
Launch Deezer Digital Audio Player

Probably you ask , why?

Well, maybe, some of you know that another music streaming service launched a device which is limited in things that can do. Purchased and streamed music become more and more popular every day. We have smartphones that of course can play music and more things, but the point is the way they do it and the battery.

When you buy a mobile, you pay for display, processor, storage, antennas, cameras, RAM, battery,etc. And you use it for chat, games, radio-music, taking photos-video, video/call, weather, news, payments, GPS assistants (aka battery drainers), health (wearables, tooth brushing, weight scales,etc), language apps, etc.

Now, think a device without notifications, with no apps other than music, meaning purchased and streaming music; with a huge storage & battery & connections only for music. That’s called true music experience. In that device, called Digital Audio Portable, DAP, let’s say that 70% of the price is for dedicated audio chips, gold plated connections, oxygen free chemical components and electromagnetic isolation ( less noise in audio signal ).

These are the reasons for my topic, Deezer should launch its own DAP in collaboration with a manufacturer if they don’t work hardware components. And it should have:

- Good design: you fall in love with a device starting with the design. If is attractive, it will be sold easier.
- Reasonable price: also important. It can’t be expensive, so people won’t buy it, but in the other side, can’t be cheap. We are talking about sound and materials quality. Price will have a relation with storage and materials.
- Huge storage: here we have two options. Only internal storage from 128gb to 2Tb, that is more expensive than the others. Or external storage from a minimum storage, which allows the buyer to decide how much s/he wants to pay to increase it. Is also cheaper.
- Operative system: a very important point. Because it shouldn’t have Android. Android would make it slower and would take space even with pure Android because of Google Bloatware. Why do you want to send emails (mobile,tablet,computer), play games (nintendo,sony,microsoft,computer), drive (mobile,GPS, car’s display),etc? That’s not pure music experience, and those things drain battery.
Remember iPod? is still for sale but hidden on apple website behind Music tab. Why? because they want to sell phones, wearables, tablets and services. They launched iPod has a big super cool device, with a lot of marketing and now they want to forget it because they want, not you. And with purchased and streaming music, digital players are a fundamental piece! Maybe you don’t know Astell & Kern, FiiO, Shanling, Pioneer-Onkyo….perhaps Sony Walkman, which celebrated his 40th birthday last year. All of those brands continue selling DAPs, with different prices, for those consumers who want a unique musical experience and understood that mobile phone is for what it is.
So, no Android, no Gapps, no Microsoft Office, no games pre-installed . Just take Linux, make it lighter deleting rubbish (camera drivers, GPS drivers, edge screen,etc), so it can re/start faster , work faster and have access to your music before you end saying Mississippi.
However, what it can do, is when you configure it for the first time, ask you if you want to download Deezer, Qobuz, Tidal, Spotify, Pandora, Napster, Soundcloud. Later, you will able to install them downloading their .apk and installing. If you don’t want to install any app because you have purchased music, you only will have your songs with title, artist, album, year, musical genre,etc. If you want, it can search for Lyrics using Deezer’s LyricFind collaboration.

- Good sound chipsets and proccessor. They are the internal operation bodies, they give quality, speed and avoid bottlenecks. We don’t want the last Exynos, last Snapdragon, instead, a mid-range one.

- Good screen: in connection with the above. Not the last Superamoled, just a good display to see outdoor when the sun shines, with low battery use and good reaction to fingers. So, good and fast. It’s also important to take advantage of the frames, because you want to see all songs as possible at a glance.

- Bluetooth,WiFi, NFC, minijack, balanced outputs. Connections in general to play in your speaker, musical equipment, car’s radio, and deliver the best quality.

- Hand size: use it with just one hand, elegant and good materials but lighter, comfortable with Grip. Optional hole for strap.

- Huge battery: is not a phone, but connections , high fidelity , brightness can also drain battery. And we want this device to last outdoor. Without battery, device is dead, is useless (same as without no heart: proccessor, ram, chipsets in general).

- Case and screen protector. Included in the unboxing or with a special price when you buy the device. Important!! transparent silicone case, to see device’s design and suck the shock of the impact to the ground!!

The name? What do you think? Surprise me!!

Maybe Deezdap, Deezplay, Deezmus/ Musdeez (from music), Deezaudio, Deezme, Deezway...

I can’t edit, i saw the mistake has which is as, and about sim support...could be if you want to leave your mobile alone at home and forget everything, just play in streaming. If not, download before going outdoor.

Thanks for the idea @walker and quite interesting and detailed reasons.
Let’s see what other users say and if we get enough votes. :relaxed:

Updated idea status NewIn discussion

I guarantee I’d buy one.

I hate smartphones. I wouldn’t use one if it was not for Deezer app.

Smartphone for me is distraction, I literally just use it for music. Outrageous data plans in many countries, I’d like music only Deezer featured device and that’s it. With best parts in it for let’s say Hifi performance. I’d buy one tomorrow if available and ditch my smartphone from a balcony!

This said Kudos added.

@hpguru I agree with you. Mobiles are for calls. If you want to take photos, buy a mirrorless: if you want to record a video, buy a videocamera; if you want to play games, you can choose between computer or console; and for music, you already know…

3 votes for now!

I use mobile for calls indeed.

I wonder why this idea only 4 votes. Are there most people not interested in sound?

I’d like to go back into 90’s with Deezer branded Digital Audio Player.

Please add more votes so we can have one.

@hpguru the point is that people want to have one device for everything, the smartphone. Most of them said that can’t appreciate any difference between mp3 and Flac (for me is also hard sometimes, however after listening and listening audio in high definition, I feel some differences : instruments that haven’t recognized before, cleaner voices,etc)  , but now that Apple told the world that high fidelity exists, I’m sure every day more and more people will say that Hi-Fi has better quality .
Because you know, things become important when Apple launches them. Everything launched before, became irrelevant.