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"My Music" management enhancements (library-oriented)

  • solstice_outcry
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Among all "big players" on music streaming, Deezer is the only one that still relies on a "playlist-oriented" approach for "My Music" management, rather than a "library-oriented" approach, as Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Music, Napster et al. do.

I would really like to suggest that Deezer improves its "My Music" management system to become more "library-oriented". This enhancement includes:

* Add/Remove/Sync individual tracks from library (Deezer currently only supports adding/removing tracks to/from playlists and sync entire playlists and albums)

* Add another shortcut "Add track to library" along with "Add to favourites"

* New browsing options to library: browse by artist (show all tracks from a given artist which were added to library), by album (show only those tracks added to library), and by track (show, in a single list, all tracks added to library).
Pinned reply

May 27, 2020



I don’t think that going the way of Spotify and other services by linking favourite songs, albums and artists together is a good idea. It is not really what i expect to be a good library.


I advocate to regard that three sections as three libraries with different functions: In favourite artists i want to have that few artists that i really love - the same with favourite songs. An example to the latter one: I am not a fan of an artist and i don’t like his discography, but maybe just one song for whatever reason. Or i discovered an unknown song from an unknown artist and want to rember/keep it. I don’t want to see that artist in the favourite artists section and also i am not interested to see the album in its corresponding section - at least at that point. In the favourite albums tab however i want to build my big collection as a music lover: that section at least in my case is by far the biggest one. I think that is THE reason to keep that three sections separated.


I would like to propose rather to give each section the love and functions it needs:

  • album section: give us the opportunity to group the albums by release date, album artist, genre and label (publisher). With grouping i mean nested levels, f.e. if you group by album artist: you have a list or thumbnails of album artists. Then if you click an artist, you are going to see its releases as covers
  • In artist section you can put favourite artists in folders, so that you have a folder for rock artists, one for folk singer and another let’s say for female rappers. (by the way: the same for playlists would also be amazing)
  • In favourite songs section for me would be enough the list we have now, but i think some people will be amazed to have the opportunity to group by artist, date or genre. Manually created folders on the other hand are not a good idea: that can be done in the playlist section

In my eyes that would be an amazing library. So far there is no streaming service that gives enough love to that. Apple music until now at least have some good points in that regard.


Thanks for reading!




31 replies

Just leaving my support for this idea here. This is the only thing I miss from my time on Spotify.

S t e r e o
  • Lover
  • 10 replies
  • January 21, 2019
Much like how it's done in Apple Music, I would like to browse through my favourite tracks by album cover art or artist image... even though I might only have 1 or 2 tracks of said album or artist in my library (then going into the album or artist, only these will show up)

Even better would be if these were simply integrated into the existing Albums and Artists views in the same fashion as Apple Music.

Maybe I'm wierd, but I prefer scrolling and browsing through my music visually with artwork rather than a list of tracks sorted by album or artist oe whatever.

S t e r e o
  • Lover
  • 10 replies
  • January 21, 2019
The ability to define "Smart" playlists based on genre which automatically grow as you grow your library. Could also be useful by artist in same cases.

S t e r e o
  • Lover
  • 10 replies
  • January 21, 2019
Exactly the same principle would be great for the uploaded MP3s playlist as well!

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 8634 replies
  • January 25, 2019
Hi there, we already have our flow tabs, have a look!
But I'm happy to pass this feedback on to the right team 🙂

This thread seems dead, but I'd like to show support too.

I shuffle my music mostly & find it really had to know which track is playing from which playlist. Perhaps if Deezer cannot have a global library for some reason, a "Playing from xxxplaylist" field could be added to the now playing screen.

This would make it easier to delete tracks or correct some of those live recordings and remixes that always seem to sneak in.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • May 30, 2019
I haven't been here in a long time @RoobyDoobie thanks for pointing it out! Left my vote, and your point about deleting tracks is quite relevant too. Hopefully our product team can discuss this.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 11 replies
  • October 24, 2019

Would love to have the option to view a playlist in Album View. Meaning, instead of each individual track as part of a playlist, you would see the album cover similar to how you do in the Albums section of My Music. I do this for specific “playlists” like when I’m organizing my favorite albums of 2019 for example. I don’t want to see the individual tracks, I want to see the albums.  

