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Videos on Deezer? Give us your feedback!

Videos on Deezer? Give us your feedback!
Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies

:movie_camera:What if…we add videos to Deezer?



Here at Deezer, we listen. And for that reason, audio is simply perfect :dvd:

Nevertheless, video continues to take over everywhere, and if you love to listen to your favorite artists, maybe you want to see them too?


We'd love to hear from you on this subject!


  • What do you think?

  • Would you like to have videos on Deezer?

  • Why/why not?

  • What type of video content would you be interested in?

  • Where in the app would you prefer to find them?



If there's anything you have in mind that doesn't fit in with the questions above, don't be shy. Let us know how you think this can work on our platform :nerd:

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84 replies

  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • December 10, 2020

Yes and no.

Why I would like to see Hard Dance music videos? Less on YouTube.

Actually it would keep my musical journey all in one place. Videos with comments, so social!

Like you can comment albums etc. On Google Music it was LINKED to YouTube music video if available any genre. What I liked is that. What I didn’t like them forcing YouTube Music where video was CENTER of content and not a link anymore…  If you do it Google Music way (discontinued, I’ll be satisfying). This is why I was forced to go from YTM force to Deezer. You should Google Music it!

At the cover image text VIDEO near HIFI/HQ text.

I would not like ANY videos that are NOT music videos official.

Deezer is not YouTube after all, thank you.

I am also renting movies sometimes from Google Movies. For me streaming movies unlimited is not good and I do not wish Netflix from you because I usually watch from 3 to 6 movies a year. Renting for me €4/time is more cheap than paying €8/mo. Movies renting Deezer, why not.

If available, I could stop using Google Movies for good.

Right now Deezer Premiere service at €7,99/mo is finest Google Music (discontinued) replacement, and with shiny music video feature like this near track it could be even better for musical fans.

This is exactly what Google Music refugees can hope in Deezer to have.

From one point it’s great. But… There are so many problems that need to be solved. 

First of all we have a place for a video content. I spend a lot with YouTube. And was using YoutubeMusic for the 6 months. Music content there is great. There are so many songs from Live concerts and from BBC Radio1 that i like but they are just a YT content. From this point of view i would like to have such option to all that content for listening. But DZ is not a YT.

While using a YoutubeMusic i had a lot of issues with content separations. Using YoutubeMusic i was interested in music. And watching videos i was interested in videos. But there it was the same thing. So all you music recommendations was broken with just videos and all videos was filled with music.

The reason i left YTM is an App. For example i don’t want to wait for a loading timeout while i am underground just to see a menu where i will choose ‘Downloaded Tracks’ for offline listening. Also when i have added some video that i like(Some acoustic version for example that exist like a video only) i don’t want to be switched to the album version of the song when ‘only audio stream’ option is chosen. 


My conclusion -   We are all here for music. In the case you will decide to add some video content think well about separation and the reason for content creations. I personally don’t want a mess in the app.

And the FINAL. Just fix the App!. The reason I am here is just some annoying issue i have been experienced for the last 2 weeks. App is getting worse from my point of view.

For example sometimes i need to log out for fixing quaking songs(Now looks like it’s rare issue)

And now i see just first 40 tracks on the artist page with my PC Deezer but on mobile i can see all artist’s tracks. Currently on PC i need search for the song i wanted because it’s not in the top 40 on the artist’s page.






  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • December 11, 2020

I would love it, but I´d like to see only the official videos, which can be added at the top of the song, to select if we want to see the videos or not.  But something important is not to lose the music quality when playing the videos,  and the video should be available at 1080 at least. 

I´d like to see exclusive things from the artist, something not available on other platforms.


Another thing to consider, in my opinion, is to let artists share short stories with us.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 4 replies
  • December 11, 2020

Well videos like canvas on Spotify yes otherwise a big NO 

Lucky Star

Indeed, like Spotify some shots of the videoclip, but not a full videoclip.

Would be cool if you get to see these shots in the notification menu!

