
Tapping on Artist or Album name in Now Playing opens Artist or Album page - Mobile

In Now Playing, if I click on the artists name it could take me to the artist page.

In Now Playing, if I click on the album name it could take me to the album page. 

Yes, this is a much-needed QoL improvement. It already works on the desktop application (at least on macOS)

Hi there @teqteq 

I really like this one as well. I've passed it on and voted for it 😉

Like this idea, faster and easier. My vote!

I still subconsciously press the album name every day :-)

That's also my first move when using the app, because of how others use this way of working too @teqteq :sweat_smile:

The idea has gained quick votes, let's hope it continues :thumbsup_tone2:

Updated idea status In discussionNot for now

I wonder why it is not planned? when you’re listening to a cool song and you want to listen to more songs of the same artist, now you need tap on the 3 dots and choose the artist, why not straightforward going to artist page?