
Deezer doesnt care nor can separate artists with the same name. inferior service. Unprofessional company. Considering ending service

  • 2 April 2024
  • 8 replies

There’s only so many unique names in human languages. So we cant expect all artists to have unique names. There will surely be duplicates.


Take for instant artists  named “Seba” :


Or another Artist named “Hamilton”:


There are thousands of other examples but of courseeee there’s going to be multiple Hamiltons. Why the freaking heck would one of the biggest platforms be so careless to mix all the Hamiltons together. 


There are multiple artists named Seba. Well known folk, rock, EDM, etc genre artists. These artists should be respected enough to have different profiles. As of now, Sebas are mixed together to have 300 singles, albums and EPs in one profile.


This is embarrassing for deezer. I’m a fan of EDM Seba and I could go right ahead and separate this particular Seba in 30 minutes for example. So why cant deezer do that? They dont want to invest the time or money? It makes the website seem super cheap and unprofessional and unmaintained. And inferior to other websites. This problem has existed for years and they don’t cares to fix it. Because they’re lazy and incompetent and cheap. 


“Ohh we;re going to improve our automatic sorting..” BALONEY!!!


If your AI cannot already detect and separate artists perfectly, that means your foundation to even sort artists is hogwash. For example, all you had to do is give artists unique userids during sign up same as listeners. And you probably forgot or didnt do that. So there’s nothing your nitwit system can do now to sort it.


Deezer, if you do not get your nincompoop self together with issue. I’m going to leave and I’m leaving for good. Qobuz, tidal, etc are not only superior in audio quality, they do a superb job in sorting music. You better just copy the sorting from their sites Deezer. Deez nutser.


There, look what you made me do. If you make me angry one more time I will not hesitate to put more nutt on your name.


Now you back to your drawing boards and revel in shame for being the ninnies you have been.

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

... Qobuz, tidal, etc are not only superior in audio quality, they do a superb job in sorting music. You better just copy the sorting from their sites Deezer. ...


First of all: I find your choice of words borderline and presumptuous. Even if you are angry, you can point out grievances in a matter-of-fact tone.

And if you really believe that the other providers correctly separate the different artists with the same name, you should take a closer look…

I think that the suppliers (music labels, artists themselves) could do a lot to ensure that there is a clean separation. Some don't, for whatever reason. And then there are such mixtures that are annoying.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

I can understand your frustration, seriously. I know what you mean. 

But, I've also tried Tidal and Qobuz and they also have the same "problems".

Bands like Nestor or Streetlight are also sharing their profile with others with the same name. In my experience Qobuz is even worse. Check the examples (and there are even more).


First of all: I find your choice of words borderline and presumptuous. Even if you are angry, you can point out grievances in a matter-of-fact tone.

And if you really believe that the other providers correctly separate the different artists with the same name, you should take a closer look…

I think that the suppliers (music labels, artists themselves) could do a lot to ensure that there is a clean separation. Some don't, for whatever reason. And then there are such mixtures that are annoying.


The fact of the matter is that I presume you are whom those particular words are related to. That is why have you taken this personally. Speaking of Borderline, that is the kind of personality which would make such a comment as you have here. And to also spend time writing useful and precious insights on a deezer community as you have here.


Taking a closer look? Lets do as you suggest as an exercise on your profile activity. An interesting specimen you are. Much like the different artists with the same name, there are multiple neurosis inside this one package. 


And I love your thoughts at the end. To put blame on the music labels and artists themselves. Blaming people all around and the way things are said. Only a beautiful brain solves problems in such a way while dismissing the main platforms which posses the legal and monetary responsibility. And not only a beautiful brain, but a knowledgeable brain that has unique insights on exactly whats really going on.


I admappreciateck you




I can understand your frustration, seriously. I know what you mean. 

But, I've also tried Tidal and Qobuz and they also have the same "problems".

Bands like Nestor or Streetlight are also sharing their profile with others with the same name. In my experience Qobuz is even worse. Check the examples (and there are even more).


You know whats nice about qobuz though dude? They have the option to sort by labels. As far as you know, are those at least accurate? I kinda find that particular feature pretty useful. Too bad they dont have it here

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @awesomemac @E0xc815 thanks for your replies.

@DP1 thanks for sharing these examples of homonyms artist page names.

