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Please leave browser tab titles alone.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 3 replies


I am accustomed to using many browser tabs. While using Deezer, I customarily open tabs for artists or albums which I might like to check out later in my browsing session. However, whenever I start play something, Deezer updates EVERY TAB’S TITLE to the title of what is currently playing. That would certainly make sense to do for the title of the tab which is ACTUALLY playing something, but for the remaining tabs this is a huge inconvenience, as it obliterates their meaningful titles, making them very tedious to navigate. This also screws up browser history entries. I can of course see the URLs I have visited, but those only contain numerical artist or album IDs and not any human-readable information. The human-readable titles are overwritten by whatever the last thing playing was, regardless of whether it has anything to do with the related URL. Finally, whenever I want to add a browser bookmark, I find myself having to type in the artist or album name manually for each one, rather than just hitting ctrl+d like for any other normal webpage.

Mostly I’ve been loving Deezer so far and have found the UI pleasantly minimal and well thought-out & implemented, apart from this one issue, which has been extremely frustrating. Please consider only updating the title of the actively-playing tab, or making this behavior a user-configurable setting.

4 replies

  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 3 replies
  • February 24, 2024
browser history - almost all of these titles are wrong, so I  can’t see what I browsed
currently open tab titles almost all wrong, so I can’t see which tab corresponds to what


  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 3 replies
  • February 27, 2024
titles of tabs which aren’t playing anything are all overwritten

For example, I would expect the title of the currently active tab here to be something like “Jethro Tull - Deezer”, and so on for the remaining tabs, so that each tab accurately reflected its contents and gave me an overview of what I have open and ready to explore, as is customary with browser tab titles on nearly all websites. Instead, because I am playing “Dorian” by Agnes Obel in the first tab, the titles of ALL other Deezer tabs are obliterated, rendering them useless.

Alien SuperStar

Hi @c4s3y, thank you for your feedback.

I have already forwarded your information to our developers.

We truly appreciate your feedback.

  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 3 replies
  • February 29, 2024
Leonídia.Deezer wrote:

Hi @c4s3y, thank you for your feedback.

I have already forwarded your information to our developers.

We truly appreciate your feedback.

Thanks, Leonídia! 🙂
