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Edit playlist from track playing screen

I have tens of playlists with thousands of tracks in them, all made by myself. And I always listen to them and trying to clean them up as perfect as I can to get the right mood for all tracks in every playlist. But I can only edit my playlist from playlist screen (with list of all tracks in current playlist), not from track playing screen. So just imagine, how much time I need (while listening to a track, that I want to delete from current playlist) to found this track in playlist with more than 500 tracks and to delete it. So, dear developers, I ask you to add a feature in track playing screen options “delete track from playlist”. Huge , guys!

4 replies

*Huge thanks, guys!

  • Lover
  • 265 replies
  • March 11, 2021

You mean you want to be able to remove a favorite track from it's playlist? Similar to spotify's notification panel. They have the heart icon in the notification panel, to remove the now playing track directly from there. 

If that's what you mean, I absolutely support this idea.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 8634 replies
  • March 12, 2021
Updated idea status NewIn discussion

Harmonie, I meant, that I want to be able to remove current playing track from playlist, from which I chose it to listen. From playing screen, without scrolling to find it in playlist to delete it.
