
Unlimited favorite tracks

Would like to see Deezer match Spotify and allow unlimited “loves” or favorite tracks. I don’t really create playlists, and I love that Flow incorporates music I haven’t favorited yet, but I’d like the ability to “heart” those songs without worrying about hitting my limit at some point.

NewNot for now

Hello @ericpbutcher, the limit of favourites has recently been raised from 2000 to 10000. 

Have you reached the 10000 favourites already? 

It would be great to have more if you did, congratulations on your music consumption :) 

Let’s see how many votes you get! 

Haven’t reached it yet, but I’m getting closer by the day :)

What happens once you reach it and continue to favorite songs? Do those songs get factored into Flow and just not added to your favorite list? Or does it just block you from even favoriting those songs?

Hey @ericpbutcher

The songs are not added to your favourites. Usually the number is “around” 10.000, could be a bit more in some cases- 


But you can add more songs to your favourites through, playlists or adding albums and artist pages to your favourites as well. 

This data will be factored in your Flow.