow
- ariel.levin.733
- lukaafx.
- iact0
- katro
- Sonda
- MatevzFa
- MusicIsLife
- ocustomer
- Tokadon
- Sean.Brugge
- Dennis Ameling
- ZanzibaRrr
- Lina B.
- Andrewarc
- amit vij
- OzGlobal
- DamionGans
- Giulio Terracciano
- raccoonsarecool
- Skriand
- Andre Osokin
- Totobal
- bloemenprinses2
- f_oste
- Rebel
- ghz
- cloy3
- Tahoebear
- robkarot
- Sergey Dudin
- patellia
- Markus_no
- Mi imamo Se fajn
- Jluvian23
- MaliBratDzordz
- Xenevis
- LukasSpielt
- Martijn.Keymis
- Steel Samurai
- Stingraynl
- dockland_hh
- Shanksta
- rafmoles
- Santiago Andres Del Zotto
- simoninderkummen
- Vedran
- vlb047
- yxa
- mnkdk
- hybridstasis
- mat9
- periklis
- Vogelfrei
- Michael.Wolfshtein
- johan-sson
- norby
- miiaow
- musiks4mmler
- Dracor22
- stijn cabuy
- haykgalstyan
- AvivOK
- uygardilek
- PullUpSelecta
- Diaconescu Florin
- elka
- blendkrasniqi
- Cesar Augusto García López
- Silvestrus
- GrgurPajalic
- yurakgn
- timontimon
- fjz222
- MauriGuzman
- kaze.hi
- Boni
- pfb201
- TheEnds
- Nagard
- schaade-music
- Eduardo Luiz Caixeta
- Sergio Moreno V
- tremiand
- Hockney
- Mladjoni
- patrikkesic
- Farhanito
- Gabriel.Eugenio.Dvoranen
- Placido09
- Xander
- alohabobo
- Reiscracker
- dablais
- Spiriq
- Jon Paul
- Gilad.Garon
- Francois.Hill
- Yossi Kozay
- Snozzlebert
- Specd
- eitam1
- Jannes
- bfritsch
- Lukas Lu
- hpguru
- amoshi
- count
- Hexagon
- chavezdaniel
- bullon
- frgabriel
- Renato Ribeiro
- paulryan
- Cloink
- DeenOub
- arivas
- dams.alex
- donutnotnut
- Masa
- blumack
- Nir Parisian
- philooo
- Valakin
- Ivan Jokanovic
- fatih-akbulut
- Minimoon
- Piotr T. Zubrzycki
- flightsim9192
- Allen Graves
- Patrick_314
- strixaluco
- Oberon
- andrewjk
- Fajea
- atvking
- Sammael
- SeaOfGreen
- ukku
- AnTom
- Fahmi B Mukbil
- BerndO
- dylanaver
- uahummer
- Anatolio0320
- Freezer
- p3te_hill
- kalendar
- bulatovicm
- ifeher
- OneFineDay
- Tanto4
- McZab
- Vytautas Krutulis
- DJ-Deezerlinchen
- vikmind
- raoulK
- Julio.Rangel
- Sevete
- querta
- Pembroke
- tiro0815
- jvanderheide
- odav99
- Yossi
- john_mayer_1
- Evil_Acid
- R-jac
- henkeslasher
- tmunzer
- Giorgos Pappas
- JelStIy
- popkorn95
- алексей.мельник
- avguytx
- DaBlanco
- Gwenddoleu
- Papa.Lazarou
- yves dm
- Jul
- hkohl7273
- Sashgeahkovv
- Cpt.Slow
- remip
- Paul W75
- Kael
- Celianlemaignen
- PocketD
- Mumma
- MoneyintheD
- taravasya2
- Антон Илларионов
- DrWongKC
- fdmerle
- bdnsz
- Mikelite
- Vojtěch Hořánek
- groomon
- equi
- jplmail
- stumpsaway@icloud.com
- Dawg
- Momir Stanišić
- Martin van Stek
- legalax
- deezertrentetrois
- Tobias Rauer
- romiletto
- Phil Grenfell
- Qinz
- JakobG
- Fritz@meesters.us
- Samuel Smolenski
- Vadim S. Barkovsky
- Eisbaer50
- egauthier
- martynonline
- zakketto
- cazzzac
- pashmak
- Rhys Green
- Grabthar
- Gotgi
- SoylentWhite
- LN102
- William Reed
- ingowerner
- kepolo
- elcontador
- barthou12
- htpc23
- Math
- normonline
- drkoetter
- Happyjack 1
- Banana Baboon
- nikin
- zupodaniel
- Deezgi
- Emmanuel69
- darrenthompson84
- Steviemidnight
- welttronauten
- Listener3000
- 9MZ@
- Bartvm
- ChristopherVMT
- Gabriel Felippe Mateus
- Mettalicat
- ipmusic
- Welby18
- Swythan
- KasperD
- Knochensalat
- Ramiro Blacha
- mattanja
- ShieldsUpRedAlert
- Felipe Ripardo
- Mr. Dreamfold
- joetheschmoh
- Manu Joye
- barinov200000
- chris88
- besbos
- Atscha
- artistro08
- Francisco.Bombella
- myheartisoffline
- Ricardo Mass
- Asyrani Lin
- sthome
- donatom3
- francisg
- Aldrick3598
- Jan Slováček
- yur
- y.u.kio
- Roy_c
- MikeyV
- stephane.bauer
- mrosq
- Hoppo
- lovelogo
- Tarık Alp Onar
- nyredlaner
- ianhyzy
- scoddy
- André de Souza Genaro
- Arafat Hossain
- nibbler311
- Peccaa
- Harmonie
- bpedman
- maximiliend
- Niek
- pkeoghan
- FridoDasBrot
- Fullmetalvanity
- Armics
- iAmFinn
- Bendik Vignes
- Josh.Griffin
- agent4126
- charlbur@gmail.com
- David Artus
- Kurosagi93
- Oleksii S.
