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Crossfade for Android and Deezer Desktop App

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Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • February 1, 2019
Hi @haroldkel73

Let's see if I get it. Using your example of Armin van Buuren, do you mean all separate tracks as one - a 'mix track' for the whole album? Instead of having them one by one?
In what device do you use Deezer on?

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • February 1, 2019
I use Deezer on my Samsung s9 +

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • February 3, 2019
Hi there @haroldkel73

At the moment our crossfade feature isn't available on Android or Desktop App - only on iOS. We're working on bringing this feature to your device, so perhaps you could join the ideas forum on this topic to show your support.
About the mix albums, Deezer doesn't control the number of tracks or if they're put together as one - the distributors are the ones who think of that, we're just the platform.

Will one day enable the crossfade option in Android?

Noam Asulin
Deezer Legend
  • Bezi since 2017
  • 2435 replies
  • March 5, 2019
It is available on the Beta version .
Go to the beta section in the forum to check how you can join the program :

Can we have a definitive date on this please? I don't want to hear soon or we are developing it just give us android users what we want like you did with iOS? Clearly you prefer iOS users over android?

I think that crossfade function in Deezer should have time transition option with a milisecond or shorter than it to have a better musical experience. What do you think about it? If you agree to share this idea on Deezer forums.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • March 29, 2019
Hi there @Lucas Homero

It seems like an interesting suggestion. Please check our ideas forum and feel free to start your own topic ๐Ÿ˜‰

Oh, i love the cross-fader in the bรจtaversion. I've noticed that 12 secs is just right for me. It gives me a buzz if 2 tracks with the same BPM exactly blend in eachother!
I really hope this will become a standard feature re!

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • April 21, 2019
Hi there @Oliver Reehuis

Thanks for the feedback, that's why you're a beta champ! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Deezer Legend
As this is the thread about Crossfade with the most views, I'm posting my comments here.

1) The method mentioned in this thread for the web player as the Best Answer does not work anymore, the new design does not offer the fader option in the Deezer Labs tab anymore, so you cannot choose an overlap time for blending the tracks into each other.

2) The explanation for Crossfade on the support site is completely wrong. It does not create an artificial pause between connected tracks, but should do the opposite. I already wrote a feedback to that article, but thought I should also mention it here, because there may be misunderstandings about that feature and gapless playback (which would eliminate such artificial pauses created by Deezer apps). If developers also think Crossfade worked that way, they probably assume the problem has already been solved which it has not, as we all know.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 24, 2019
Hey @bluezzbastardzz

Thanks for the detailed feedback, as usual. We're currently working on a report about Gapless to our Product Managers so that they know in detail what our community has said about this so far.
I'll feedback to our team about the article. And you're right, the option isn't available in the web version as it was before. I'll come here with a 'best answer' once I get an update.

Noam Asulin
Deezer Legend
  • Bezi since 2017
  • 2435 replies
  • June 24, 2019
bluezzbastardzz wrote:
As this is the thread about Crossfade with the most views, I'm posting my comments here.

1) The method mentioned in this thread for the web player as the Best Answer does not work anymore, the new design does not offer the fader option in the Deezer Labs tab anymore, so you cannot choose an overlap time for blending the tracks into each other.

2) The explanation for Crossfade on the support site is completely wrong. It does not create an artificial pause between connected tracks, but should do the opposite. I already wrote a feedback to that article, but thought I should also mention it here, because there may be misunderstandings about that feature and gapless playback (which would eliminate such artificial pauses created by Deezer apps). If developers also think Crossfade worked that way, they probably assume the problem has already been solved which it has not, as we all know.

You are right about the first section. By the way it never was part of the Deezer lab section on the web version. An HTML5 checkbox under Settings but both the settings option and the HTML5 option are not available anymore. This is the time to say, it's better to add it back. It was there already. No reason to take away features.

Thx for the heads-up. I'll update the tip I added back then so it won't misleading users.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • July 4, 2019
I switched from spotify to deezer awhile because i like deezers sound quality and song selection...but spotify haf one option i miss. The crossfade option to blend songs together instead of just going from track to track...its a great option from playing music at a party...u could also set the blend time from 1 to 12 seconds...just sayin...thanks!!!

Rob Igo
Alien SuperStar
  • The OG
  • 2978 replies
  • July 4, 2019
Hi @redddawg23

what device are you using? I believe it's already available on iOS, or if you're on beta sign up to the Android Beta programme which also has it. (it's hopefully coming to Desktop in the future!) ๐Ÿ™‚

So I have just been clever for an old guy and updated my Deezer software on my apple pc.

What a mistake. I canโ€™t find the cross fader grrrrrr.

May be time to switch to Spotify

Can you load an earlier version. ??

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • July 10, 2019
I would like to know how we can get this option in Android. It can't be that difficult to add if it already exists on iOS. Why not remove it from the iOS app and add it to the Android app?

Rob Igo
Alien SuperStar
  • The OG
  • 2978 replies
  • July 10, 2019
Hi @Scoobster

it's currently available on the Android Beta app - if you search the forum for "become a beta tester" you'll be able to join and get the beta app ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • July 12, 2019
Rob Igo wrote:
Hi @Scoobster

it's currently available on the Android Beta app - if you search the forum for "become a beta tester" you'll be able to join and get the beta app :)

Thanks Rob. Will definitely check it out.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 14, 2019
Hi there @Paul Kirkley

Sorry for the tardy reply. Officially there isn't a way to load an earlier version. But you can have a look in our forums for workarounds of that kind.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • July 16, 2019
I was listening to ott's "Fairchildren" and the breaks between tracks were not needed for this album. especially that it is recorded to be listened to as one track.

Maybe you could have an optional cross-fade function for such albums. especially for artists who are more on the Ambient side. or perhaps a long track at the end of the album like what was done in "Late night tales: the cinematic orchestra"

Thank you

Rob Igo
Alien SuperStar
  • The OG
  • 2978 replies
  • July 17, 2019
Hi @bqd

Cross fade is currently available on iOS and the Android Beta App (if you wish to be an android beta tester please search this forum for how to apply).

I'm hoping they add it to the desktop version soon ๐Ÿ™‚

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 17, 2019
Hi there @bqd

Please register your support here ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Lover
  • 42 replies
  • August 6, 2019
Yes, while is working smoothly on iOS app, I remember there were also an option to switch it on on the web player few years ago. Then it disappeared.....

please, bring it back also to the desktop/web player!!!

