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I’m new - been signed up for less than an hour, and stumbled around on a Mac to find out how to select music and have. playlist play.  

When I had a couple of tracks - one playing, a couple enqueued, I clicked the ‘Music’ and ‘Genres’ to find some more, but as I select tracks from an album ‘Add to queue’ - the track playing ends and moves to the next queued item.  Not directly a 1 to 1 with me clicking on another action, and I’ve now tested by signing out and signing on on the iPad.  Same thing happens.   All sounds go to a Heos managed Pair of Denim speakers (another cpu in the mix) 


Is this just the way that Deezer free works?  I’m not about to pay for more of this… 

else - is it not coping with queue updates whilst playing?   Bandwidth constraints?  


Thanks for any suggestions.. 

@Arthur Brown Deezer Free has some limitations indeed.
Please check this article in our support page:

As my primary interest is in listening to quality recordings of classical music, I’d prefer to listen to at least a full movement of a Beethoven symphony, or Elgar cello concerto.  


‘Free’ in this case means ‘useless’ if I cannot hear the entire content of a pop track.  


So no subscription here.  

As my primary interest is in listening to quality recordings of classical music, I’d prefer to listen to at least a full movement of a Beethoven symphony, or Elgar cello concerto.  


‘Free’ in this case means ‘useless’ if I cannot hear the entire content of a pop track.  


So no subscription here.  


Where ya headed, Art? I’m not aware of any free service that offers a full feature suite, including choosing your tracks, no forced shuffle, unlimited skips, CD-quality audio, and no ads.

Well, there are 2 issues here.


Firstly - how do I know if I want to buy from this seller unless I can test the goods?   

A good test would be to relax in a comfortable chair, maybe a glass of malt in hand, and listen to the Elgar cello concerto - all the way through, at a quality that equals my present recording.   That would be convincing. 

So I dig about on a site which is heavily biased toward popular, short songs (nothing wrong in that - it’s where millions of customers are, and some of them are me). That type of music is less demanding in sound quality, so not a good quality test. 


I found Beethovems 3rd symphony - a Deutsche Gramaphon recording, and discovered - nothing - a brief snippet only.  


So my main grievance is about the lack of facility to actually listen to the quality of what is being provided.  I’m prepared to work at locating material I wish to listen to, but even the search facility for serious music is weak.  IS there a list of composers in alphabetical order, of orchestra’s, of soloists which enables one to drill down to all recordings of A Bach cantata and select several to have the enjoyment of reviewing and comparing each?




The second point is simply a case of cost.  GBP150 a year before a note is heard is simply too much.  Telling me that there are 90 million tracks is so much idiot fluff.  There are 90 million books in the British Library, but unless you can find me a copy of “Steel’s Masting & Rigging’ from1715 your claim to be comprehensive is flawed, and a subscription is pointless.   There are plenty of services which will bill me for each individual performance I choose to listen to, rather than by a subscription for services I may no use.  



That is my direction of travel, or, if you prefer “where I’m headed”  


You posted in the iOS forum, but mentioned a Mac, so it is not clear if you mostly use a Deezer desktop or mobile app. That would be important to test a free vs. a paid account in some countries, e.g. in Germany you can still have ad-supported on-demand play of full albums with a free account on desktop, but not on mobile, as far as I know. In the U.S. users never had a free on-demand playback offer, in the UK they might have had one, but maybe not anymore. See also this support article:

Deezer Free – Deezer Support

And you don’t have to pay for one year in advance, you can choose the free test trial for one or more months as well.

Finding specific recordings of classical music is never easy on any streaming site, not even with the new Apple Music Classical app, I think. It helps if you know at least the composer and the performer you are interested in and spell them correctly, because there are so many different ones in the catalogues of all streaming sites.