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1) What's the issue? Unable to search tracks - search results only yield albums and playlists
2) When has the issue started (date)? July 2024
3) What's the brand and model of the affected device(s)? Google Pixel 8
4) What are the Deezer version and OS version? Deezer Version , Android Version 14


I have been liaising with Deezer Support for a month now, specifically 2 persons- Giorgi and Azucena. I am unable to search by track name - I have a Family Premium Account.

I have tried all the uninstall/reboot/wipe cache etc options - but none work. The Deezer Support Reps above take forever to respond. Mean time, I am still paying the full subscription fees for an incomplete app.


Hi @Alan.Chan,

I’m using Android 13 with Deezer and when searching with the name Thriller I get these results:






Hi @Alan.Chan !

I’m also on Deezer android version like @awesomemac , and everything works fine .

Maybe you need update the operating system of your device !?

