
Sort new releases by date

it would be nice if the new music was really sorted by date. it is then again an album in between what was released a week before and so on.....

There should also be a distinction between album and single.
i have to admit that this is one of the most annoying things on all streaming platforms.none of them are able to sort releases by date WHY
I could not find on deezer the date the album or track was published. There was a task to sort the artist's albums by date, but how it turned out is impossible. I want to suggest developers to add this information, and a field in the list to sort by date.

Thank you all the best!
Hi there @Slavik.Technomages

Thank you for your input and feedback. This is one of the options we may explore. Please vote for the related idea 🙂
Updated idea status In discussion → Not for now