- emat
- Tom.williams134
- Ramkury
- ronuh
- RobertoWMS
- Alejandrososa
- WilZA
- markhankins
- Catalin Marin
- Nikla3
- Master_Jedi_
- femetal
- Tropis Life
- tech.stuff
- Yordan
- Christer Heen Skotland
- JM008
- yauhen
- Eran Itzhacki
- gb2500
- squire23
- Ni_Ko
- babythunder7
- aceofdaves
- Hotery
- The Resolute
- Kevin Morrison
- neechee
- adam.winschberg
- Steve Meadow
- Aymen
- Roman.Mzh
- Sarancha Evgeniy
- DP4
- __dsssadre__
- Viacheslav Mrykh
- Mr_Ieskela
- FalconFour
- uglyjustin
- Deoradh
- VedArt
- Ярослав Шаталин
- DDD1
- Jeferson Rodrigues
- Stijnl
- adiasarahma
- zedprotect
- Олег К
- Tiago Donoso
- aoliver
- Pablo Mucciolo
- Hamilton.Júnior
- Trzema
- mkgl
- Eugenio.Realini
- Jéremy Monpull
- kübra şanlıer
- matulicana
- przemnet
- xavier_wharton
- DiscoDrum
- Ilya Blentsov
- dairan
- bramazzotti
- braun4p
- liayetienne
- lm41
- holgerwacker
- Dahaniel
- mournfulpigeon
- Voyd
- RoelieRules
- danielmain
- Chris Hoy Poy
- Rantanplan81
- John Candido
- 23shortstop
- Haju
- Sergio.Jungers
- Vincent Revenboer
- Nathan Steeves
- roderickvd
- wvannus
- morgan.johnston
- Krzysztof K
- FlyingChipmunk
- adrianpmurphy
- NickAM1025
- Ubi
- philjames
- contralateral
- mccannr1
- Vx76
- JeroenV
- Andreas Holzapfel
- ToniToni
- Uxorious
- Rodrigo Campo Dall'Orto
- Bluetopia
- Slibbo
- Daniel.Madão
- why123321
- Siplex
- vdata
- cj.allen321
- pascoa341
- Mike Roedema
- p341
- jammi
- Pavel.Kokoshnikov
- nikolas
- baronb
- Mordie
- matt.kintsugi
- Saturn8x
- renni
- lahue
- Jingah
- nearfaraway
- Andreas Stoltz
- MariuszC
- dead2thewind
- Anne Honime
- aymeric3086
- sschnick
- nolag
- aeromir
- cbnz
- ArtemUa
- Tuliol
- peterhartmanuk
- yustme
- zark
- SupermanBatman
- Andrés Felipe Sánchez
- M.Bilalll
- Andre Berzins De Negreiros
- sino
- Mike Cordingley
- rbdl
- Adam Ogiliev
- odnari
- andivogi
- Geomy
- pink yellow blue
- moot
- dhane german
- Florian.Ackermann
- Nathan.Pearce
- Beorn
- Vlekkie
- mitsiklas13
- Snain
- DaveTrev
- Sterf
- Cervajz
- h_brennhaeuser
- Victor Bombella
- TheJanzap
- ZomboBrain
- musicfanatic815
- craigus195
- captainborracho
- ShishKebabsMin
- Animatron
- klappspaten
- lolfloppydisc
- oliblob
- Temak
- wittao
- Dishit
- Funk
- p1lgrim
- Akun Jitu
- TurnItUp
- kunahk
- Ondpe
- Mantas Dapkus
- rauschfrey
- Gr00ty
- JerSev971
- Xavier Raynaud
- Rayke
- Matti De Bruyne
- Nikosleov_2
- ericpbutcher
- aceman404
- Jiri.Vanek
- edwinas2
- aosh
- Wooky
- AsdfQwertz
- jacob1122
- Matt07
- adam.vickers
- ragguts
- Henri Beijer
- Luis Eric
- Kuba
- Valdemar Landberg
- bild
- Maksym Yashchenko
- Fukhan04
- imaginasis
- Matthew Rand
- bratman
- Bg.goran
- Tobias.Kuhrke
- Solidmighty
- Unr3aL
- frki16
- Jarod
- Gnawer
- lordgoomy
- Nicolay Eckhoff
- Miroslaw wojciechowski
- Gondes
- ursobrian
- Lukasz124
- Elipsus
- psionic
- Sjoerd
- greensteru
- Emphyrio
- cr57
- frusc
- reimicahann
- Georgekg
- Karol Ruszala
- Jobj
- Stephen McNeill
- Laurie Bermond
- ViniSouza
- Jonas Berggren
- Alex_is_a_friend
- Matt Hilliard
- Molleton
- marcocapo79
- yan_kos
- yann.