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 41 replies
  • December 14, 2020

It’s nice feature but I don’t think I would watch it often. 
There should be only original music videos(maybe official live shows too) in highest quality in the new overlap on the artist site + icon like “lyrics” when hover mouse on track.

Offtop - I would like to see some wall/dashboard/newsfeed with commentary section where artists can post updates or just staying in touch with fans on Deezer. :P 


I think that’s a good idea. Tidal has that function and it is good.

Yes, I’d like to have videos on Deezer.

There’s no harm in having more content on Deezer.

Official video clips from the bands/artists would be very cool. For example, Nightwish have an official DVD called “Showtime Storytime” and on that DVD they recorded their concert in Wacken Open Air 2013. I’d like to be able to watch that DVD on Deezer.

The videos should have their own seperate section just like podcasts.

  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • December 14, 2020
tarik_alp_onar wrote:

I think that’s a good idea. Tidal has that function and it is good.

Yes, I’d like to have videos on Deezer.

There’s no harm in having more content on Deezer.

Official video clips from the bands/artists would be very cool. For example, Nightwish have an official DVD called “Showtime Storytime” and on that DVD they recorded their concert in Wacken Open Air 2013. I’d like to be able to watch that DVD on Deezer.

The videos should have their own seperate section just like podcasts.

I would not like different Videos section. There is much of them already.

Do please add videos like I said on artist pages when they have any, and also please do remember to link them from cover image near HQ mark like I described before. Search option can show them too.

Noam Asulin
Deezer Legend
  • Bezi since 2017
  • 2431 replies
  • December 14, 2020

I would be happy to see videos in the platform but only Music Documentary based content . I don’t think regular music clips should be there . 

It would be ok to have it under “Collections” maybe . 

Alien SuperStar
  • Author
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • December 14, 2020

Great feedback here so far! Thank you, everyone!

Keep on posting and have a great week :relaxed:

  • 0 replies
  • December 16, 2020

good if you add a way to chat with friends too and share deezer
videos in the chat would be fun to talk about music in deezer with other friends.

I would like to see official music clips only but they should be optional. Something like canvas on Spotify should be optional too.


One amazing addition would be to have a video channel for each genre to run 24/7 music clips for the top songs in that genre. Somewhat like the old MTV. I would cast that into my TV and run it in background all day long. This would be something unique to separate you from the competition.

Alien SuperStar
  • Author
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • December 20, 2020

Keep them coming, guys! Love your comments!

Thank you @Sergi.Sanz @blendkrasniqi 

  • Lover
  • 58 replies
  • December 20, 2020

I wouldn’t mind this feature, but I think Deezer needs to first get the basics 100% right before embarking on adding new features. Not that the basics are bad, but they’re not yet 100% there yet. What do I mean:

  • Improve podcast catalog
  • Improve podcasts playback features in general
  • improve shuffle play
  • improve interface (some playback menus have become way to busy)
  • improve Siri integration 
  • improve CarPlay stability (audio resume, interface loading, ...)

I think once all these issues have been improved, then you can start thinking about adding other things. 

  • Lover
  • 419 replies
  • December 20, 2020

Hi @Rudi and everyone.

My answer is NO. No videos on Deezer. 

For me, I rather have Deezer just an awesome music site. .. after all, we are Deezer members for music, not video music.

I’m happy with my playlists on YouTube.  I can go there anytime if I want Videos.

Anyway, if Deezer had Videos too, it would become so “busy” and “complicated”.

On the other hand, if having videos is necessary to keep up with competitors like other streaming sites etc,, I suppose it needs to be considered.

Cheers all,, and a Happy Christmas .. :relaxed:🎄




Alien SuperStar
  • Author
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • December 21, 2020

Very detailed and useful feedback @oldrecord really nice! We need to see you here more often, super appreciated!

