
Offline Music is scrobbled at one time


currently when listening to music offline and coming back online all the music is scrobbled at once.

So shows you just listened to hundreds of songs in one minute.

This is bad for statistics and general overview in

The API seems to allow to scrobble asynchronously at precise time as I see other apps to exactly this.

Please change this.


@bluezzbastardzz I’m sure you have some words to say here ;)

I don’t understand which app you use on which device, as the internal scrobbling option is still broken.

I use the Deezer iOS App.

Is your Deezer account still connected to your account in the Sharing preferences of your account settings? You would have to check this in your browser, not on your iPhone, as far as I know:

The logo should be in red when still connected and greyed out if not.

Yes it is. It does scrobble. I try to explain the issue differently:

  • 1 pm: I download a bunch of albums to my iPhone
  • 2 pm: I don’t have an internet connection anymore
  • 3 pm: I listen to a 3 albums in a row
  • 6 pm: I finished the 3 albums and I have internet again
  • 6:01pm: Deezer scrobbled all the music to
  • 6:02 pm: shows 30 new songs, that were listened to at 6:01 pm

This is obviously wrong. I did listening to them in the interval from 3 pm to 6 pm and that should be shown, not when I scrobbled them. That’s a bug.

I don’t have an iPhone or an Android phone, so I cannot check what happens with downloaded Deezer albums when listened offline, sorry. I know that some iOS/iPhone users report similar problems when using the official iOS app which seems to scrobble local offline files twice now and then. Do you also have that app installed on your iPhone? Theoretically it should be enough to use only the Deezer app IF your accounts are still connected - which seems to be the case for you. This can happen if your browser still uses the old related login cookie in its cache, but would break if you clean the cache and/or the cookies in your browser.

I do not use the and the can also only scrobble music from iTunes because of Apple’s constraints.

As far as I know, the chances for a fix of the Deezer iOS app concerning their internal scrobbling option are very small. That is why I usually recommend to use external scrobbling apps whenever possible. For iOS users there is no alternative unfortunately.

That’s kinda sad. It should be quite a simple fix. Maybe one day.

And I just saw what the worst part is: it scrobbles randomly. So the three albums I listened to yesterday evening were scrabbled. That’s actually a reason to switch back to Spotify or Apple Music for me.

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