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The undocumented API endpoint /track/isrc:<ISRC> returns one track with the given ISRC.  But in some cases multiple tracks have the same ISRC.


For example tracks 646330892 and 1672555717 both have ISRC USUM71820728/track/isrc:USUM71820728 returns only 646330892.


Is there a way to query all the tracks which share an ISRC?


I tried /search?isrc:USUM71820728, /search?track:USUM71820728, /search?track:isrc%3AUSUM71820728, /search/track?q=USUM71820728 and various other ideas without success.

Hello there @iain-deezer

you can get help for this kind of requests here:

Hi @iain-deezer ;

I’m looking for the same feature; did you got some updates from the Deezer Dev Team?


Searching tracks with their ISRC codes is an easiness for developers. Please, document this endpoint as soon as possible.

Many thanks
