The search function is completely broken.
I have already reported this to the support of Deezer and this must have been 2,5 - 3 months ago and it is still broken.And I have told them that at least for android it happened since version 8.x of the app, when the switch to the purple heart was made
It simply does not show content in the search results while it is available and I can listen to it (I have albums marked as favourite that do not show up.
I have given very simple steps to reproduce the error + all the information I could give and even gave told you that on android version .x6 and 7.x do show more results (the order it is sorted though is terrible) but at least it does show more results.
The images below is just one of the search terms that simply do not show content I know is available and the screenshots were taken about a month ago.
The images below show you how much results are not shown in the latest version ignore the red bar it just states that the browser is not supported, I used firefox on my android phone, in non desktop view it only shows almost 300 results which is similar to the results I see in the older version 6.x and 7.x of the android app and when I toggle desktop site on it only shows 17 albums which is similar to what I see in the current version of the app on android phone, tablet, desktop browser and windows version and my samsung tv.
17 results va 298 that is a huge difference to me. And for some reason after anout 3 months it is not fixed, so Injust use an older version of the android app to be able to get better results but this is not possible on all platforms
The behaviour of the search function is also very strange. If you tyoe in a title it may happen that as you type it cannot find it and with the next character you type it does find, next one doesn't etc.

Is anybody else having the same issue where the search does not show content you know is definitely available?
It's quite hard to know if it is showing content or not if you do not know for sure it is available but I have checked with a friend from the UK and he gets identical results as my search results.