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It’s been more than 6 months now and it’s just such a bad experience - every time I get a call, answer and end it, the music won’t resume and I have to take my phone and resume it manually. Same go for many other interactions like Siri etc.

it’s beyond me how such a big experience like listening to music in the car is not one of your top priority and how such a critical (blocker) bug is out there for that amount of time.

I have seen some other conversations here reporting the same thing and chose not to participate as I don’t want to be just another message on the same thread. Such a big issue should be spammed here every week.

deezer, I took the time to write all of that cause I really like your product and don’t really want to replace it with anything currently out there. Please address this issue asap.



another small annoying bug while you’re at it would be when airplaying and closing the phone sometimes the playback stops, and the only way to go around it is to restart the app.

@André Peters 

Yay 😁

It was also reported in the German community that the Carplay problems are probably over.

The latest version in test flight fixes it for me. All issues with CarPlay are gone!

Hey there! 

Yes, we are aware of this issue, we have reported it and our developement team is working on it! 

We are sorry about the inconvenience :) 

We all want to support the smaller, European streaming service instead of behemoths like Apple Music or Spotify, but still not having a fix for something as critical as this for iPhone users, I just don’t get it.

I agree that this should work the way it is intended, with music resuming after text messages and phone calls. I have been waiting patiently for personal playlist support for my Alexa-enabled devices, waiting patiently for over a year now, so I feel your frustration.

What I have decided is that I can either support the smaller, European streaming service instead of behemoths like Apple Music or Spotify, or have a huge development team assigned to resolving my wish list, but not both.

Apple, Spotify, and Amazon Music (the other behemoth) all have frustrating issues as well. I guess we all have to decide what we are willing to accept. I wouldn’t blame you one bit for choosing another service, but I’m going to continue to support the underdog. 


This is really crazy. I am about to switch to Deezer with my family, we all like it and just came across this issue. Everyone of us.

I was hoping this is a bug that exists for some days or weeks and is being looked into, but months?

We are in the 3 month trial, so no worries for us, but that is a reason to not buy it sadly. And I WANT to buy it.

Hey there! 

Yes, we are aware of this issue, we have reported it and our developement team is working on it! 

We are sorry about the inconvenience :) 

Another version update, another disappointment… Still not fixed. That makes this the 9th month since I first reported this issue. Not the 9th day, not the 9th week even…. no… the 9th month. This is becoming a joke. And the refusal of your developers to pass on any concrete info to you, is ludicrous. I’ve been reading “We’re aware of the problem and our developers are working on it” since Rudi was still on these forums…

We all want to support the smaller, European streaming service instead of behemoths like Apple Music or Spotify, but still not having a fix for something as critical as this for iPhone users, I just don’t get it.

Same here 😒. Please fix it. I don‘t want to replace Deezer.

Hey there! 

Yes, we are aware of this issue, we have reported it and our developement team is working on it! 

We are sorry about the inconvenience :) 

I tottally agree, I have the same issues. I find it unbelievable that nobody from Deezer is addressing it.