Hey There,
I love Deezer. Overall I find it pretty straightforward and intuitive.
But I wish for more control and intuitive approach in some very basic and important Points:
- Tapping on a single Song (after Searches, in Playlists, my Favorites,...):
- Sometimes I want to hear just that song,
and choose the next songs manually
-- I can not Use “Add to Queue” because the Queue is auto-filled by Deezer so my next song would start in about 2 hours (and there’s no Option to empty the queue which was already reported as an issue i think)
-- when I use “Play next” for a row of songs with the feeling: “A would be nice as next song, B afterwards and C after that,… ” I will hear the Songs in opposite order: C,B,A
- sometimes I’m glad if music continues to play
and am very happy about deezer suggestions :D
A very easy Solution to this would be an Auto-Play switch, known to work from YouTube but with even more control if I can look at the suggestions and edit them. You could separate The queue-list in two Areas:
1st: The real “Queue” or “Live playlist”
Songs, that were actually chosen by the User (Like a Full Playlist or Album)
======== [A Bar With an Auto-Play Switch] ========
2nd: “Suggested Queue”
Automatically created Suggestions by Deezer
(Not to many - like 3-5 songs, so I can swipe stuff out i don’t like before it even starts
But constantly filling up, for endless playing music)
It should be great if deezer used mostly the Songs/Information of the “Live playlist” to choose what Suggestions it makes in the 2nd Half. Suggested Songs the User listens to the end could move up to the 1st half and be treated as “accepted”. That way you get close to current wishes and mood of the user.
- Combined with the ability to save the “Live Playlist” this would be a very straight forward intuitive and fun way to create my own playlists (I think this feature exists for Desktop but not Android, right?)
- Starting “Song-Radio” in my Intuition is the concious User-Choice for what Deezer does now when i just tap a song. When I start a Song-Radio I want a Playlist with like 10 Songs. And the chosen Song must come 1st (Which is already reported as issue, too I think. If I want just “alike songs” skipping is really easy here)
Combined with Auto-play this would also result in endless playing Music → Radio
Waiting for your respones and Ideas, kind regards,
Turtle Purple