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 8634 replies
  • January 9, 2020

Hi there, isn't something like this idea below?

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • February 8, 2020

Just wanted to voice some support for this as I am truly disappointed in the way my “favorites” are only accessible to sort via the Favorites playlist alone.

A true “Library” if you will, should be at the top of your next sprint. Trying to access artists of songs that I’ve favorited requires me going through the entire list of favorites or scrolling to the right letter, but still have to scroll through that letter in the alphabet’s list of songs by artist.

Also, by “true library” i mean what every other service has (except SoundCloud, but their platform historically has never been built this way and for discovering new or underground music it’s fine) where I favorite or like a song, it gets added to my library or favorites, and when I click Artists or Albums I am able to sort my favorite songs accordingly by one of these parameters in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Whether it’s a grid of each artist or a list with icons of each artists name that pans out into a tree of the albums of the songs that I’ve favorited of theirs.

The current way the service is set up is messy enough to warrant a lateral move to a different service. Hopefully this type of functionality/organization is in the works.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • February 10, 2020

Hi @Son GOKU 

Thank you for your truly detailed and constructive feedback. Our devs will be very interested to hear about this, I'll be passing your feedback straight away :thumbsup_tone2:

I’m leaving my support for this idea too. I wish I could see only the songs I have saved from an artist when I click on his name in my library instead of being taken to the artist page. It’s annoying having to create new playlists for every artist. please modify this and make the library management like Spotify.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • February 26, 2020

Thanks for your contribution @Bruno.Gonzalez.Cabello :wink:


I've spoken about this a lot in the “2000 song limit” thread, glad to see it mentioned separately too. This should be top priority for Deezer, it would improve the app in so many ways that most users may not even realise and even clear the hurdles in the way of the song limit which infuriates everyone.

The OP explains it perfectly. t still surprises me when I remember most users have to organise their favourite music from a playlist. Personally I work by adding albums, but plenty don't show up because of the limit and it doesn't translate to artists and songs.

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 819 replies
  • March 2, 2020

Hi @dreamt_bulldozer Thank you for your contribution to this topic. Could you please explain further what you mean with “have to organise their favourite music from a playlist”? Favourites can be added or removed from anywhere in the Deezer App :wink:

That is a good idea :slight_smile: basically when you add album of artist X you would like this artist to be automatically added to your favourite artists? And all songs of that album to be automatically added to your favourite songs?

  • Lover
  • 20 replies
  • March 3, 2020
Pia.Deezer wrote:

basically when you add album of artist X you would like this artist to be automatically added to your favourite artists? And all songs of that album to be automatically added to your favourite songs?

Throwing a vote in against this

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • March 4, 2020

That's important for us to know @tjgavlick thanks a lot :relaxed:

Pia.Deezer wrote:

Hi @dreamt_bulldozer Thank you for your contribution to this topic. Could you please explain further what you mean with “have to organise their favourite music from a playlist”? Favourites can be added or removed from anywhere in the Deezer App :wink:

That is a good idea :slight_smile: basically when you add album of artist X you would like this artist to be automatically added to your favourite artists? And all songs of that album to be automatically added to your favourite songs?

I wrote an essay of a reply to this a number of days ago but I've just come back to check on it and it's not here?

I hope it didn't get removed, I've not had a notification telling me it was or anything. It was pretty critical of Deezer to be honest, but I was constructive and spoke about how I loved it too. I also went into an awful lot of detail about this issue.


Can a community mod have a look into this for me please? I'd hate to have to remember everything I put and write it all out again.


To very briefly respond to what you've quoted, praying I won't have to re-type it in full:


Paragraph 1 - No, I mean that favourite songs are marked as such by simply adding them to a 'Favourite tracks' playlist, rather than adding them to an actual library.