- Sebideluxe
- paul_rwhite
- kujojotaro
- tino.l
- Thaq
- Przemek
- Uka Sz
- swave
- nonsubscriber
- Damian.Kos
- jrad
- falseShepherd
- Nicorng
- Vizion-HUN
- duvnell
- Jens_Crazy
- Jemuel Marengo
- P-Kay
- Bdouble0
- Guizp31
- Vincent51
- Biloot
- Terence Haddock
- Kyrunx
- clembes
- joshu42
- matches
- Leonardo Yepez
- Willard
- imaxverem94
- Alex073
- stoat42_
- Emil Jung
- Thomas.Klug
- maxarasta
- nilID
- gantor
- M M
- Rugni7
- strahinjas
- Bebouz
- Karel Vrancken
- Deep Doshi
- Pleuvinz
64 replies
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- March 16, 2021
Thanks for coming back
- Tiny Dancer
- 6 replies
- March 23, 2021
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- March 24, 2021
No problem,
We're very close to getting an update out. Please bear with us a bit longer!
- 1 reply
- April 5, 2021
1) It won't load randomly. Reinstalling does nothing.
2) Song skip after 10 secs to the next song randomly. Won't stop, have to restart xbox to stop it.
3) App doesn't go dark on my Sony TV like other apps. Have to worry about screen burn-in.
When will these issues be fixed?
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- April 6, 2021
Thanks for reporting it
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- May 14, 2021
Hi all!
I have had so many issues lately with Deezer to the point where it's getting so frustrating it ruins all the fun and I find myself even avoiding my Xbox.
A month ago...I had issues with the app crashing. When opening it, it would load the screen then restart.
Would randomly skip tracks or stop playback out of nowhere.
NOW, for the last hour and a half the app keeps crushing over and over again! I tried everything, nothing works.
What's going on?
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- May 17, 2021
So sorry to hear about your experience. We've been working on an updated version of our app for a while now, so hopefully we'll have good news for you.
In the meantime, I'd be grateful if you could give me the version you have installed right now. I also moved your comments here so that you're kept up-to-date with any progress from our side
- Lover
- 115 replies
- June 14, 2021
Hi Rudy, do you have ETA new Deezer xbox update?
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- June 15, 2021
Thanks for asking. Not yet, but because you asked, I chased for more info.
I know the next three months will see our teams focusing a great deal on fixing bugs, rather than building features. So it's all on the plans.
I'll let you know once I get a proper response
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- June 19, 2021
Xbox app still keeps crashing. It has been really long this keeps happening. app is up tot date. Might switch because of this
- Lover
- 115 replies
- June 19, 2021
This is my experience few days ago:
I started Xbox Deezer App and saw message “Update in progress” and nothing else. I tried uninstall the app, but I wasn’t able to install again - failed.
Restarted the xbox, tried install again, but on first run saw blinking splash screen and then the Deezer App disappeared from Xbox. I tried it again, but failed again.
After few reboots of xbox I was able to make success installation and run the app without crash. It’s totaly magic. I don’t like it :(
BTW: First fresh start is failing - the home screen doesn’t load. I must close the App and rerun.
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- June 21, 2021
We don't like it either
We have an update planned for the Xbox app but I'm also waiting for more details - as soon as I have them, I'll be sharing with you
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- June 25, 2021
Hi there guys,
Just a quick heads up regarding the app on Xbox. It seems you have had issues on the Xbox for about a year plus now and seems that as yet, no-one seems inclined to do anything about at Deezer. I have been getting the same issues with the app crashing, losing the quick interface and being unable to ay most things other than flow. In light of this, I will not be extending my service with you guys. The ides of paying for something generally implies you receive a service for your payment. Sadly, it seems the Xbox community are a side project no-one is interested in. Back to Spotify I go.