You are right, in half an hour one of our curators can solve the problem of that artist that you like so much -

But unfortunately that is not the only one mixed. Like was said, every week we receive thousands of singles, albums sent by the distributors and when they submitted in our platform, yes, they are submitting in our catalog, they often are added to a wrong artist.

We have several mechanism running to detect these incorrect ingestions plus a dedicated team of curators that everyday keeps organizing the catalog, but it is a endless task has our catalog is already getting over 100 million unique tracks. 

And again, like was said above, this is global problem, that affect all streaming platforms.

Deezer is looking for solutions, discussion internally and externally with labels and distributors how the ingestion process can be improved.

In the meantime, the help of our users is also essential to keep curating our catalog.

So I will refere this two pages ( to our team to be revised.

Finally, we ask that all members of the Deezer community behave in a civil manner and treat other members with respect and courtesy at all times.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

I also would like to add that there is also an option on the desktop Deezer (or website) to let Deezer know that an artist is on the wrong page.



Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Deezer’s database is able to disambiguate artists with the same name, you only have to let the catalogue team know about the issue, either within the app reporting option, on the support site or here in the community in dedicated threads.

Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music etc. also have this problem, by the way, but can separate them. cannot yet, they use shared artist profiles which show them on one page.

Hi @awesomemac @E0xc815 thanks for your replies.

@DP1 thanks for sharing these examples of homonyms artist page names.

You are right, in half an hour one of our curators can solve the problem of that artist that you like so much -

But unfortunately that is not the only one mixed. Like was said, every week we receive thousands of singles, albums sent by the distributors and when they submitted in our platform, yes, they are submitting in our catalog, they often are added to a wrong artist.

We have several mechanism running to detect these incorrect ingestions plus a dedicated team of curators that everyday keeps organizing the catalog, but it is a endless task has our catalog is already getting over 100 million unique tracks. 

And again, like was said above, this is global problem, that affect all streaming platforms.

Deezer is looking for solutions, discussion internally and externally with labels and distributors how the ingestion process can be improved.

In the meantime, the help of our users is also essential to keep curating our catalog.

So I will refere this two pages ( to our team to be revised.

Finally, we ask that all members of the Deezer community behave in a civil manner and treat other members with respect and courtesy at all times.


Thank you for explaining the situation. I appreciate the transparency of how the system works. I can think of a few solutions but at the end of the day, you’re right, there needs to be a reliable automation for this process. Btw, please know some of my comments before in this discussion we only meant to be facetious. My main motivation is to be productive.


So, as for the curation options available, are there employees who are fully specialized to do these tasks exclusively at Deezer? Or do they preform general maintenance? -- Anyways, acknowledging that there is additional need for such a workforce, is deezer seeking this kind of recruitment? --I recon people familiar with the platform and large collections would be happy to do this organization.

--Even if not a salaried employment, I think some kind of community support would be a good next step. Such as a report button on particular pages. A correction form, something like this…


As far as the main issue, its fair to assume that deezer or any other platform basically requires a reliable database which it can use to sort content. Perhaps there are several, but one platform comes to mind. And I believe the organization on discogs is very extensively made sure to be correct and reliable. Even though it does not catalogue as much music, it would still be beneficial to sync discogs with what is one deezer. Another advantageous tweak would be add the catalogue number/information of the releases(something that discogs and qobuz do). I personally find this extra layer of organization very valuable and one of the only reasons I would consider qobuz over deezer. The ability to browse an entire label is very useful and convenient and encouraging for finding new music. Since deezer doesnt have this, i have to rely on a third party website which is too bad. But even besides the user interaction, cataloguing in this way would certainly help organize some additional pages which are currently mixed up.    


*** Something else which comes to mind. I believe there is a fundamental flaw in which music is added to deezer. Although I am unfamiliar with the entire process, I would think why instead of allowing the music uploaders/promoters/labels/artist to make their own page, does deezer simply decides to make the artist page and thereby fall into the mistake of mis-organization. Although maybe the people who bring in the music are third parties who are also not as aware, they should be atleast more reliable than an employee who is completely unfamiliar.



So, are these suggestions reasonable? If not, whats the other limitation. I would be surprised if someone before me in charge of deezer did not consider these. I assume most of this problem is attributed to laziness and lack of care or budget on deezer’s side. But if it really is an issue with design development and there is enough enthusiasm, that is even funnier to me. And hence I expect payment for any implementation or use of the ideas I have presented here.

