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Play all songs by one artist or all favourite artists

I would like an option to play ALL song by one same artist or to play ALL song by all my favourite artists. Just like shuffling through your whole music library.

79 replies

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 3824 replies
  • March 9, 2018
Hi there, so sorry for the very late reply. We highly appreciate your feedback and will forward this to our devs and will update you on any news about this.

We apologise again for the late reply!

  • 3 replies
  • March 29, 2018
+1 for the "shuffle single artist" option. This is what I do half the time when I listen to music, and I don't want to manually create playlists for each artist I regularly listen to.

  • 1 reply
  • April 30, 2018
Hi guys!!

I can't find an option that let me play only my favorite songs from one single artist; I mean, when I look for an artist I wish I have a button, inside that page, that let me play my Favorite songs from that artist.

Best regards!!!

  • 2 replies
  • June 9, 2018
I Love your idea and i created a thread on that until i see yours . So i permitted myself to write message here:

First, I have to tell that i love the flow function as much as i hate it.
Sometimes, i just want to listen to my library ( artists saved in my case ) and only my library.
Unfortunately, flow does not do that, it sometimes play sponsored content ( wich i am against as i pay for a Hi-Fi subscription so in my opinion i do not have to listen to sponsored content ). And to go further on Flow, when you play like two songs of an artist, it will only play those two songs and will not let you listen to the rest of an artist.

Secondly and last, i would love to have a button to strictly play my library in random and ONLY my library.
As simple as that !

Best regards, Victor

I was listening to BlueFoxMusic ( and they have their songs organized by singles, because that's what they do, turns out deezer does not have an option to "Play everything" from artist, what makes listening to BlueFoxMusic very frustrating - I have to play each music manually.

  • Deezer Staff
  • 6123 replies
  • June 25, 2018
@Rafael Campanari I moved your post to this existing topic. Please vote for this idea 🙂

  • Runaway Baby
  • 1 reply
  • August 23, 2018
May be create button like "listen artist discography"(without other artists)?
I want to listen all albums of single artist press one button.

  • Deezer Staff
  • 6123 replies
  • September 24, 2018
@aguart Please vote for this idea. Hopefully this can be done soon 🙂

Michel-Michel Michel wrote:
I would like an option to play ALL song by one same artist or to play ALL song by all my favourite artists. Just like shuffling through your whole music library.

me too. this is essential!

Flo.Deezer wrote:
Hi there, so sorry for the very late reply. We highly appreciate your feedback and will forward this to our devs and will update you on any news about this.

We apologise again for the late reply!

This is still not done 6 months after your reply. I will cancel my HiFi membership right now.

  • Lover
  • 75 replies
  • November 5, 2018
Any updates? It would be a very nice feature...

  • 1 reply
  • November 15, 2018
Hi Flo.Deezer,

I honestly support Deezer as I find they suggest less mainstream music than Spotify.

But honestly, no "Play all tracks from artist" button??!! That sounds really basic to me...

Also, it's been 8 months since you guys know there is strong user need for that feature.

I believe in you guys, don't disappoint me please!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 4 replies
  • November 27, 2018
I can't believe Deezer doesn't have a feature to play your 'favourited' songs by an artist. I mean that is the most basic function the app should have. I'm glad to see there are plenty other people who are irate this isn't a feature. I would also like my favourites songs to save in the album's section as well so I can listen to an album all the way through without the songs I don't like. Loads of rap albums have skits etc... That I would rather not listen to so if you just save the songs you like from an album you can listen to it all the through. That's the way Spotify does it and it's significantly better

Deezer Legend
If you click on "Show more top titles" on the artist page, there is a list with about 80 tracks which you can listen to with another play button on that page. You can also enable shuffle mode in the player, so the songs will be sorted randomly. If the artist has more than 80 tracks, you would have to create a new playlist with all his albums and play that instead. This is also true for your favorite tracks of all your artists, although Flow kind of does this or is at least supposed to do this plus some new recommended songs from other artists. Last but not least the "My Music" tab has a play button called "Play my library on shuffle" which also suffers from early repetition like Flow.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 4 replies
  • November 27, 2018
Yeah I realise that but I don't want to listen to all the tracks by an artist, I would prefer to just shuffle the songs that I know I like by that artist. I shouldnt have to create playlist for a feature than should already be there. I honestly can't understand why your songs don't just save under the artist. Would be such an easy feature to add. Every other music site does it.

bluezzbastardzz wrote:
If you click on "Show more top titles" on the artist page, there is a list with about 80 tracks which you can listen to with another play button on that page.

This might be true with some artists, but not all (example being The Dollyrots [] whom only has 4 tracks in their "Top Tracks").

So that solution would be fine with some, if not most of the artists, but not all sadly.

+1 please

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • March 19, 2019
+1 Also. But to be more specific I would like to listen only the downloaded songs of an artist and in album order (so if I start with the track 3 of one album I will listen all the remaining tracks and after that it will start on the next album)

And be able to shuffle on theses downloaded tracks could be perfect.

  • 1 reply
  • April 2, 2019
Just give them a one star rating on their app and also mention this missing feature in your review.
They don't want to add this feature, because they are got paid by record labels to forcing on us their sh*tty songs to make that song mainstream... this is how they get million views for really badly produced songs. Those listens are bought listens by the record labels. The same thing is true for spotify.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • April 26, 2019
Flo.Deezer wrote:
Hi there, so sorry for the very late reply. We highly appreciate your feedback and will forward this to our devs and will update you on any news about this.

We apologise again for the late reply!

Could you elaborate please why such a simple feature hasn't been implemented yet? You are receiving requests during a year. If it's connected with some arrangements or something else I suppose it would be better to find a compromise. F.e. add more liked artists into flow(I often use flow but some of artists are not played for a long long time), or make an option kind of "add all artists to flow" in flow menu or in user settings.

  • 1 reply
  • May 15, 2019
it s needed to play all song from favorite artiste without select all album of this artist with "ma music" bouton

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • June 8, 2019
It would be amazing if this feature worked on Xbox One app too.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 9, 2019
Thanks @sergiofvs will pass your feedback on!

  • 2 replies
  • June 14, 2019
When using Deezer in the car via android auto (on my limited data plan) I am always burning through data skipping tracks in a mix when I asked for one specific artist. Why can't the app just play songs by the artist I asked for!?

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 3824 replies
  • June 15, 2019
Hi @cawdavid the mix is composed by songs from the artist and similar ones. If you want to listen to songs by the artist only then the best thing to do is to listen to the top tracks of that artist. I have added your comment to this idea, as I think it is the one feature you would like to have 😉
