
4,99€ to 10,99€ are you guys totally mad?

  • 29 December 2022
  • 3 replies


As I see in my Paypal records, I paid automatically 10,99€ to Deezer. A month before it was 4,99€. The price increase of more than double is insane.

I will return to my offline mp3 collection and listen to that. I was totally happy for years, without knowing that such things as Spotify and Deezer exists.

You guys made the world a little bit worse place...

Although I recommended for many the Deezer service I have to stop doing this...

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3 replies

Hey @icefront 

In which country do you live?


Hey @icefront 

In which country do you live?

Nevermind, I cancelled my subscription. Tidal has the same HiFi + 90M songs offer for 4 USD.

Too sad, your management wants only to show big numbers and they don’t care about sh***ing on the existing customers.

Jeezus Christ I just noticed this too, 10,99EUR now. For the last four months already. A 3x increase. You cheated me out of something like 30 EUR! That’s a a weeks worth of groceries for me.


You guys are crazy, I’ve happily paid for years but not at this price. You must realize people are struggling right now, yes? What do you think they will cancel first!? WTF I don’t need HiFi, I paid for it once years ago and decided it’s not worth it.


VERY VERY angry about this sneaky increase. I will find a way to transfer my playlists and cancel and never come back.