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You have authenticated me hundreds of times.  You have authenticated this desktop, this IP, all of my systems hundreds of times.  You have made me select the pictures of sidewalks and street lights so many times they have started to repeat.  Do it today.  It would take you less than an day to remove this crap and push an update.  I know this because I build windows universal apps for a profession (it would take me less than an hour).  Stop being adagio id101ts and fire the designer who green-lit that crap.    Make it a priority today, and stop needlessly torturing your subscribers. 

Umm we have no patience with the captchas after months of this.

4.19.10 is the same awful experience.

Getting close to cancelling after several years and going elsewhere.

As the developer mentioned above, JUST turn it off. PLEASE!

Those ‘captchas’ are a particular annoyance. The  low quality images result, or is it just normal(?), in having to go through ~5 iterations of ‘hoop-jumping’. I’ve seen other ‘captcha’ mechanisms that aren’t this arduous.

I have version 4.19.20, which did not store credentials, required a captcha.  The first captcha effort failed when it did not load new images after some had been selected.  Of course this error on your part wouldn’t let me continue, instead preventing me from using the service for which I’ve already paid.  What a second rate effort (at best).  If you are asking me to degrade to an older version, then you need to provide instructions.  At this point, I’m looking for alternatives.  None of us should have to pay for services that intentionally prevent core usage.  In fact, by many legal definitions, that’s considered fraud.  

Hello @Claus.Juergen.Walde, they should not happen anymore, can you please update the app? 

Hi there @ShellstaX @beachseeker 

Thank you for your feedback and patience with the captchas!
Could I please ask you to test the desktop app version 4.19.10 as soon as you find it available? Let me know how it performs :thumbsup_tone2:

Hey @beachseeker @kororo (in this topic too)

Thanks a lot for your patience, we're really sorry for the inconvenience but we're also working hard on this. Not just the logout issue but a solution in the long term as well. Please bear with us a bit longer :pray_tone2:

When will the log outs with the desktop app be fixed? It’s annoying and unnecessary.