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- June 26, 2021
Sorry to hear that
The Xbox app has updates planned, in which our teams are working on. But it's also the same team in charge of other features like partnerships and integrations - we're unable to deliver everything at the same time, to things take a bit of time before release, definitely more than what we'd expect.
Your feedback is duly noted
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- July 16, 2021
Will we get higher bit rates like tidal for example? In tidal we have master tracks with bitrates that are higher than cd quality will we ever get this on the Deezer Xbox app?
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- July 17, 2021
- Lover
- 5 replies
- September 7, 2021
I have read all the messages for the year about the problem on the Xbox and one thing is clear to me, nothing has changed in a year. The application for Xbox with reduced functionality and contains a lot of bugs, and Rudy promised that everything will be fixed soon and continues to promise for more than a year. I am a developer myself (SWIFT), all this is fixed by one day of work for the developer. Make edits to the code, add some features, and test before the release. If another developer has to work on this, then it is easy to re-write such a simple application in a week, even if you take frequent breaks for coffee and cookies and are constantly distracted by communicating with colleagues about football. I have no excuse for your inaction. Spotify is not your competitor here. Everything works like a clock for him, both on the Xbox and on the Apple Watch, a full-fledged application, and not a stub like yours. There is no one delaying the elimination of problems, everything is solved immediately. I'm sorry for this negative experience with Deezer, I was hoping that you would improve, I sent you a detailed report on the problems I identified to support, but now I understand that it was all useless. You Rudy will probably promise to fix everything again (I understand you, this is your job), and maybe it will even happen, but the question is when? How many more years must pass? More than a year has passed since the first appeals to Deezer!!!
UPD: I understand that Deezer has a problem because of finances. There is no money to hire developers at least in India to write a normal application for Xbox. Most likely, until the extra money appears, everything will look the same.
- Lover
- 115 replies
- September 8, 2021
Thank you
It’s not about the Deezer App only. The same about desktop app, important podcasts missing, local playlist missing too.
I’m still thinking why should I stay or move to green one.
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- September 11, 2021
Our Xbox update is a bit delayed, that's true
If you think about streaming companies, especially Deezer, you pay a considerable sum every month and you're right - but don't forget that majority of what you pay goes to the labels. With what Deezer has at the end of the day, we always put our users first. Guaranteed.
- Lover
- 5 replies
- September 11, 2021
Our Xbox update is a bit delayed, that's true
If you think about streaming companies, especially Deezer, you pay a considerable sum every month and you're right - but don't forget that majority of what you pay goes to the labels. With what Deezer has at the end of the day, we always put our users first. Guaranteed.
I like the Deezer project and that's why I behave like this. If you, Rudy, are also worried about this good project, do not let it degrade. Together we will help him to be interesting and useful. Remind internal departments about problem areas that need improvement. Problems need to be eliminated, not hushed up, and it's a pity that everything rests on financing. Move them, remind them periodically, please. Personally, I'm ready to wait a little longer, even close my eyes to this creepy, outdated UI. For example, the design of the button in the form that is used in your applications is outdated in 2014. I don't say anything about bugs at all. It sometimes hurts me to look at what I use, but when I turn on the sound, it changes everything. Annoyance is replaced by a smile. Once again, I ask you, move them there, please.
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- September 15, 2021
Hi there, so I'm guessing this is still a problem as I've linked my deezer to my xbox this evening the app crashes and stops playing music a matter of minutes into a track.
Here's exactly what happened.
Launched a track from my loved tracks list.
Moved over to the game pass screen to browse for what I'm installing next.
Music stops. Go and relaunch app start Music again.
Go back to browsing game pass.
Repeat the same steps once again. Rapidly lose patience with it and check the forums.
Is this a known problem?
Is there a fix for this?
Is something in development to remedy this problem? (Hopefully with speed behind it.)
Xbox is up to date checked before posting on this thread.
- Community Manager
- 5134 replies
- September 17, 2021
I don’t have an ETA yet but our devs are working as fast as they can to deliver this in the following months.
We really appreciate your patience and I hope I can have news for all Xbox users soon.
Apologies for all the inconvenience.
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- September 26, 2021
More than a year and all we get is empty excuses. That is unacceptable. The app is simply unplayable on Xbox. Never tried Spotify before (got Deezer since 2016) and guess what? It's awesome on Xbox. You should take this broken app out of Microsoft Store, at least people wouldn't waste their time trying.
- Community Manager
- 5134 replies
- October 1, 2021
Thanks for your honest feedback
Thanks for all your patience
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