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♫ What are you listening to right now?

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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 473 replies
  • September 20, 2018
The movie is really good @oldrecord I can't recommend it enough!

If you like movies like the 2016 Ghostbusters, or Bridesmaids and Spy which are also by Paul Feig, you might enjoy this one. It's quite a dark thriller, but also weirdly funny... It's a strange combination to be honest 😂

  • Lover
  • 419 replies
  • September 23, 2018
Wow,,, this is a cool song from Jess … listening to it now. I reckon the album will be sooo cool ..

Take care all ,,, God bless .. 🌻

  • Lover
  • 419 replies
  • September 30, 2018

I'm listening to this right now. I don't mean to be proud or anything , but it is one of my Playlists .. The 70's music is sooo cool. It's good to go back to this time.. especially to compare it to what we have today ..

I just did a link here, cos it has over 145 tracks on it ..

Hope everyone enjoys it .. Cheers, Ken .. 🌻 🎼🎇

  • Lover
  • 46 replies
  • October 17, 2018
I'm currently on a constant loop of a band called the Pineapple Thief. I still buy CDs and some of theirs are quite hard to get hold of now, so I made this playlist to listen to while I scour the internet looking for their albums on CD!

  • Alien SuperStar
  • 473 replies
  • October 18, 2018
simonali wrote:
I'm currently on a constant loop of a band called the Pineapple Thief. I still buy CDs and some of theirs are quite hard to get hold of now, so I made this playlist to listen to while I scour the internet looking for their albums on CD!

Oh speaking of CDs (yeah, I still love buying good old Cds as well, mostly of artists I really adore and want to support by buying their albums), I also love vinyl records!

For me, there is nothing better than the old school sound of a vinyl to put you in a good mood... though I'm just starting my own collection, my parents have a few records that they had purchased "back in the days" 😂😇

Rob Igo
Alien SuperStar
  • The OG
  • 2978 replies
  • October 18, 2018
I'm the opposite I don't own any CD's, vinyl, cassettes anything!

Growing up we were always a skint household so the only music I had was either recorded from the radio or I'd "tape to tape" my mates cassettes or record their CD's, though my "midi" hifi was cheap as chips and I always had the cheapest cassettes - so there was ALWAYS loads of noisy hiss in the background when played back.

For me...I love the crystal clarity of streaming.. always clear no matter how often I turn up to 11!

  • Lover
  • 46 replies
  • October 18, 2018
I still buy vinyl, but only occasionally and it has to be something not available on CD. Last two records I bought were Flesh and Blood by John Butler Trio as on the fourth side of the double LP there were some exclusive acoustic versions. The other was the 12" single of After a Fashion by Midge Ure & Mick Karn. This track is now on Deezer!

  • Lover
  • 419 replies
  • October 19, 2018
simonali wrote:
I'm currently on a constant loop of a band called the Pineapple Thief. I still buy CDs and some of theirs are quite hard to get hold of now, so I made this playlist to listen to while I scour the internet looking for their albums on CD!

Hi Simonali .. thanks for the link to your playlist. I remember the Group from the early 2000's etc. Such good stuff. I am also now a "fan" of your playlist. Cheers.. ☺️🌻

  • Lover
  • 419 replies
  • October 19, 2018
simonali wrote:
I still buy vinyl, but only occasionally and it has to be something not available on CD. Last two records I bought were Flesh and Blood by John Butler Trio as on the fourth side of the double LP there were some exclusive acoustic versions. The other was the 12" single of After a Fashion by Midge Ure & Mick Karn. This track is now on Deezer!

I buy vinyl still. I have bought some cd's lately, and I also have bought the vinyl of the same cd's. It's cool to blast the vinyl record player, ….. and easy to change a track too ! .. Having some vinyl gives me a great sense of being retro. Cheers everyone.. ☺️🌻

  • Lover
  • 46 replies
  • October 19, 2018
I am retro! I'm from the time when music was on vinyl, cassette or the radio. I got a CD player as soon as they weren't crazy money anymore, around 1985 I think. I use these streaming services to help me decide what CDs to buy next...

  • Lover
  • 419 replies
  • October 19, 2018
simonali wrote:
I am retro! I'm from the time when music was on vinyl, cassette or the radio. I got a CD player as soon as they weren't crazy money anymore, around 1985 I think. I use these streaming services to help me decide what CDs to buy next...I am retro! I'm from the time when music was on vinyl, cassette or the radio. I got a CD player as soon as they weren't crazy money anymore, around 1985 I think. I use these streaming services to help me decide what CDs to buy next...

Ha ha .. I am retro too. My dad and mum had a lot of 78rpm records. When I started to buy, I used to buy 45rpms. There has been sooo many changes over the years. Cd's are still cool, and Streaming like Deezer is the best ever. I stream hours and hours a month. Take care .. Cheers. 🙂🌻

  • 1 reply
  • October 27, 2018
Currently Listening to - Jazz Guitar Playlist. Excellent stuff.

Jazz Guitar 7+ Hour Deezer Jazz Playlist

  • Lover
  • 46 replies
  • October 27, 2018
I'd expect nothing less with a username like yours, but surely you should be DjangoR2? 😉

  • Lover
  • 419 replies
  • November 4, 2018
Hey guys … I'm currently listening to the new single by Isaiah. He is a young Australian and sooo good. He's produced a bit over the last 2 years after winning The Voice. Don't be put off by the incorrect "Isaiah" on his profile. This needs to be fixed.

Hope you enjoy too. … Cheers …. 🙂🌻

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 4 replies
  • November 6, 2018
Siberian underground punk-rock from Soviet times, Latvian underground music from the 90's, German krautrock of the 70's and so on. Right now playing the album "Monster Movie" by CAN.

  • Lover
  • 419 replies
  • November 11, 2018
Hi @unreality,

Thanks for your contribution to this Forum. … it's cool.

Have a good day, and week .. Cheers. 😄🌻


Noam Asulin
Deezer Legend
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  • Bezi since 2017
  • 2433 replies
  • December 6, 2018
Currently listening to that great albu
by Placebo :

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • December 7, 2018
Right now, I am listening to Vice Grip.
Very could thread. Cheers from Mexico.

  • Lover
  • 419 replies
  • December 9, 2018
Noam Asulin wrote:
Currently listening to that great albu
by Placebo :


Hi Noam … thanks for the album link,,,, it's cool. Cheers,,, Ken.

  • Lover
  • 419 replies
  • December 9, 2018
ErickGN wrote:
Right now, I am listening to Vice Grip.
Very could thread. Cheers from Mexico.


Hi Erick … thanks for the link to the song.. It's cool. Cheers... And hi to Mexico from Australia.. 😃

Noam Asulin
Deezer Legend
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  • Bezi since 2017
  • 2433 replies
  • December 10, 2018
Listening to Highly suspect . Great song by them . Rock n' roll !
Media not available

  • Lover
  • 419 replies
  • December 16, 2018
@Noam Asulin Hi Noam ,,, thanks for the cool link on the song ….😄

Cheers,, Ken. 🌻

  • Lover
  • 419 replies
  • December 16, 2018
I'm listening to this album at present .. it's a re release of an album. But it's cool from Alan Walker the DJ and Mixer.

Cheers … Ken .. 😄🌻

  • Lover
  • 419 replies
  • December 16, 2018
Just love this song, from Picture This …

Listening to it right now ..

Cheers … Ken ..😄🌼