Have Status Bar Color Match Album Art Color - Android
On Android this is a fairly common thing. The status bar should match the color from the album art. It's sometimes jarring everything is a certain color on screen then the status bar is gray.
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Nice suggestion, I've definitely taken it in. I've now changed its status and voted for it. Let's see what our product team thinks of it once more users vote for it 😉
To be completely honest I'm not entirely sure if that's intended - because iOS has it. But I'll pass the feedback on anyway.
It's a good point, so I'm voting as well.
Also, if it possible make sure the status bar stay white on other screens (in playlist, albums and more) - as long as I didn't select "Dark Mode"
Thank you for your feedback. I've moved it here as both ideas can be considered at once. Please leave your vote, I'll be passing the feedback on 😉
I don't know why this is not implemented, but this is one of the reasons I prefer other streaming companies, first status bar and navigation bar should match album art, see link below to help you understand what I mean (section "edge to edge app content"), second I can't swipe away Deezer from the notification bar like other apps, it's stuck even if music is paused, why?
Look at this, status bar is black, album art is pinkish and navigation bar is dark brown...
Relevant link: https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/gesture-navigation-going-edge-to-edge-812f62e4e83e
Hi there@nemanja98 and @raccoonsarecool
Thank you for your support and input. I'd love to have your votes in this idea too - and as you mentioned@raccoonsarecool it's something Android may help us with
Not for Android, at the top@walker
Ahhh!!! you mean the top bar...i thought theme. As you said in your last answer, that depends on Google’s new releases . For now, they’ve canceled I/O even online.
Not for Android, at the top@walker
Ahhh!!! you mean the top bar...i thought theme. As you said in your last answer, that depends on Google’s new releases . For now, they’ve canceled I/O even online.
what top bar are you guys talking about? are you talking about Android’s status and navigation bars?
its shocking how much of an impact coronavirus has had
That's the impression I've got@raccoonsarecool but @walker and @nemanja98 can explain a bit better if it's different
Because Android has different versions, I can confirm this requires quite some work in development. It isn't planned for the time being, but that can change during the course of this year.
I've asked our devs for more info on it, and they're very keen on doing it. As soon as we're able to prioritise this, we'll let you know here
This is one of the features I expect the most too. I’m eager for a future implementation and it’s good to know devs are aware of it now.
Because Android has different versions, I can confirm this requires quite some work in development. It isn't planned for the time being, but that can change during the course of this year.
I've asked our devs for more info on it, and they're very keen on doing it. As soon as we're able to prioritise this, we'll let you know here
but AndroidX does all the work doesn’t it? And besides, the devs can just go to stack overflow anyway :P
Hahahaha@raccoonsarecool I love your sense of humour. Sure thing. Thank you both @hctrsndvl for your feedback. I believe it could be easier with Android 10 but I'm not a developer.
In any case, our app is made for different Android versions as well - will pass your comments on
Two years nowand the status bar is still black 🥴
Two years nowand the status bar is still black
Why isn’t this implemented yet? Jesus, the Android app os so outdated, looks like a web-wrapper. Every other streaming app has the full screen. Please Dezzer, it’s time.