Paragraph 2 - I'm not requesting those as features directly, but if everything was library-oriented like this thread requests then that would sort of happen as a result.  It would be like tracks on an old ipod. Any songs marked as in a user's library (which could be added all at once as albums too) would be browsable by artist, album or song as if they were files on a hard drive. Playlists would be a separate feature to this, but could be constructed from songs in a user's library. This would be instead of how it is at the moment where 'artist', 'album' and 'songs' are three separate lists which function cometely differently to one another and aren't directly linked to each other. Thisnm for a very fragmented, disorganised and poor user experience.


I'll hold off typing more until I've got confirmation my last post truly is lost. Do you understand so fa  what I mean now @Pia.Deezer ?


If @Pia.Deezer wants to understand what @dreamt_bulldozer is saying, I think I can explain in different words. 


There should be a “view”-like option in the favourite tracks page that lets you see your albums or artists of favourited songs. The current and only “view” right now is songs. The “details” of the songs are the artist(s), album, length and when it was added. They aren’t the main thing. The song is. You can obviously sort but the main thing is still the song. You cannot switch to the playlists, albums, artists, etc tabs because those are completely different lists/collections/libraries. 


Just take a quick look at Windows Media Player. It may be deprecated but it’s still feature rich, just as iTunes and iPods are.


Here’s a rough concept:

You could even add song length and date added views. The song length would probably be full of 2 mins and 3 mins songs, but whatever. The date added view would be interesting. It could be a calendar with a year view timeline at the top so you can see from a glance. It would be like the Wayback Machine (which is a site archival project which is good for journalists icydk). 


Here’s a second concept of the artists view:


BUUUUUTTTTT I could totally be misunderstanding @dreamt_bulldozer 


Even Groove Music has this! It sorts your songs in a more logical way than my concept. In my original concept you would have to click on an artist or album to view your favourite songs from that artist or album.

Tack on the artist profile picture and ta-da, it’d fit right in with Deezer!


The “view” concept is important for Deezer because you can currently sort songs by artist or album but unlike Groove, doesn’t have this artist or album centric view. The headings are what make it artist or album centric. Sorting is a subset of views. You would be able to sort your the artists (or albums) of your favourite songs A-Z or Z-A or by when a song was last added. Groove lets you sort by artist but doesn’t let you sort it by those three.


and the above is a random screenshot



Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • March 27, 2020

Thanks for sharing your findings again @raccoonsarecool we'll be passing your comments and @dreamt_bulldozer's ones directly to the people who can deal with this, here at Deezer :thumbsup_tone2:


Rafael. wrote:

Hi there, isn't something like this idea below?

I think that’s different. 

This idea is more like this:

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • March 30, 2020

Hi there @raccoonsarecool 

Thank you for posting the link above on those ideas, I've now moved everything here so that we can keep all similar suggestions together! :wink:

  • Lover
  • 9 replies
  • May 27, 2020



I don’t think that going the way of Spotify and other services by linking favourite songs, albums and artists together is a good idea. It is not really what i expect to be a good library.


I advocate to regard that three sections as three libraries with different functions: In favourite artists i want to have that few artists that i really love - the same with favourite songs. An example to the latter one: I am not a fan of an artist and i don’t like his discography, but maybe just one song for whatever reason. Or i discovered an unknown song from an unknown artist and want to rember/keep it. I don’t want to see that artist in the favourite artists section and also i am not interested to see the album in its corresponding section - at least at that point. In the favourite albums tab however i want to build my big collection as a music lover: that section at least in my case is by far the biggest one. I think that is THE reason to keep that three sections separated.


I would like to propose rather to give each section the love and functions it needs:

  • album section: give us the opportunity to group the albums by release date, album artist, genre and label (publisher). With grouping i mean nested levels, f.e. if you group by album artist: you have a list or thumbnails of album artists. Then if you click an artist, you are going to see its releases as covers
  • In artist section you can put favourite artists in folders, so that you have a folder for rock artists, one for folk singer and another let’s say for female rappers. (by the way: the same for playlists would also be amazing)
  • In favourite songs section for me would be enough the list we have now, but i think some people will be amazed to have the opportunity to group by artist, date or genre. Manually created folders on the other hand are not a good idea: that can be done in the playlist section

In my eyes that would be an amazing library. So far there is no streaming service that gives enough love to that. Apple music until now at least have some good points in that regard.


Thanks for reading!



