
crossfading on android devices

It would be really nice to get the crossfading under android devices, and a come back of it for Windows.

I know this is available on Apple devices.

Please vote to bump up the idea ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hi there,

This is already available if you subscribe as beta tester. Then you can activate this option in the Settings > Deezer Labs


To become member, this link for Android:ย

And you can also vote for it to be fully implemented here @louispasluiย @Martijn.Keymisย :wink:

It would be really nice to get the crossfading under android devices, and a come back of it for Windows.

I know this is available on Apple devices.

Please vote to bump up the idea ๐Ÿ˜‰

Oh yes please!!!! I need it for my life

Updated idea status Already exists โ†’ Replied by Deezer
Idea merged into:

All the votes from this idea have been transferred.

@Rudiย is there any date or scedule made for Android crossfade?