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Replied by Deezer

Deezer Playstation app

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116 replies

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • January 30, 2022

+1 on this :: Deezer on the PS5/4 family would be absolutely fantastic.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 1 reply
  • February 8, 2022

Come on Deezer, you can do it...

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • February 9, 2022

We’re counting on you Deezer, and hope to see you on the Playstation Network soon. Don’t you agree that Spotify has had that monopoly for far too long now?

  • Moderator
  • 3225 replies
  • February 10, 2022

Hey guys, we do think Spotify had the monopoly on PlayStation for too long, but unfortunately this does not depend solely on us :( 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • February 13, 2022

Just waiting deezer app on PS5 here...

  • Moderator
  • 3225 replies
  • August 16, 2022
The following idea has been merged into this idea:
All the votes have been transferred into this idea.

Anonymous wrote:

That is pretty much it. A playstation app of deezer would be so handy. I play a lot and have to listen deezer from my phone, the sound on my tv is so much better and I wouldn't have to use my battery life to also use deezer (I use my phone as wifi for playing)

Is there a Deezer playstation app? 

nikenyash wrote:

Just waiting deezer app on PS5 here...

It seems it is hard to see an app. Because PlayStation has established partnerships with Spotify.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • September 2, 2022

Come On Deezer ! There must be a way to come onto PS family ! 
Spotify monopoly as last for too long now.

Hi @LeonĂ­dia.Deezer 


As a user, i am willing to help to pressure Sony into signing a deal with you guys. 

However, you and your team need to strategize and know how to gather as much as Deezer users who are interested in the same endeavor. 

In any case, it should be a win-win solution. 

I would suggest to use the global stats of Deezer users as leverage. 





  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • September 7, 2023

I need Deezer on PS4 bc music quality is so much better than Spotify đź«Ł

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • September 12, 2023

Still here to remind you that the PS5 Pro is coming soon, and the Deezer App on PS is still not, you should be ashamed, Spotify, Apple Music, even on Xbox is Deezer App, it's a shame this topic is already 5 years old and zero progress 

This topic have 5 years now and I just switched from the Spotify to Deezer this month, willing to change it back now that I'm searching for the app on my ps4 and found this topic. It really SUCKS to see a company who doesn't care at all for it's customers... This is ridiculous, 5 years of people asking, complaining, and even whining sometimes (with all the good reasons for it) you guys deserve to go bankrupt and lose all your customers, this is ridiculous.


It would be nice to get another music service like Deezer for Ps4/Ps5. Now that we have apple music and Youtube music that are accessible, I don’t think it’s a question of “exclusive spotify partnership” excuse that was used in the past. 

Just signed up, havent even used deezer yet and im already in agreeance with this, its so stupid to go into media players on ps4/5 (me and my wife own both) and ONLY see Spotify, Apple Music, and some VR music thing as the only downloadable sources for music, and i dont own an apple device so spotify becomes my only option.

i would totally harass sony into making them sign a deal with you. but have you guys thought about a petition as well as this post’s voting system? if the word could spread to various places other than just this form, it might get seen by sony, and for them to see how many supporters want them to sign a deal with deezer, they may just have to. 

monkeysmasher1 wrote:

Just signed up, havent even used deezer yet and im already in agreeance with this, its so stupid to go into media players on ps4/5 (me and my wife own both) and ONLY see Spotify, Apple Music, and some VR music thing as the only downloadable sources for music, and i dont own an apple device so spotify becomes my only option.

i would totally harass sony into making them sign a deal with you. but have you guys thought about a petition as well as this post’s voting system? if the word could spread to various places other than just this form, it might get seen by sony, and for them to see how many supporters want them to sign a deal with deezer, they may just have to. 

and for those curious, this is the contract sony has with spotify, looking over it, spotify did it to basically survive as a streaming service due to sony owning rights spotify wanted at the time (2015). 
