
"My Music" management enhancements (library-oriented)

Among all "big players" on music streaming, Deezer is the only one that still relies on a "playlist-oriented" approach for "My Music" management, rather than a "library-oriented" approach, as Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Music, Napster et al. do.

I would really like to suggest that Deezer improves its "My Music" management system to become more "library-oriented". This enhancement includes:

* Add/Remove/Sync individual tracks from library (Deezer currently only supports adding/removing tracks to/from playlists and sync entire playlists and albums)

* Add another shortcut "Add track to library" along with "Add to favourites"

* New browsing options to library: browse by artist (show all tracks from a given artist which were added to library), by album (show only those tracks added to library), and by track (show, in a single list, all tracks added to library).

Interesting comparison @Krs Sns and this is the right place for it. It's important to hear all approaches on this so that we get it right. I'll be passing your comments directly to the teams involved :v_tone2:

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Very much support this. 


Coming from GPM, it does feel lacking that there’s no “highest level” of hierarchy, i.e library. It was very convenient to have separate favourites and library, and I used them both. I was able to favourite songs not in my library, and add songs to my library without them necessarily being favourites.

I wholeheartedly agree with @Krs Sns. Coming from Apple Music, it’s really nice to have “control” over my library. My Apple Music library was a mess filled with unnecessary albums and artists, just because I added 1 song I liked from an artist or album I have no intention to ever check out again.


Deezer’s (and now Spotify’s) approach is much better IMO because I can add what I want in my library, and not basically get artists or albums “forced” in my library.

This is a really good Idea. I am Casting my vote in this. For some reason, I definitely feel my experience with deezer was different from the conventional without knowing exactly why. Certainly being able to add or remove songs from library, and sorting or grouping by album, artists, etc. will improve users’ experience.

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