
Touch devices - Avoid losing current queue

Related products: Mobile apps


  1. I'm on a touch device (present case: Android app & iPad app).
  2. I have a queue of multiple songs that I’ve been adding.
  3. I accidentally press a song or the play button of an album.


  1. Suddenly all the songs of the previous queue disappear.
  2. There’s no way to recover the songs form the previous queue.



  • Ask:
    • The song/album is going to play now
      • Do you want to replace the current queue?
      • Or do you want to play it while keeping the current queue?
  • Provide settings to enable/disable these options
    • When pressing new songs while a queue is being reproduced
      • Always ask ​​​​​: ON/OFF
    • If the previous setting is OFF:
      • Replace the songs of the current queue: ON/OFF


Updated idea statusNewNot for now

Hello @Valdemar Pereira de Matos

This is a simple but effective idea. 

Spread the word around you, when it gets a lot of votes we will present it to the other teams :) 

Thanks @Yula 

I’m really surprised that this topic just tays sadly lost without almost any vote… 😟
I even would consider this almost as a bug. Or at least a basic feature to have…

Maybe I’m one of the few clumsy users who’s finger has it’s own life and touches everything except what I need to touch 😅

I’ll try to spread the word.

I am always living in fear of loosing my queue. The struggle is real! I would love to see this feature implemented.