
Can I launch Deezer desktop to autoplay Flow

I would like to set deezer to open and once launched autoplay Flow. Command line is fine if possible.

Many Thanks for your help
Hi there, we don't have this feature yet, but I will pass it on to our devs 😉
Hi @roy_newell, I marked this idea as not implemented at the moment as it won't be Deezer's priority to work on it, but the feedback was given and if anything chances in a near future, I'll come here to update you! 🙂

At least I could not find this feature. I know iheartradio has it, the moment you open the app it resumes playing your last station, Playlist or whatever you were listening before. 

It would be awesome to have it. 

Hello @Rod Marcus, thanks for the feedback, it’s indeed not a feature that we have at the moment :slight_smile: But we’ll be forwarding your suggestion to the teams.

Have you tried opening “deezer://” URLs on the desktop? If they launch the desktop app then you could try a similar solution to autoplaying on Android. deezer://]?autoplay=true