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Auto-Play-Switch for suggested Songs in Queue

Hey There,

I love Deezer. Overall I find it pretty straightforward and intuitive.

But I wish for more control and intuitive approach in some very basic and important Points:

  • Tapping on a single Song (after Searches, in Playlists, my Favorites,...):

    - Sometimes I want to hear just that song,
    and choose the next songs manually
    -- I can not Use “Add to Queue” because the Queue is auto-filled by Deezer so my next song would start in about 2 hours (and there’s no Option to empty the queue which was already reported as an issue i think)
    -- when I use “Play next” for a row of songs with the feeling: “A would be nice as next song, B afterwards and C after that,… ” I will hear the Songs in opposite order: C,B,A

    - sometimes I’m glad if music continues to play
    and am very happy about deezer suggestions :D

    A very easy Solution to this would be an Auto-Play switch, known to work from YouTube but with even more control if I can look at the suggestions and edit them. You could separate The queue-list in two Areas:

    1st: The real “Queue” or “Live playlist”
    Songs, that were actually chosen by the User (Like a Full Playlist or Album)

    ======== [A Bar With an Auto-Play Switch] ========

    2nd: “Suggested Queue”
    Automatically created Suggestions by Deezer
    (Not to many - like 3-5 songs, so I can swipe stuff out i don’t like before it even starts
    But constantly filling up, for endless playing music)

    It should be great if deezer used mostly the Songs/Information of the “Live playlist” to choose what Suggestions it makes in the 2nd Half. Suggested Songs the User listens to the end could move up to the 1st half and be treated as “accepted”. That way you get close to current wishes and mood of the user.
  • Combined with the ability to save the “Live Playlist” this would be a very straight forward intuitive and fun way to create my own playlists (I think this feature exists for Desktop but not Android, right?)
  • Starting  “Song-Radio” in my Intuition is the concious User-Choice for what Deezer does now when i just tap a song. When I start a Song-Radio I want a Playlist with like 10 Songs. And the chosen Song must come 1st (Which is already reported as issue, too I think. If I want just “alike songs” skipping is really easy here)
    Combined with Auto-play this would also result in endless playing Music → Radio


Waiting for your respones and Ideas, kind regards,
Turtle Purple

11 replies

  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 14 replies
  • July 8, 2021

Just found this thread about the Queue in “Flow-Mode”:

Flow-Mode would integrate perfectly into this Idea. Of course the surprise is a basic Idea of Flow mode, but noone is needed to look into the “upcoming list”/”suggested queue”. Just people who like to have the control over it could use it.

Maybe the Idea of “Auto-Play” could merge the techniques of “Flow-Mode” with the rest of Deezer: As soon as Playback reaches the “Suggested Queue” we could have controls like in “Flow-Mode” with skips, bans, love-votes and “change mood”.

And as the other Thread suggests it would be a popular feature and intuitive to always have control about the queue, add a Song and make it “Play next”

There would be no “invisible wall” between flow-mode and the rest of deezer. The Wall becomes visible and controllable with the “Auto-Play” button.


  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 14 replies
  • July 8, 2021

Could some admin change the title, to make it shorter and easier to understand, like:

Auto-Play-Switch for suggested Songs in Queue

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 5134 replies
  • July 22, 2021

Thanks for the idea and the detailed explanation @TurtlePurple 
feel free to share the idea in related threads in the community in order to gather more votes.:relaxed:

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 5134 replies
  • July 22, 2021
Updated idea status NewIn discussion

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 5134 replies
  • July 22, 2021
The following idea has been merged into this idea:
All the votes have been transferred into this idea.

  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 14 replies
  • September 25, 2021

Hey there,

Came back to see how it's going.

Thanks for updating status and merging votes.

12 votes is okay but not much.

Still think it's relevant for way more people. For example 2 more topics suggested by algorithm here in related topics: /show?tid=59013&fid=44

But they are not ideas, they are questions and feedback.

  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 14 replies
  • September 25, 2021

Another thread with the same problem if I get it right:

"Can I stop next tracks in queue from playing automatically?"

  • Runaway Baby
  • 3 replies
  • January 3, 2022

Please upvote this! To me this a very important feature that is missing. :confused:
Can somebody like @Rudi  pass this to the development team or at least explain a practical way to add multiple songs into the queue in the correct order? 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • March 19, 2022

Yeah, new Deezer convert here. I like Deezer a lot, but there are plenty of issues, too. This post puts words to a lot of the problems I’ve been having.

Please don’t let this issue go by the wayside - the suggested changes would make Deezer so much more enjoyable and would me make me way more likely to push Deezer onto more of my friends!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • October 2, 2022

As a new deezer user I’m struggling hard with this one, when the user select something by hand, this things should be handled and treated accordingly and not just getting added at the end of my 900 songs playlist. Please fix the queue and the auto playing. Also you cannot add songs too a queue when using Chromecast. Or when selecting a song, Chromecast is playing some random stuff, this is a real bad user experience.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 2 replies
  • March 27, 2023

Hello! I´m new to Deezer, just migrated here from Spotify (who’s new UI has placed Tiktok-like video clips on the home screen, autoplaying without the possibility to turn it off, making the app annoying and completely unusable)


It´s quite important for me to be in control and play ONLY the exact song I´ve chosen. Nothing more, nothing less. On both the Android app and Windows desktop app,  Deezer fills my que with algorithm-driven suggestions, though I just wanted to play one single song. I can´t find any way to disable this, am I missing something?


This is a total deal breaker for me, otherwise I´ll have to look around for yet another altenative service now that Spotify´s gone down the drain.
