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I've had explicit content show up in the middle of playlists. I don't know what's wrong with the algorithm but this is unacceptable. This isn't just one off. It happens repeatedly as seen here with "18 with a Bullet", "Praise night blues interlude" and "Street Life".


How do I make this stop?




Hi ​@drevier !

You have possibility to filter explicit content . 
This filter prevents content from appearing in searches, Flow or recommendations.

All cover art tagged as explicit will also be hidden.


Here is helpful links how to Hide Explicit Content

Thanks for letting me know that's a possibility. However, on my own time I'd like to listen to whatever I want, but with my daughter in the car I need to trust the algorithm won't surface content like this when I start with playing the ABCs. 


Toggling on/off the explicit filter is tedious. I hope you take this feedback to your development team and they can sort out how these things could get put into the same playlist.

That's frustrating! It seems like there's a problem with the content filtering on Deezer. You could try adjusting the explicit content filter in your account settings to ensure that only kid-friendly music is being played. If the issue persists, it might be helpful to report it to Deezer's support team so they can investigate and improve the content filtering for kids' music.

Thanks ​@rookiesideloader. I assumed the devs would read this, but do you know if there’s a more direct way to submit feedback?

Thanks for the help ​@Nina Nebo ​@rookiesideloader .

Hi ​@drevier I have checked your account and you have a Premium subscription.

So the only option to not get explicit content, is how our users have said here before. You need to activate the explicit filter.

Alternatively, the other option, would be to upgrade to a family profile and there you can have one profile for you and create a kid profile for your daughter.
