
Mark the played/unplayed songs

Kindly mark the songs and tracks that i have opened and heard it , & write for each song i have downloaded the name of the folder i save it in .
Hi there @amir.mohab

Could you explain your idea in a bit more detail? How would the app mark the songs?
Could be with a mark, and show how many times a song has been played
Thanks @walker 😉
Mark song if I've never listened it before
Hi there @Papryk

Thank you for the suggestion. I've moved it here so that your contribution can make this original idea richer. I've left my vote and have amended the title to reflect this 😉
Maybe a check, or as you say, display words in different color or change its background. Also, show a number of how many times has been played. I saw that option in Google Play Music.
I love exploring new music but this takes up a lot of time. It would be really useful if song I have already listened to in the past (regardless of when) can either be filtered on shown in a different colour/ font from songs that are new to me.
Hi there @Jannie de Wet

Thank you for your input. I've moved your comment here so that you can jointly support an existing idea 😉