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Hi, I follow the podcast 'O Q Quântico' and the episodes are usually available 1-2 days later in comparison with other platforms. However this week it has already passed 4 days since the last episode was published and it is still not available on deezer.

 @Leonídia.Deezer, can you take a look at this?

Hi @Pedrin I have checked and the lastes episode from the 18th April is available on Deezer…
Thanks :)

Hi, the last episode of ‘O Q Quantico’ was published yesterday on others platform and it is still not available on deezer.

Hi @Pedrin the episode is available now :)

Hi, the last episode of ‘Inquietas Podcast’ was published yesterday on others platform and it is still not available on deezer, do you think you can help us with this? thank you so much ✨

Hi, the podcast page has been updated and the episode is available now.

thank you so much ✨!
