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Deezer for Android/Google Automotive OS

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  • Tiny Dancer
  • 19 replies
  • February 4, 2022

+1 for this. Shouldn't be too big a Dev job as it should be just a UI port for your android mobile app?


Come on the Dev team, come on the management team allocating $$$ and resources to the dev team..Come on HR recruiting more resources. 


Your community is ready and waiting to do the heavy lifting for you. Help us with these and we'll get you the new and loyal subscribers. 


AAOS & Roon asap pretty please 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • February 10, 2022

So, @Deezer should I stay? Or should I go?


are you planning to be availble for android automotive ? Yes or no?

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 19 replies
  • February 10, 2022

Nothing like starting "you're ahead of the curve" and releasing nothing and not updating the community for A YEAR..... 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • February 15, 2022

I’ve given up an cancelled my subscription on 30th of November 2021. There might be not much users in the first place as beside the Polestar 2 and the new Volvo Recharge cars (XC40/C40) there are not  (yet) that many cars using it.

On the other hand getting the application running on the system is easy so I don’t see the issue here.

I also don’t think Deezer can allow to drive potential (new and old) customers into the arms of Spotify,  Tidal or Google Music (the latest addition) but maybe I’m wrong.

For me the ship has sailed.
Good luck Deezer!

Long term Deezer supporter but my new Volvo XC60 uses Android Auto and does not have Apple CarPlay. Choices are to switch to Spotify or Tidal, both of which are available on Android Automotive. I could use my mobile phone but would have to suffer the bandwidth limitations of Bluetooth, and with the quality hifi b&w speaker system, a direct connection with an embedded deezer app for android automotive o/s would be perfect. Please port over your android auto app to android automotive!!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 4 replies
  • June 19, 2022

Hi, also getting my new xc60 next month… Any news yet?


Watch this space.... Apparently, October! 

  • Runaway Baby
  • 3 replies
  • July 28, 2022

Hey Deezer! As a B&O Enthusiast I am a Deezer User - my new car is going to be a Polstar 2 - any update on the availabilty of the Deezer App for Adroid Automotive? Tidal is there, Spotify is and even Amazon Music. Pleaese makw Deezer available for Polstar 2 and Android Automotive in general - it cannot be to hard.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 4 replies
  • July 28, 2022

And if you need a beta-tester, please contact me….

  • Runaway Baby
  • 5 replies
  • August 5, 2022

Hey @Deezer .
Can you share/provide any updated regarding Deezer support for Android Automotive?
Im about to get me new XC 90 , which this time will come with Android Automotive and as a Deezer HiFi Family user I would still like to use you as my preferred music provider instead of switching to the S…. brand. Unfortunately you cannot use Android Auto  in an Android Automotive environment so I really hope you will deliver an app this autumn?

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • August 24, 2022

More and more car have now android automotive (new Megane) and no Deezer available on it !

Please do not push this update in the “best effort” list of development !

  • Runaway Baby
  • 3 replies
  • August 28, 2022
alt wrote:


do you have at least some official release date of Deezer version for Android Automotive OS? Or have you cancelled the development? @Rudi@Geoffrey Métais Volvo is now putting Android Automotive OS into all their models.



Any updates @Rudi @Geoffrey Métais - I really don‘t want to setup a spotify or tidal account just for my Polstar! Please make the Deezee App happen on Android Automotive

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • September 16, 2022

I would love to see a Deezer app for AAOS. It's pretty disappointing to see this be promised two years ago and to have to progress.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 4 replies
  • September 30, 2022

Any news?

  • 0 replies
  • October 5, 2022

Hello all,

Something is happening. This was posted today in the French speaking community:


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • November 19, 2022

I put in an order for a Polestar 2 a couple of weeks ago and realised I cannot use Android Auto the same way I used to in my last couple of Mercedeses. As a Deezer user for many years I really want to have the Deezer controls up on my car screen. Sad seeing it is so late, but encouraging seeing it might be in the pipe for next year at leats =) Same time also annoying you actually lose some functionality going from Android Auto to Automotive ...

  • Runaway Baby
  • 5 replies
  • November 28, 2022

Same here. I also placed an order for a Polestar 2 which should be delivered next month. I know that the car supports Apple Carplay (with a cable though) which allows drivers to use the Deezer app on the central monitor. However, it'd be awesome to have it directly in Android Automotive to have an amazing seamless experience with the infotainment system.

Been a Deezer customer for many years now, I'm sure you'll come up with this long-awaited feature 😉

  • Runaway Baby
  • 5 replies
  • December 9, 2022
dee_dirk wrote:

Hello all,

Something is happening. This was posted today in the French speaking community:



any updates there on the timeline?

I have a new Volvo with Android Automotive since 10 October 2022 and I am really thinking now about doing the switch to Tidal with my Family HiFi package if Deezer cannot deliver soon.





  • Runaway Baby
  • 5 replies
  • March 6, 2023

HI all,


what is the status of Android Automotive Deezer app, please? Up until now, I didn’t see anything new on it. I am now really considering leaving Deezer HiFi Family and use Tidal instead, since they have an app in Android Automotive store already. Even SoundCloud has an app, but you guys still are not present there. Please let us now when you plan to make an app available there for all of us?




  • Tiny Dancer
  • 4 replies
  • March 8, 2023

Getting a new Volvo and there is no Deezer. For me it is also part of the reason I am looking into Tidal, which has a better app anyway.

I do get that the Volvo/Polestar/Renault driver's market is way too small for Deezer to develop for. And even if there is an app, offline music is impossible. Volvo's (and Polestar's) Google system is just plain stupid as it does not support Android Auto. Apple Car Play is supported. Clearly they want to get you to use the built-in system - which does not work properly if you are not connected.

Renault does support Android Auto as they actually know customers will use their phone.

Are we going somewhere with this? There's still nothing available on Play Store...

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • April 21, 2023

It seems there is something happening, at the german support site you can find an article about connecting deezer to android automotive.

I was thrilled in the first step, but the deezer app is STILL not available over the PlayStore on my Volvo XC60 2022.   

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 5 replies
  • May 21, 2023

Oh Christ… Living life on the fast lane sometimes has its downsides for real… I got my XC40 two days ago and I’m so far pretty disappointed about the selection of available apps. It’s as if Android Automotive is a cat dead in the sack. 

It is annoying as hell that even in 2023 we still have companies that let their customers sit in the rain for months, years even, without any communication. This thread is 2 years old now and besides “yeah we’re on it” there’s nothing. NOTHING. Silence, tumbleweed, no response whatsoever. 

I am a developer myself. What the hell is taking you so long, @Deezer, and what the hell is keeping you from giving us updates? We paid A LOT of money for our cars and still are paying a lot of money for your service. We DESERVE to be informed! We DEMAND to be informed. Otherwise, yeah, sorry, we’ll go to Tidal or Spotify. Luckily you’re not the only streaming service on the market. Just the only one that STILL has not support for Android Automotive.

It’s ridiculous, seriously. Laughable if it wasn’t so sad...

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 5 replies
  • May 21, 2023
gudelaune wrote:

It seems there is something happening, at the german support site you can find an article about connecting deezer to android automotive.

I was thrilled in the first step, but the deezer app is STILL not available over the PlayStore on my Volvo XC60 2022.   

I cannot download the app to my XC40. It’s not available in the Play Store. And it’s certainly not built in.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • July 2, 2023

Deezer is now available in my Google play store in my xc60. Just noticed today..


Who hoo! 
