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Deezer for Android/Google Automotive OS

Deezer should support the Android Automotive OS as it has received a lot of good reviews by those having tried it out - so it is clearly the way to go for car manufacturers.

Spotify is supporting the Android Automotive OS (and has been receiving lots of free advertisement by doing so).

Polestar 2 will be the first car featuring Android Automotive OS, ref.

July 28, 2020

Automotive OS is on its way for Deezer

Automotive OS is on its way for Deezer

Great, I’m waiting on my Polestar 2!

I just took a subscription on Spotify to try in the Polesrar 2. Works great, but I´m giving Deezer some time before I quit and make the switch... Hope there is a Deezer version soon...

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • September 26, 2020

Hey @Alain Senechal 

It'll take some time but we're ahead of the curve on this one, for a change :sweat_smile:

Thank you for your loyalty and support!

Rudi wrote:

Hey @Alain Senechal 

It'll take some time but we're ahead of the curve on this one, for a change :sweat_smile:

Thank you for your loyalty and support!

Thank you for the feedback!

Still no update yet on ETA? On the Spotify app, they did an upgrade to make the streaming quality better. 

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • October 15, 2020

Not yet @Alain Senechal 

Things are progressing but we need more time than the usual due to the size of our team. But everyone is on full gas to get things brought to you in the near future. Stay tuned :wink:

Thanks for the feedback!

  • Runaway Baby
  • November 2, 2020

Sounds great. I will hopefully get my polestar 2 this month. 

Still no news?

  • Runaway Baby
  • November 30, 2020

Apparently no new news. I’ve received my Polestar 2 last week. I will soon switch over to Spotify if it will not be released soon in the App Store. Sorry. But I can’t have a subscription for every different unit. 
Apple Watch 4G play support

Denon Heos 

Polestar 2

at the moment Spotify is the only one which matches all three while Deezer is not not available on demon heos platform 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • January 31, 2021

I am now using Spotify in my Polestar 2.  When will Deezer be available in the android automotive carsystem of the Polestar? 6 months have passed since the start of this thread and still no Deezer there (only when using Bluetooth connection with my mobilephone). 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • February 17, 2021

Hey any Deezer employee here??? Please give answer to the question when Deezer will be available on the Android automotive platform as used in Polestar/Volvo cars. I am waiting………..

Hi there, as more and more car manufacturers join the Android Automotive movement (besides Polestar and Volvo we can count Renault, Ford, Nissan en General Motors) I’d like to know what the release calendar for this is?

Greetings from a Polestar 2 driver!

Really still no news about this?

The silence seems to suggest this isn’t coming or no idea when anymore… 10 months since suggesting it was in progress doesn’t fill me with confidence.

  • Runaway Baby
  • October 10, 2021

Hi Deezer,

I received my new car (Polestar 2) yesterday and was very surprised not to find the Deezer app in Android Automotive OS. Spotify is there (of course), but also Tidal… yet you are nowhere to be found!!

How is this possible?
Please do not force me to switch to Spotify just because you are unwilling to create an Android Automotive version of your app?! More and more cars will use this OS ( so please don’t stay behind on this one!!



Please Deezer don't let me switch to Tidal just because Deezer is not available in my Polestar 2. Honda, Volvo, Polestar, Citroën, DS, Peugeot, Opel, Cadillac, GM, Ford, Renault will all start using AAOS in the near future. Get on it please (I'd be willing to beta test it btw) :)

  • Tiny Dancer
  • October 28, 2021


There is Polestar developer portal ready, so please Deezer, step forward and make the app.

Tidal and Spotify is not for me.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • October 29, 2021

Hey Deezer Team,

also expecting to receive new XC60 with Google Infotainment system in a couple of days. Please make an effort to release a version for this platform as soon as possible. Appreciate it! Thanks.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • November 22, 2021



No hurry Deezer, all competitors will soon have a good lead in the AAOS:


PS. Tidal Hifi Family have now same quality in price 14,95€/month. Cheaper than yours.


  • Tiny Dancer
  • November 30, 2021

I recently took delivery of a Polestar 2 and I really don’t want to use Spotify. Deezer - where is this promised app? It’s been over 1 year, and no updates. Android Automotive is coming to lots of cars soon, and almost every other music service supports it. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • January 15, 2022



I can't wait any more longer. I have changed Deezer today to Tidal Hifi. Works nice on Polestar 2. 

It's a shame that Deezer is not interested to develop AAOS version even they promised to do it. They are in the same category with Spotify Hifi. Promisees, promisees.…


Thx and bye!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • January 21, 2022


do you have at least some official release date of Deezer version for Android Automotive OS? Or have you cancelled the development? @Rudi, @Geoffrey Métais Volvo is now putting Android Automotive OS into all their models.



  • Tiny Dancer
  • January 28, 2022

Bonjour. J’ai reçu ma volvo C40 et j’attends avec impatience la sortie de l’application Deezer pour android automotive ! Merci aux dévelloppeurs. Vous avez une date ?