
Deezer Favourite Tracks Limit of 2000 too small - please increase it!

I love hearing new music and when flow suggests a track I love I add "heart" it to my favourites. Having been with you a number of years I'm already over the 1000 number in my favourites and not all of these show on my mobile - please increase this limit 🙂

This is the reason why I am cancelling my Deezer account

I am right now on old dance core music from 2006 to 2010. Memories!

So much likes, around 1500 liked tracks soon. Solutions?

Liking music shouldn’t be this big of a deal. Less limits ;d

Still checking in to see how this is going 🙂 I can comment on this again - yay!

Ive been on a journey through the lands of Spotify and Apple Music. Spotify stinks but is social (good platform, glaringly missing Flow). Apple Music is decent and seem less, has a Flow-equivalent hidden for some reason (“Hey Siri, play my station”). Quite good predictions and cycle through similar music so you not listening to Slayer one minute and Sigur Ros the next. But it’s quite sterile and no community.

So I still miss Deezer and lossless and you guys. Hope this is finished soon!

Staying with Apple Music until this has been fixed. It’s a deal breaker.

@teqteq That’s why I’m buying, step by step, music. No monthly rent, without ads, quality HiFi or higher, don’t spend data (only to download, with wifi connection better). Just favorite songs, of course, can’t buy 70 million songs in my whole life!!
And yes, you need a good microsd with high speed and storage

2k sounds like a joke 🙂

awaiting, moved to tidal

Fine. I’m back. On another test run. Got sick of non-lossless, and I won’t use Tidal as long as they don’t have Junior Kimbrough (their catalogue is so patchy, no community, and support useless).

Could you at least make an error message that makes sense? It’s dreadful and then people have to go out of their way to find out what it’s about.

Another vote for increasing the favourite tracks limit to 10,000.

I know some S-----y users use the favourites playlist as a shortcut for downloading their entire library.

Is this what Deezer is trying to discourage? (Asking for a friend)

1000+ likes, wating for updates!

i honestly dont get why deezer has a such a small limit!! its really annoying. deezer is a incredible streaming service but this limit becomes much more annoying for me every single day. its like they're doing whatever they can to make you use another streaming service.

After having problems with Spotify, I decided to switch to Deezer and I’ve been enjoying the experience so far - faster desktop app and no pesky issues with local files. 

Then I hit the 2000 track limit. What the heck? This is waaaaaay too small. If I had known this, I wouldn’t have cancelled my Spotify membership and spent a while transferring all my tracks. How has the limit not been increased in the three years this thread was started?! Clearly nobody is happy with this feature. I’m so disappointed. 

It would be great if their wasn’t a limit on anything playlists, saved songs etc

Ah. Great that I found this thread.

I’m evaluating a service to switch to from Spotify to and the finalists were Tidal, Deezer and Amazon Music Unlimited. 

This makes my decision about Deezer super simple. There is absolutely no way 2000 is enough. I have around 10 000 songs in my Spotify Library. 

I’m off to uninstall Deezer so I don’t waste any more of my time on a service with such an utterly ridiculous limitation in basic usage. Buy buy deezer.

Eh, the ability to edit comments so you can fix silly typos such as “buy buy” is not present here? Sigh.  

People, vote with your money. Three years and no change. This is just another company that does not care about user experience or user feedback. Vote with your money and move to a service that works well. Use Tune My Music to transfer your music for free and you’ll be up and running on the new service in no time flat. Spotify and Deezer are NOT the only game in town. There are better alternatives.

I have 1 566 liked tracks now. I heard in 2021 very soon everything will be increased.

I am sorry to see you go. Hope you can give Deezer a chance once they are fixed limits.

Wow, the absence of communication from the company is just appalling. 3 years, 21 pages of comments, and yet nothing has changed. What an indiffirence.

Hey Admins! New Deezer user here. As I understand the limitations and performance issues associated with limits, I can understand why this is taking so long. 

With that being said, do you guys have a timeline of when this will be completed? Considering that this has been a 3 year long thread, I would assume you guys have a breakthrough, but need to test it thoroughly. 

If you could give me a timeline, that would be awesome to us, and the Deezer community. It doesn’t even have to be a set date, but more an idea of what’s going on with how things are setup now. That way people aren’t mad :slight_smile:

Why you can’t set high priority to this issue? For a long time you don’t have time to work at this. Try to change your priority pans


Any news about this.

Topic has been open for more than 3 years now…

Really annoying as I use a lot my favs. Also it's must when using "discover" playlist.

Please solve this soon as it's being a daily problem for me.

Don't want to, but will change to another platform if not solved soon.

Thanks a lot

@querta I’m sure it’s high priority. We’re just impatient. :) 

Limits will be increased very soon. It is worth waiting.

They will make you happy with these things.

@Rudi any updates?

I favourite tracks I like rather than playlisting them. Seems natural to me. Still at a 2000 limit, and no movement on the Galaxy watch standalone app… You are really forcing me to move!