Tidal has videos, and has it brought them success? I doubt it, I read that they are at a loss and will most likely be taken over. Even the artist co-owners leave the sinking ship. I was a Tidal subscriber myself and I left because their music recommendations were rather focused on the repertoire of the owners. Being offered the latest Jay-Z album every time you open the app is not what I'm looking for in a streaming service. Am I missing their videos? No, I never watched them. I was also a Spotify subscriber. I left because of the lack of a cross-genre playlist that you can turn on in the morning to listen to it all day long. Their daily mixes and recommendations are very good but once you select one you are stuck in a particular genre for the rest of the listening time. Spotify has no videos, but it does have canvas, which is a kind of short video, a number of images that are played in a loop like a GIF. Have I ever watched it? No, that was the first option for me to disable. I was also a Youtube Music subscriber. I left due to the lack of proper volume normalization in the mobile client. A streaming service without volume normalization shouldn't be on the market in 2020. Again, YTM has videos but I never watched them.

All these things brought me to Deezer. The music recommendations are great and not biased towards a specific artist or genre, I have a decent sound system so I appreciate lossless compression, the volume normalization works fine, and most important to me: Deezer Flow is simply fantastic. During this pandemic, I work from home every day. In the morning I start my Deezer Flow and all day long I hear my favorite music as well as new music that I usually like, and this for various genres of music. Flow was billed as the unique selling point of Deezer, and I think that's right.

So I think Deezer should stay focused on its core business. Why reinvent the wheel? If I want to watch videos, I go to Youtube and I find everything I am looking for. I don't use my music streaming service for that. Competing with YouTube is a war that can never be won.

And as mentioned here before, the current services of Deezer can certainly be further perfected:
Android Auto integration is not flawless, every time after starting the car the current song from my playlist is played and then the music stops, then I have to select something new.
A decent crossfader function when playing mixes would be nice. This feature has been in the Beta phase (Deezer Labs) for a while and can certainly be improved.
When switching between playback via Chromecast and playback on the mobile client sometimes the wrong metadata is displayed. You hear one song and you see the artist/song details of another song.

That's what I'm waiting for, not videos.

But of course, I'm in my 50's and maybe younger subscribers think otherwise.

Greetings from Belgium and happy New Year to you all.

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 279 replies
  • December 30, 2020

I sign, I also think that the videos are useless, I am just amazed by the praise of volume normalization, which of course degrades the quality of the recording, so as a hifi user I have it turned off. Sorry for OT.

I’m also on the Hifi plan, but I don’t think that volume normalizing alters the music quality.  At least, it shouldn’t. Isn’t volume normalization all about ReplayGain values (or some simular algorithm) stored in the metadata of each FLAC file that lets the playing device preset the volume for the upcoming song? 

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 279 replies
  • December 30, 2020
Probably yes,i dont know, only from my experience, when I turn on this function, it gets worse, the music is flat, I don't like it.

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 279 replies
  • December 30, 2020

  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • December 30, 2020
Placido09 wrote:
Probably yes,i dont know, only from my experience, when I turn on this function, it gets worse, the music is flat, I don't like it.

Always turned off on Premium plan.

Impossible to enjoy music hard dance volume normalization on.

Music videos not very important, I prefer music 320K only.

The J Conspiracy
Tiny Dancer

Videos on Deezer… quite interesting questions.

From a listeners point of view I would appreciate to have the latest official Video availiable. I use Deezer to DISCOVER music & new artists. So it would be a great win if I can watch the actual video without leaving the app or the website.

As we are artists on Deezer too, we can support the first point from a musicians point of view.

@pabloacosta mentioned above another idea: exclusive things, personal messages, short artist stories. We completely share his opinion. It would be a great benefit to address listeners with such short videos. This can strengthen the relationship between artists and listeners, if they can only watch this clip when they had favorited the artist. It can strengthen the commitment betwen the listener and Deezer as his preferred streaming service if the content is exclusive & genuine by the artist.

Small but nice might be better than big and without profile

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • December 31, 2020

No videos, please.  I understand your target group is under 40,  but I would think even kids would relish the opportunity to take a break from videos and just listen to a song.  Keep videos on You Tube.

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • January 2, 2021

Hey @Geofos63 @The J Conspiracy @hpguru @Placido09 @Frank.Vermoesen 

Great feedback! Thanks a lot :relaxed:

Happy New Year, all!