
Wear OS - (Google Watch Platform) Support

Related products: Wearables



So can see over the years various post (all now closed or no updates for many years as far as I can tell)
asking for a wear OS (Google Watch platform), but sometimes they are direct to the apple watch version (not much help).

Well with the release of Google Pixel Watch and Samsung now re-supporting wear OS.

Where is Deezer with their app .. is there now enough users to support this (hopefully)

Is there a beta / trial version that we can join ..  

Welcome news and hopefully there is now far more users looking for this so enough support for this to be delivered.

Patiently waiting for the app as well. Just got my Pixel Watch. Hopefully we’ll here something soon.

Google did announce a while ago that Deezer would be joining Spotify on the new Pixel watch so hopefully soon - fingers crossed. Personally I’m loving the new Pixel Pro 7 and the free watch that came with it - it’s all so responsive and smart looking. To make it perfect we just need Deezer now to join it...

Just to echo the comments on this thread a dedicated Deezer  Wear OS app would be fantastic...I have the Pixel Watch and the only big app that is missing for me. 

NewIn discussion

Good news everybody! 

We are now supported on WearOs devices 🎉

You can find more info here: 


In discussionLive

Thanks for the update installed and working 

Thanks for sharing @djaxet!

Hey thanks for your work on this.


App is downloaded to my Pixel Watch fine but refuses to connect with the "log in on phone" Initial phase. My Pixel Watch is connected to my Pixel 6 Pro fine and Fitbit is synchronising so I can't figure out the fault.