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Crossfade for Deezer Desktop App

  • 24 August 2020
  • 34 replies

Crossfade is such a basic function. I would like to know when Deezer plans to roll it out for the Desktop app and why they haven't done so in all these years.

34 replies

Very Cross Fadeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeing awayyyyyyyyyyyy to some other music shores far far away very soon 

Thanks for registering your support @Draked

The good news is that Crossfade is something we're planning to introduce to the desktop app at some point this year :grin: please hang in there and stay tuned to our community!

It's been two years, i enlisted on beta to test this out and give feedback for development, but even the beta patch i received doesn't contain the feature.. i love Deezer, but this is a deal breaker.. I do playlists for breathing exercises etc. meditation-like and the pause breaks the flow. Meanwhile other streaming platforms have it.

Userlevel 3
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Any updates about this ?? We are waiting!!! 

In Beta versions it works, just adds a couple of seconds load time when you start playing a new list

Userlevel 3
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In Beta versions it works, just adds a couple of seconds load time when you start playing a new list

I’m referring to the desktop app on MacOS, how can I get the beta app?

Oh, oh sorry i didn't consider. I do not know, i meant the android app 

Userlevel 7
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@MarcoG we don’t have a beta version for desktop app

Userlevel 3
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Crossfaaaade pleeeasseee

Userlevel 1

This company really couldn't give a flying f what its paying customers want
